Sunday, May 17, 2009

The LORD's Day May 17, 2009

Do Not Worry About The Future!
Matthew 6.19-34

Worry is something that can grip our hearts and minds and make us unfruitful in God’s Kingdom as well as life in general.

Worry is really an inward disposition but it flows out into nervous habits and can even cause health problems. It works against our bodies disrupting things inside. The saying worried sick is an accurate one.

Worry is a sin. It misses the mark of trusting in God and puts us in the place- the horrible place of leaning on our own understanding or trying to figure our problems or needs out. Psalm 37.8 do not fret—it leads only to evil. Fretting puts me out of step with God’s Spirit.

It is noteworthy that Jesus is speaking about worrying shortly after He speaks of giving to the needy and right after He talks about laying up treasure in heaven. This is a manifesto of life in Christ: Give, Give and lay up treasure in heaven. Do not worry about your needs. You do these things and work diligently and your needs will be taken care of. He has also spoken to us about prayer in the previous section. You have heard of the saying Why pray when you can worry?

This talk Jesus is giving on worrying really begins with giving and then trusting God. If we serve Him fully we have the right to expect Him to take care of us completely.
HE has promised that He would and He is faithful to all His Promises.

1. Giving to God in Secret Brings Open Rewards. vs.3-4

Not always monetary but sometimes.

There is great joy and peace that come from giving back to God what He has blessed us with. Giving is a way that connects us with God’s Worldwide work... a wonderful way.

Having secrets with God is very cool! Our personal life ought to be full of the LORD!

He recompenses us. He gives back to us.

He blesses us in ways we never dreamed of.

James 1.17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights

We need to die to applause and approval of people. We need to be sure we are not addicted to affirmation. When it is just Jesus and you there is a glory and blessing that comes down from heaven.
Perfect gifts include peace. Isaiah 26.3 You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You.
2. Serving the LORD means all our needs will be met.

Philippians 4.19 And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.

Physical/Material, Emotional, Spiritual
The date May 12th will never be the same for my family... called my Mom that morning... The rainbow Tuesday night - 9 years to the day of Mark’s death, a double one... After my brother died I began making my own cards for family members. My nephew had made a picture for me of a rainbow with the saying, “God Keeps on Working”. He said, “Remember Uncle Larry we heard that when my dad died?” I honestly don’t remember- it could have been an angel! Lucy and I have that little picture of the rainbow hanging up in the kitchen. I put the rainbow on the back of my cards with the verse from Psalm 145.13 The LORD is faithful to all His Promises. This Tuesday God confirmed His Word to me with a double rainbow. Lucy and I were in awe of it.

Think of all the times when Satan told you that you would not make it and you were tempted to agree with him. All of those times, the LORD came through for you!

3. Jesus tell not to worry about what we have need of. vs. 25

Therefore connects the previous section. Jesus is saying some things we may not have heard before:
1. What you serve is your master. Your master determines your life’s thoughts and activities and goals.

2. Worrying about money is not serving God it is serving money. Money has mastered you. It is your master.

3.If I fret over a situation and try to humanly figure it out, money is my master and I am not serving and trusting God over it.

It is significant that this talk on worry comes shortly after prayer. Prayer wards off worrying Philippians 4.6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
4. He gives examples from nature vs.26, 28-29

The birds of air
They do not sow.
They do not reap.
God takes care of them.

The LORD cares for them.

The lilies of the field.

They do not labor.
They do not spin.
God clothes the grass with them.

God takes care of all heaven and earth! Even those they will pass away His Words will never pass away!

Great in Thy Faithfulness... The seasons, the planets, Join with all nature in manifold witness! To His great faithfulness, mercy and love.

These examples correspond to our needs.
5. Tomorrow will worry about itself. v.34

I like that! Let tomorrow do the worrying! Leave the heartache and headache of worrying to tomorrow. If you don’t feel right unless someone is worrying (and I have met people who worry when there is nothing to worry about), let tomorrow worry about itself.

malice, ill-will, desire to injure
wickedness, depravity
wickedness that is not ashamed to break laws

There is certainly enough of that around today so let tomorrow have its anxiety - don’t you pick it up!

Do not worry about the future. He is the Alpha and the Omega!

Do not worry about what will happen, it will not be long until traveling days are

Do not worry, do not fret. God has never failed you yet and He never will.


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Pastor Mancini! I am a member of Patchogue Church of the Nazarene, but sometimes my arthritis makes it difficult to get moving early enough to get there! This morning I got to read your sermon and be blessed by it! Thanks to God for your faithfulness, and even more for His faithfulness!

Larry said...

Praise God for His faithfulness! In fact we ended the service just an hour ago by signing, "Great Is Thy Faithfulness!"

I am go glad you were blessed by the message. That is why I created the blog! I hope you have relief from the arthritis. I imagine the current weather is adding to the discomfort.

God bless you!