Sunday, January 11, 2009

The LORD's Day, January 11, 2009

A Wonderful Promise

Joshua 1

Back in the day, back when I was about 10 years old, one of the things we always did during summer vacation was to go down to the creek, the woods as they were also called. Now filled with houses but back then a wooded area with a stream running through it. It was also where a storm sewer drained into.

This storm sewer emptied the rain into the creek. It was about 5 feet in diameter. We used to get flash lights and walk a few yards into it every time we got our nerve up. One time one of the guys who hung with us walked about 50 feet into it. We were all cheering him on from the entrance. There were rumors you could walk all the way to Jones Beach in it, but they were only rumors (I think!). I can still see the whole thing in my mind. It was, to say the least, very mysterious and yet irresistible to the young. It had a way of getting our curiosity up. Walking into the unknown and the darkness was a draw to the children.

This is much how the future can be for us. As Art reminded us so well last week we are in a time of great change. But a new year even back before all the change began to happen had an element of the unknown, like walking into the a dark tunnel and not knowing what was ahead.

Joshua 1 has been used by many pastors to encourage their congregations to lean on the LORD and trust Him for victory in life’s challenges when facing a New Year. I myself have used it.

The history of Israel up to Joshua’s time is a little like that storm sewer in Bellmore. The known and unknown had frightened Israel and turned them back from the portal of entry into the Land God promised them.

I want to draw your attention to a wonderful promise God had made to His people. It is in the 5th verse.

1. I will be with you

Consider Who is saying this Someone 1,300 miles away told me that they are there for me this week. They have been praying for me. I believe they have and I am thankful. But I haven’t talked to them in over 15 years now. It was nice but is not worth comparing to what we have with the LORD...

Now when Jesus says I will be with you... totally different Totally! Fellowship!

The LORD is saying to Joshua I am going to fulfill my promises to you and the people. I was with the one who lead the people out of Egypt and I will be with you the one who will lead them on into the Promised Land.

The Promise of His Presence...
What does it mean?

It means He personally in all His Power and Providence are going to journey with us
It not only means we will not be alone (although it means that as well)
Never alone... Jesus is with us. He is there and is a Friend that sticks closer than a brother.

He is with us in all of life (and death).

*He is with us in good times. It is sad that many do feel the need of Him then. Those were the warnings just given to Israel before Moses died.

We have a need to thank Him and praise Him. It is a good thing for us! Israel’s failure.. The Church at Laodecia’s failure- was to realize where all their blessings came from. Give Him praise. Give Him thanks today. Do everything without complaining or arguing,(Philippians 2.14)

*He is with us in life’s challenges. Some things we may not be able to handle. God will helps us! I can do everything through Him who gives me strength. (Philippians 4.13) I need the strength of the LORD every day.

*He is with us in life difficulties.
Our prayer list is full. We pray for the families of these who are sick, knowing God will help them.
Grief and Sorrow
The valley of the shadow of death. My Aunt Vivian is close to going home to be with the LORD. My cousins all know Jesus. I prayed with her youngest daughter and we had hope this past week as we get ready to begin another journey through that familiar valley.

* He is with us in Life’s uncertainties.
This New Year is fraught with them. Unemployment just hit 7.2%, the highest in 16 years. But God is with us. He will provide. I attended Bible College in the mid to late 70's. There was double digit unemployment and inflation. Things were tough. I remember how the LORD provided for me with an excellent job and finding a good place to rent right in the midst of what they came to call the misery index.

I don’t know what is going to happen this year but I know the LORD’s Promise. It is that He will be with us. Things may not go the way we had wished. Sometimes they go better. Sometimes we have to face disappointment. But we do not lose hope. We are not committed to everything going the way we think it should. That is selfish. We are committed to the LORD. We trust His Sovereignty. He has promised He would be with us each step of the way. For Joshua there were going to be challenges. There were going to be tough times and battles. We can face these if Jesus leads us and goes with us and He has promised He will!

2. I will never leave you.

If you have known the pain of being “dropped” by a person you thought was your friend, you’ll never have to face that with the LORD. He will not drop you or let you down.

On the train this week I overheard a young man talking on his cell phone to a friend. He was heading into the city to meet this young lady he had met a few weeks ago in New Jersey. They were having their first date. All the arrangements were made. His mom said to him as he left, “Suppose she doesn’t show up?” He said to his friend, “Way to build up my confidence, Mom!”

You will never be disheartened because of the LORD. Circumstances might bring that on but He will strengthen your heart.

If you follow Jesus God will not withdraw His Presence from you.
He will not abandon you. What about Job?! Read Job 38-39

He will not let go of you. It is interesting how often we feel like we are holding onto Him, only to find out later it is He Who has been holding onto us! These are Wonderful Awakenings! The times when He overwhelms us with His Grace and lets us know He is with us.

3. I will never forsake you.

He will never leave you. He will be with you always!

He will never leave you behind.
We had a term when I was a kid called a flat leaver. That was someone who in the middle of an event would just take off and leave to go and play with someone else. We would yell out, “Flat Leaver!”

Jesus leads us in such a way that He keeps us close. The weak and struggling are not pushed aside. In fact Paul admonishes us: We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. Romans 15.1
Our faith takes care of the weakest among us.

He will not neglect you

He will not desert you.

What a Wonderful Promise!

What a Wonderful Promise for the New Year!


John said...

Really good. We need to hear this, heading into such an unpredictable year. i'm glad God is by my side in that storm sewer.

Larry said...

: )