Monday, July 6, 2015

A Message to America

II Chronicles 7.1-14

2 Chronicles 7:14 if My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 

This passage is God's answer to Solomon's prayer. (verse 12).
The prayer was offered at the dedication of the temple.
The desire of King David has been fulfilled.
After seven years of labor by over 30,000 workers, and the expenditure of billions of dollars, the house now stands in all its glory.
 The day of dedication has been set.
The nation gathered to celebrate.
The priests were praising God with their singing and 120 trumpets.
As their praise and thanksgiving went up to God the glory of the LORD came down and filled the house.
In the center of the court, Solomon had built a small platform of brass about 5 feet high.
Here he stood and addressed the people.
He reminded them of the faithfulness of God.
He then kneeled and with arms out-stretched he addressed God.
He thanked God for His faithfulness.
Declared the purpose of this house.
Not a dwelling place for God but rather a place where people can come and meet God, offer prayer.

It is noteworthy that in the middle of this grand celebration which went on for days a message from the LORD is given. It was a message for Israel. It is a message for America.  It is a message to us this morning.

1. It was God's Word for Israel in Solomon's time.
He spoke it to Solomon.
Oft times right after great success there comes a decline or a complacency.
Proverbs 30:7-9 “Two things I ask of You,  O LORD; do not refuse me before I die: Keep falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. Otherwise, I may have too much and disown youand say, ‘Who is the LORD?'’Or I may become poor and steal,and so dishonor the name of my God. 

They would need it.

With the silver as common as stone the felt need to God was not strong. 
Difficult times are good. They make us call upon the LORD.

Psalm 119:71 It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees. 

The problem with Solomon was the problem with the nation. Those under 30 years of age never knew hard times. They did not know what it meant to go without. Those who were 40 years old by the time Solomon died, those born in his reign knew only affluence, extreme affluence, excessive affluence. This can be intoxicating and misleading.
Interestingly enough he wrote
Proverbs 27:23-24 Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds; for riches do not endure forever, and a crown is not secure for all generations. 

The affluence was part of the nation drifting away from the LORD. In their increase in wealth came this independent spirit. They began to worship as they wanted, not as God had directed. Solomon was key in this: Nehemiah 13:26 Was it not because of marriages like these that Solomon king of Israel sinned? Among the many nations there was no king like him. He was loved by his God, and God made him king over all Israel, but even he was led into sin by foreign women. 

1 Kings 11:4-6, 9 As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the Lord his God, as the heart of David his father had been. He followed Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and Molek the detestable god of the Ammonites. So Solomon did evil in the eyes of the Lord; he did not follow the Lord completely, as David his father had done. The Lord became angry with Solomon because his heart had turned away from the Lord, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice. 

Our nation continues to make laws and engage in practices against God's Word. This week the Oklahoma Supreme court ruled that the Ten Commandments be removed from the Court House. We will continue to see the erosion of the Judeo Christian Influence in the United States unless there is a crying out to the LORD on behalf of believers according to this morning's
 text. Even now the consequences of the sins which have committed are astronomical. 

2. It is God's Word for our nation on this 4th of July Weekend.

The moral decline of America is so evident.
The world in Noah's time
The condition of Sodom and Gomorrah in Abraham's time.
It is evening in Sodom.
The conditions before Jesus comes back.

The economic situation and the ability of a nation that claims the LORD as its God to defend itself will depend on its obedience to the law of God.

Proverbs 14.34 Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people. 

Following God's laws create harmony within and without. They provide security. Let's just take the commandment, "Honor your father and your mother..." I can remember the harmony in the home when I obeyed. Peaceful conversations, accomplishing tasks assigned. When I was disobedient all that was forfeited.  As goes the family so goes the nation. These commandments are the building blocks to social order. When they are taken away we become a house of cards. Took a couple of my grandsons out to dinner the other night... Well behaved. Complimented my kids.

Psalm 11:3 When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?”  II Chronicles 7.14  gives the answer

"How much more of this shenanigans needs to happen before Americans wake up and smell the coffee?

Otherwise, if we continue to be apathetic, when we finally do wake up and go to take action it’ll be too late. America will have long ceased to exist."- Not a religious zealot but rather a secular newspaper.

Ravi Zacharias
America may not be a Christian nation per se, but only the Judeo-Christian worldview could have framed such a nation's ideas and values: "All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights." No other religion or secular assumption can affirm such a statement except the Judeo-Christian worldview. But today that very worldview, on which our systems of government and law are based, is expelled from the marketplace.

Democracies that are unhinged from all sacred moorings ultimately sink under the brute weight of conflicting egos. Freedom is destroyed not only by its retraction; it is also devastated by its abuse.

Pray for America today... Jonathan Kahn, church Facebook page

3. It is God's Word for our church at this time.
Finances are in a crisis condition. I am not asking you to give more. I would never do that.  I don't know who gives what. Haiti giving has been an eye opener however. 

I am asking you to pray.
Humble yourselves.

Seek God's Face
Turn from wicked your wicked ways. "displeasing" 

Proverbs 3.5-6 When we try to figure it out we end up doing the right thing for the wrong reason. (The Greatest Treason)

The LORD''s Supper

1 Corinthians 11:28 Everyone ought to examine themselves before they eat of the bread and drink from the cup. 

Psalm 139:23-24 Search me, O God, and know my heart;Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me,And lead me in the way everlasting. 

For reasons unbeknown to me God has chosen to test us as a body of believers. This is going on in other churches as well regardless of size. Our expenses power, insurance) have increased while our giving has remained the same. We cannot go on much longer like this. We have already cut back in areas we should be paying now. We are going through a time of sifting. let's follow God's Word for us this morning. Let's learn from Israel, pray for our nation and apply this immediately to our church. 

The rainbow, July 4, 2000- My folks' home

July 4, 2015 The finish line at the Bellmore Striders Race

Let's pray and take the LORD's Supper together.

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