Sunday, May 3, 2009

The LORD's Day

Perfect Love

Matthew 5.38-48

I am trembling as I begin this message. This is the meat of the Word of God. This is a subject that is very dangerous to speak about because we could end up putting burdens on people that Jesus never meant for us to bear. On the other hand if we fail to proclaim this then we are not proclaiming the whole counsel of God. We are walking a tight rope this morning as share together in the words of our Master.

The best way to approach this is to go right into God’s Word this morning and look at this truth square in the eye. I love the way God’s Spirit calls us to do just that!

Jesus had been teaching His disciples, His followers on north shore of the Sea of Galilee. So far in this Sermon on the Mount He has turned ideas, religious ideas upside down.

When it comes to this matter of loving like God loves it almost appears that Jesus is giving us something too high to attain to. He finishes with the statement in verse 48 that we are to be perfect as our Father in heaven is perfect. He is talking about loving like God loves.

1. This means that instead of revenge we are going to surrender to the LORD’s Way. v.38-39

This involves yielding to His Spirit. Yielding to the point that we are going the opposite way of our nature, our sinful nature!

We so often want to settle scores. We are to seek justice for others but allow the LORD to be our Counselor and Defender. He has a way of making things right that goes way beyond our ability.

If we are going to be what God wants us to be we can’t be constantly worrying about ourselves and our rights and our needs. There comes a point where we must trust the LORD because of Who He is!

Revenge is horrible for many reasons. Surrender to God’s way is always sweet in the end. In fact with revenge what appears to be sweet turns out to be bitter and with surrender what appears to be bitter turns out to be sweet. Mrs. D’ Nofrio
I John 4.18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

Jesus is speaking here of surrendering our rights so we can be about the work of the kingdom. Abraham is such a wonderful example in this: Genesis 13.5-18

Lots chose grass, Abraham chose God.

2. In this Litigation Happy Society We as believers are going to be more concerned about reflecting the love of God. v.40-42

What does the world need more of- lawsuits or God’s love?

I think one of the things Jesus is instructing us in is not to get all caught up with life and it s possessions and problems. We need to hear this today! I need to hear this today- everything we own here on earth is going burn one day. I need to remember that! Luke 12.13-15 Two brothers battling over their father’s inheritance. Jesus was talking about being brought before the courts on account of Him!

We should be much more concerned with people’s eternal souls that winning a lawsuit in a court case! God help us!

3. We are following Jesus in loving our enemies.v.43-48

But first we are loving those closest to us. Are the ones we are closest to believe in our religion the most? Our family and friends and neighbors know us best. What do they think of our faith?

Then we face this impossible (humanly speaking) task of loving those who hate us.
This is a great challenge and requires the work of God’s Spirit. This is not toleration.

He is speaking of surrendering because that will be good for us and provide a witness to others.

We cannot hate them. This is not right. Some us may need to repent this morning of people we secretly hate.

I do not mean to minimize human pain. Man’s inhumanity to man can be emotional abuse. We all have sinned and we all have been sinned against.

Through the power of God’s Spirit and only through His Spirit we will love them.

Love is the fruit of the Spirit. Galatians 5.22 Fruit must develop. Sweetness sometimes is the final thing that happens... the orange, the apple.

Love is the fulfillment of the law and the prophets. Romans 13.10

There are times when we need to pray the LORD’s prayer in asking for forgiveness when we fall short of perfect love. Perhaps this is why that prayer is prayable each day!

Let’s keep loving one another and seeking to be like Jesus!

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