Sunday, January 25, 2009

The LORD's Day January 25, 2009

Following the Lamb

Revelation 14.1-5

We see Jesus standing here with those who followed Him. The anti Christ has been doing his work (in the previous chapter) of forcing the world to worship him. Here we see Jesus with those who followed Him because they loved Him.

Am I following the Lamb, Jesus Christ?

What does it mean to follow Him?

*Follow the One Who Precedes
*Join Him as His attendant, accompany Him, to join one as a disciple, become or be His disciple
*Side with his party.

John 8.31 Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.”

1. Those Who follow the Lamb Keep Themselves Pure.

We are called to be holy just as God is holy.

II Timothy 2.22 Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.

Psalm 24.3- 5
3 Who may ascend the hill of the LORD ?
Who may stand in his holy place?
4 He who has clean hands and a pure heart,
who does not lift up his soul to an idol
or swear by what is false.

Matthew 5.8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.

Pure motives, motives of love.
I Timothy 1.5 The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.
Matthew 5.43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, 45 that you may be sons of your Father in heaven...
Loving God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and loving others as ourselves, loving others as Jesus loves them is following the Lamb and keeping yourself pure.

James 1.27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. 8 million Christmas shoe boxes to children in over 100 countries around the world.

2. Those Who Follow the Lamb follow Him wherever He goes.

They sing as they go. I like this. Look at verse three They are full of joy and praising God.

They always made following Jesus Wherever He goes sound like suffering. Following Him must be to the worst place and great sacrifice. Sometimes God calls people to some desperate situations and those who follow Him there are filled with joy serving Him. He leads us besides still waters. He makes us lie down in green pastures.

There is a cross to bear- speak about that in a moment.

But there is a fellowship in following. We need to first see that. We are with Him and He is with us!

What a fellowship! We all need to continue to cultivate this fellowship with the Master. That should be something we treasure deeply. Seeing the LORD in all of life brings great joy and comfort to our souls.

With the Lamb. This fellowship with Jesus is with the Lamb of God. We see His wrath in this chapter but it is against those who refuse to repent. We who are following the Lamb have a treasure (eternal life) and part of it manifests itself in walking with Him daily. He is the Lamb of God. Gentle Shepherd, He is meek and humble. He cares for us.

Friendship With Jesus

We have fellowship with one another as we follow Jesus I John 1.7 If we walk in the loght as He is in the light we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son purifies us from all sin.”

With the Church around the corner and around the country and around world.

I love the Christian Connections! We experience them all the time, locally. I ran into a number of Christians this week in my goings out. Some encouraged me others I encouraged.

Wherever we go in this land in which we live there are other believers who are our brothers and sisters. Beach House in Laguna Beach, California.

Go to the other side of the world. Go to China as I have done. There is a church there filled with believers and while there may be a language barrier there is no love barrier! We have fellowship with people who we can’t even speak to because we and they are following the Lamb!

3. Those Who Follow the Lamb Offer Themselves as Living Sacrifices

Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone? A hymn.

Romans 12.1

They do what their Master did. He gave Himself up for us. So we also ought to lay down our loves for each other.

Do we all die a martyr’s death? No, but we all must die to ourselves.

That means putting others before yourself. The most miserable people I know are the self centered ones. Selfishness is a pathway to misery.

On the other hand the most joyful are the most giving. Here LORD I give myself away tis all that I can do!

God has given each of you certain gifts to use in His Kingdom. Your life will be the most joyful when you are using those gifts for Him.

4. Those Who Follow the Lamb Tell the Truth.

Lying is becoming a thing to be admired (if you can get away with it) in our culture. But what God says is wrong is wrong!

We are following the Truth and speak the truth in love. Jesus was and is the Truth. If you are following the Lamb then your life will be marked by certain things:

They keep their word. Their word is good.

They keep their oath even when it hurts.

Following the Lamb is not complicated. It is not possible without belonging to Jesus.
Let’s keep ourselves pure for Him, follow Him wherever He goes, offer ourselves as living sacrifices, keep ourselves from falsehood, Let’s be people of the Truth!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The LORD's Day, January 18, 2009

Refreshing the Hearts of the Saints

Philemon 1-7

When I ran Cross Country and Track we won a number of championships. One of the things I remember is our coach never allowing us to rest on the past victories. We kept going and practicing for the next competition.

The Christian Life is a lot like a marathon. We must stay in shape spiritually, ever increasing our ability. This requires repetition and doing some things over and over again. It requires looking at passages of scripture over and over.

II Peter 1.12-13 So I will always remind you of these things, even though you know them and are firmly established in the truth you now have. 13 I think it is right to refresh your memory as long as I live in the tent of this body, as long as I am here.

We as a church are to a large degree doing what we are looking at this morning. Some have said we are doing it well. But we need to keep on doing it and doing it in an increasing measure. We are talking this morning about this little phrase with huge implications, “Refreshing the Hearts of the Saints.”

I don’t think this is something we necessary intentionally do always. It is more of a fruit of the love of Jesus, the fruit of the Spirit within us.

First, what does it mean to refresh the hearts of the saints?

It means that from time to time all of our hearts need to be refreshed. Can I ask you this morning are you looking for that to happen to you occasionally? We all need it

This means that our hearts can become weary and tired. It means that we need time to be still and know that HE is God. It means that we get to points in our walk with Jesus where we need to expect something from Him in this way.

Sometimes God deals with us directly. Those are precious times and we ponder them and treasure them in our hearts when they happen.

First lines of Psalm 23: The LORD is my Shepherd. I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul. All of these have to do with refreshing hearts. He does this

Other times He uses the Philemons among us. What a tribute Paul gave him.

Let’s be like Philemon Let’s be looking for people who need to have their hearts refreshed?

What specifically was he doing?

1. Refreshing the hearts of the saints means

*Causing one to relax so they can recover and regain their strength.
This is more than just saying, “Relax.” This is taking steps necessary for this to happen. It is proactive. It is doing something for a weary soul.

Cooking a meal for someone or inviting someone to a meal can do this.

Taking over someone’s responsibilities for a brief time can do this or helping them.

Giving a gift certificate for someone to go out to eat can refresh their hearts.

The Middle East can be hot- very hot. Foot washing was a common way of showing hospitality. You know how you can put your feet in some cool water and it brings your whole body temperature down? Add to that the dust that would gather on a persons feet because of the foot attire and you see how this custom could refresh a weary soul. Foot washing became synonymous with any form of serving, particularly that which helped a soul get restored. Jesus set the example for us.
(John 13.12-17)

Jesus literally did this. There are also some wonderful applications was can make to life here on Long Island. Refresh the hearts of the saints

*If you are in a position of authority then permitting one to relax so they can recover and regain their strength. The ten minute break when I worked in retail kept people sharp.

Philemon was in this position. The church met at his house which meant he had to have a sizable home. Paul told him to prepare a guest room which meant this as well. The subject of this letter is a runaway slave which belonged to Philemon... he had some wealth and servants. Those of us in positions of authority have the privilege of relinquishing things in people’s live so to refresh their hearts.

Getting people to relax so they can recover and regain their strength today takes the wisdom of Solomon We are quickly losing that word “relax” from our vocabulary. But it is a Christian grace and gift both the ability to get a person to do that and the act of them doing so. Rest is part of worship. Those with the gift of hospitality and Philemon had it can refresh the hearts of the saints and the whole body of Christ is blessed.

2. Refreshing the hearts of the saints means to keep a person quiet and calm.

Many people are under stress today. Many are under stress beyond their ability to cope. II Corinthians 1.8 Listening is a way we can refresh the hearts of the saints. How I need to be reminded that I need to listen as people share their problems. They are looking for someone to listen.

Some people need to be calmed down. A heart at peace gives life to the body (Proverbs 14.30) A heart that is not at peace brings depression and drags the soul down in despair. A heart that is not at peace is like stagnant water. It needs refreshing springs to come and wash away the doubt and trouble. Let the water of life flow from your heart to a needy soul.

3. Refreshing the hearts of the saints may be as simple as getting someone to rest for a while.

Rest doesn’t come sometimes - most of the time we need to take it Take a day off. Give a person a break. Sit down and do nothing for a while. Be still and know that He is God. Helping others do that refreshes their hearts.

It is the heart that needs to be refreshed. The seat of the emotions, mind and will.

4. Refreshing the hearts of the saints is to get them to wait in patient expectation.

Hearts need to be refreshed when people are in danger of losing their hope.
II Corinthians 1.8 We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about the hardships we suffered in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired even of life. 9Indeed, in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead. 10 He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us, 11 as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.

The hearts of the saints need to be refreshed when they think the LORD is slow in answering their prayers for His Return. The LORD is not slow... II Peter 3.9 The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

The hearts of the saints need to be refreshed when they are not acting in faith. Saints can experience a lapse of faith from time to time. Anytime we lean on our own understanding we are in that. It usually comes in a time of stress or anxiety or in a time of discouragement. Peter, Abraham, John all had them.

Refresh the Hearts of the Saints

Bring the things about that will let that happen.

Be a partner with the Holy Spirit in this good work

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The LORD's Day, January 11, 2009

A Wonderful Promise

Joshua 1

Back in the day, back when I was about 10 years old, one of the things we always did during summer vacation was to go down to the creek, the woods as they were also called. Now filled with houses but back then a wooded area with a stream running through it. It was also where a storm sewer drained into.

This storm sewer emptied the rain into the creek. It was about 5 feet in diameter. We used to get flash lights and walk a few yards into it every time we got our nerve up. One time one of the guys who hung with us walked about 50 feet into it. We were all cheering him on from the entrance. There were rumors you could walk all the way to Jones Beach in it, but they were only rumors (I think!). I can still see the whole thing in my mind. It was, to say the least, very mysterious and yet irresistible to the young. It had a way of getting our curiosity up. Walking into the unknown and the darkness was a draw to the children.

This is much how the future can be for us. As Art reminded us so well last week we are in a time of great change. But a new year even back before all the change began to happen had an element of the unknown, like walking into the a dark tunnel and not knowing what was ahead.

Joshua 1 has been used by many pastors to encourage their congregations to lean on the LORD and trust Him for victory in life’s challenges when facing a New Year. I myself have used it.

The history of Israel up to Joshua’s time is a little like that storm sewer in Bellmore. The known and unknown had frightened Israel and turned them back from the portal of entry into the Land God promised them.

I want to draw your attention to a wonderful promise God had made to His people. It is in the 5th verse.

1. I will be with you

Consider Who is saying this Someone 1,300 miles away told me that they are there for me this week. They have been praying for me. I believe they have and I am thankful. But I haven’t talked to them in over 15 years now. It was nice but is not worth comparing to what we have with the LORD...

Now when Jesus says I will be with you... totally different Totally! Fellowship!

The LORD is saying to Joshua I am going to fulfill my promises to you and the people. I was with the one who lead the people out of Egypt and I will be with you the one who will lead them on into the Promised Land.

The Promise of His Presence...
What does it mean?

It means He personally in all His Power and Providence are going to journey with us
It not only means we will not be alone (although it means that as well)
Never alone... Jesus is with us. He is there and is a Friend that sticks closer than a brother.

He is with us in all of life (and death).

*He is with us in good times. It is sad that many do feel the need of Him then. Those were the warnings just given to Israel before Moses died.

We have a need to thank Him and praise Him. It is a good thing for us! Israel’s failure.. The Church at Laodecia’s failure- was to realize where all their blessings came from. Give Him praise. Give Him thanks today. Do everything without complaining or arguing,(Philippians 2.14)

*He is with us in life’s challenges. Some things we may not be able to handle. God will helps us! I can do everything through Him who gives me strength. (Philippians 4.13) I need the strength of the LORD every day.

*He is with us in life difficulties.
Our prayer list is full. We pray for the families of these who are sick, knowing God will help them.
Grief and Sorrow
The valley of the shadow of death. My Aunt Vivian is close to going home to be with the LORD. My cousins all know Jesus. I prayed with her youngest daughter and we had hope this past week as we get ready to begin another journey through that familiar valley.

* He is with us in Life’s uncertainties.
This New Year is fraught with them. Unemployment just hit 7.2%, the highest in 16 years. But God is with us. He will provide. I attended Bible College in the mid to late 70's. There was double digit unemployment and inflation. Things were tough. I remember how the LORD provided for me with an excellent job and finding a good place to rent right in the midst of what they came to call the misery index.

I don’t know what is going to happen this year but I know the LORD’s Promise. It is that He will be with us. Things may not go the way we had wished. Sometimes they go better. Sometimes we have to face disappointment. But we do not lose hope. We are not committed to everything going the way we think it should. That is selfish. We are committed to the LORD. We trust His Sovereignty. He has promised He would be with us each step of the way. For Joshua there were going to be challenges. There were going to be tough times and battles. We can face these if Jesus leads us and goes with us and He has promised He will!

2. I will never leave you.

If you have known the pain of being “dropped” by a person you thought was your friend, you’ll never have to face that with the LORD. He will not drop you or let you down.

On the train this week I overheard a young man talking on his cell phone to a friend. He was heading into the city to meet this young lady he had met a few weeks ago in New Jersey. They were having their first date. All the arrangements were made. His mom said to him as he left, “Suppose she doesn’t show up?” He said to his friend, “Way to build up my confidence, Mom!”

You will never be disheartened because of the LORD. Circumstances might bring that on but He will strengthen your heart.

If you follow Jesus God will not withdraw His Presence from you.
He will not abandon you. What about Job?! Read Job 38-39

He will not let go of you. It is interesting how often we feel like we are holding onto Him, only to find out later it is He Who has been holding onto us! These are Wonderful Awakenings! The times when He overwhelms us with His Grace and lets us know He is with us.

3. I will never forsake you.

He will never leave you. He will be with you always!

He will never leave you behind.
We had a term when I was a kid called a flat leaver. That was someone who in the middle of an event would just take off and leave to go and play with someone else. We would yell out, “Flat Leaver!”

Jesus leads us in such a way that He keeps us close. The weak and struggling are not pushed aside. In fact Paul admonishes us: We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. Romans 15.1
Our faith takes care of the weakest among us.

He will not neglect you

He will not desert you.

What a Wonderful Promise!

What a Wonderful Promise for the New Year!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Coming of the Wise Men

Since we have a guest speaker this morning I encourage you to read this message from Spurgeon:

I was so impressed by the message our District Superintendent, Art Alexander, brought that I m posting the notes I took:

Things That Never Change
Romans 8.28

We are either operating out of fear or love.

There are over 2,000 different fears or phobias that people have today.

One is fear of change. The loss of a loved one/ the loss of a job/ other changes

How do we handle the stress of change?

1. Everything is moving faster

Progress speeds things up. We know in split second timing what is going on around the world.
King George
IV on July 4, 1776 wrote in his diary, "Nothing much happened today"

2. Every decision is more complicated because of all the choices we now have.

3. Every value is being challenged.
Patriotism, Family

The author of Future Shock wrote, "When people go through rapid change they need Islands of Stability."

Three Things That Never Change

1- God's Love Never Changes
In Malachi the LORD said, "I the LORD do not change
Jeremiah tells us that the LORD loves us with an everlasting love.
He never gets tired of you.
He is consistent.
His love is not based on our performance. It is based on His character.
Nothing can separate us from God's love.

2- God's Word Never Changes
Isaiah speaks of this
Jesus said that heaven and earth will pass away but His Words will never pass away.

3- God's Purposes Never Change
God knows what is going ton happen
How He works out His purpose is mysterious to us
Psalm 33.1

Accept His Love
Believe His Word
Cling to Purposes