Refreshing the Hearts of the Saints
Philemon 1-7
When I ran Cross Country and Track we won a number of championships. One of the things I remember is our coach never allowing us to rest on the past victories. We kept going and practicing for the next competition.
The Christian Life is a lot like a marathon. We must stay in shape spiritually, ever increasing our ability. This requires repetition and doing some things over and over again. It requires looking at passages of scripture over and over.
II Peter 1.12-13 So I will always remind you of these things, even though you know them and are firmly established in the truth you now have. 13 I think it is right to refresh your memory as long as I live in the tent of this body, as long as I am here.
We as a church are to a large degree doing what we are looking at this morning. Some have said we are doing it well. But we need to keep on doing it and doing it in an increasing measure. We are talking this morning about this little phrase with huge implications, “Refreshing the Hearts of the Saints.”
I don’t think this is something we necessary intentionally do always. It is more of a fruit of the love of Jesus, the fruit of the Spirit within us.
First, what does it mean to refresh the hearts of the saints?
It means that from time to time all of our hearts need to be refreshed. Can I ask you this morning are you looking for that to happen to you occasionally? We all need it
This means that our hearts can become weary and tired. It means that we need time to be still and know that HE is God. It means that we get to points in our walk with Jesus where we need to expect something from Him in this way.
Sometimes God deals with us directly. Those are precious times and we ponder them and treasure them in our hearts when they happen.
First lines of Psalm 23: The LORD is my Shepherd. I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul. All of these have to do with refreshing hearts. He does this
Other times He uses the Philemons among us. What a tribute Paul gave him.
Let’s be like Philemon Let’s be looking for people who need to have their hearts refreshed?
What specifically was he doing?
1. Refreshing the hearts of the saints means
*Causing one to relax so they can recover and regain their strength.
This is more than just saying, “Relax.” This is taking steps necessary for this to happen. It is proactive. It is doing something for a weary soul.
Cooking a meal for someone or inviting someone to a meal can do this.
Taking over someone’s responsibilities for a brief time can do this or helping them.
Giving a gift certificate for someone to go out to eat can refresh their hearts.
The Middle East can be hot- very hot. Foot washing was a common way of showing hospitality. You know how you can put your feet in some cool water and it brings your whole body temperature down? Add to that the dust that would gather on a persons feet because of the foot attire and you see how this custom could refresh a weary soul. Foot washing became synonymous with any form of serving, particularly that which helped a soul get restored. Jesus set the example for us.
(John 13.12-17)
Jesus literally did this. There are also some wonderful applications was can make to life here on Long Island. Refresh the hearts of the saints
*If you are in a position of authority then permitting one to relax so they can recover and regain their strength. The ten minute break when I worked in retail kept people sharp.
Philemon was in this position. The church met at his house which meant he had to have a sizable home. Paul told him to prepare a guest room which meant this as well. The subject of this letter is a runaway slave which belonged to Philemon... he had some wealth and servants. Those of us in positions of authority have the privilege of relinquishing things in people’s live so to refresh their hearts.
Getting people to relax so they can recover and regain their strength today takes the wisdom of Solomon We are quickly losing that word “relax” from our vocabulary. But it is a Christian grace and gift both the ability to get a person to do that and the act of them doing so. Rest is part of worship. Those with the gift of hospitality and Philemon had it can refresh the hearts of the saints and the whole body of Christ is blessed.
2. Refreshing the hearts of the saints means to keep a person quiet and calm.
Many people are under stress today. Many are under stress beyond their ability to cope. II Corinthians 1.8 Listening is a way we can refresh the hearts of the saints. How I need to be reminded that I need to listen as people share their problems. They are looking for someone to listen.
Some people need to be calmed down. A heart at peace gives life to the body (Proverbs 14.30) A heart that is not at peace brings depression and drags the soul down in despair. A heart that is not at peace is like stagnant water. It needs refreshing springs to come and wash away the doubt and trouble. Let the water of life flow from your heart to a needy soul.
3. Refreshing the hearts of the saints may be as simple as getting someone to rest for a while.
Rest doesn’t come sometimes - most of the time we need to take it Take a day off. Give a person a break. Sit down and do nothing for a while. Be still and know that He is God. Helping others do that refreshes their hearts.
It is the heart that needs to be refreshed. The seat of the emotions, mind and will.
4. Refreshing the hearts of the saints is to get them to wait in patient expectation.
Hearts need to be refreshed when people are in danger of losing their hope.
II Corinthians 1.8 We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about the hardships we suffered in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired even of life. 9Indeed, in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead. 10 He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us, 11 as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.
The hearts of the saints need to be refreshed when they think the LORD is slow in answering their prayers for His Return. The LORD is not slow... II Peter 3.9 The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
The hearts of the saints need to be refreshed when they are not acting in faith. Saints can experience a lapse of faith from time to time. Anytime we lean on our own understanding we are in that. It usually comes in a time of stress or anxiety or in a time of discouragement. Peter, Abraham, John all had them.
Refresh the Hearts of the Saints
Bring the things about that will let that happen.
Be a partner with the Holy Spirit in this good work
Bring the things about that will let that happen.
Be a partner with the Holy Spirit in this good work
Really good. I'm going to print this out and re-read it several times.
Thanks John. May we continue to refresh the hearts of the saints!
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