Sunday, December 27, 2020
Looking Back To Bethlehem
Looking Back To Bethlehem
Matthew 2.1-12
We need to have one foot in Biblical times and another in contemporary times as we work out our salvation, while both planted firmly in the timeless Christ.
As one pastor said, “Hold the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other.”
If we move too quickly into the New Year we can miss some of the meaning and message of Christmas. This pandemic has made us slow down! It has given me a Christmas of solitude and silence for the most part. I have made my way back to the manger this year.
Pastorally speaking this has been an incredible Christmas. Similar to Holy Week where more happened online than public I stand in awe of God’s Hand at work in all of this. Like the decree from Caesar Augustus forcing Mary and Jospeh to travel 90 miles from Nazareth to Bethlehem when she was about to give birth, so this Pandemic has forced us to improvise in the church and the ministry of the Word and prayer.
My conversation with Dr. Ritter on Christmas Eve.
Let’s linger at the manger. I made my way back to it this year. Let’s come to Bethlehem and see this morning.
This morning let's look back to Christ's first coming, December 25, 0000 AD.
1. Jesus was born in Bethlehem during the time of King Herod.
Jesus was born- The Word became flesh. God in man is now residing.
It was an event in human history.
His Name will be called Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins.
Immanuel, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace
In Bethlehem, its vicinity, municipality, the shepherds were in the fields nearby but Jesus was born in the city, the city of David.
Bread of Life, The Bread that comes down from heaven born in a city whose name means House of Bread
During the time of King Herod, the terrorist. We live in horrific days, but as in the time when Jesus was born, great days of God working in the world, all over the world!
The church, along with everything and everyone else has been challenged in these days. Several churches I know well are now closed, except for online Livestream gatherings. God is calling the church out of the church. This is a time of sifting and rearranging. Like Habakkuk’s time. “You are just going to have to trust me, Habakkuk. You don’t have a choice.”
In fact if you want to see God’s Message to America right now, the Word for Today, read the three chapters of Habakkuk today or this week.
In Bethlehem’s vicinity that night, the night when Christ was born...
2. Shepherds came, witnessed the event, then spread the news about Jesus.
Luke 2.8-20
They hadn't even had a class on how to do it! These men serve as examples. They were the first to see, other than Mary and Joseph, the LORD's Christ. They were eyewitnesses of Jesus' birth.
They came to Bethlehem. As we look back at the manger there and see Christ Jesus, the little LORD Jesus, we see shepherds worshiping and then spreading the news which is exactly the pattern we ought to be in today this morning. We are here to worship. After we leave we are entering into a world that does not know Christ and we are to tell the news around wherever we go.
Their telling raised Messianic hopes. When John the Baptist came 29 1/2 years later, preparing the way, the Shepherds had prepared the way for him! Shepherds are close to the heart of God.
Looking back to Bethlehem we see that...
3. Wise men seek the LORD.
They saw the star and followed it.
They traveled to Bethlehem.
They gave gifts to the LORD.
They worshiped Him.
They listened to the LORD, not Herod.
4. We see this Holy Family in crisis but in the Hands of God.
If we move too fast from celebrating the Advent we miss much. The wisemen took appraoxiamately 2 years to get there. After the event in the manger 2 years of life transpired for Mary and Joseph and Baby Jesus. We know they remained in Bethlehem. Joseph, no doubt, worked as a carpenter. Children have ascended to thrones so perhaps they wondered if Jesus would. Bethlehem is just down the road from Jerusalem. Travel at that time and actually always was difficult for pregnant women and nursing mothers.
When it was time to flee, the fled at night. God was with them.
Life can bring some very trying and painfully hard times to us. Holy people can go through horrific times. The Holy family did. Satan wanted to destroy Jesus as a baby. Revelation 12.1-6 Satan has come to rob, kill and destroy. But the Son of God came to destroy the works of the devil. He will soon crush Satan under your feet shortly (Romans 16.20).
2020 has been a year like no other. It has changed the way we live. People who want to go back to normalcy do not realize that reality never repeats.
With the all the changes prior to the Pandemic, and some had described it like the age of the printing press, the church was the one stable thing in our lives. Now that has changed. But it is not bad. It is different. For instance, we had over 400 people view our Christmas Eve and Day Services online this year. And when I heard people say that they are working their way back to the manger my heart rejoiced!
We can be angry over change, we can long for the good old days but the Bible says that is not wise. We can embrace the change, accept the current reality and continue to follow Jesus. That is what He is calling us to do right now. Read Habakkuk. That is God’s Word for this hour we are in.
We are in a battle.
For now we are tempted, tried and tested, but not tormented! God always gives peace and strength in the storms. Even when we face death He is with us!
Looking back to Bethlehem
Looking ahead to 2021
Looking for a City Whose Architect and Builder is God- the New Jerusalem!
Looking to Jesus the Author and Perfecter of our faith.
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