Jesus’ Unalterable Promise for the Church
Matthew 16.13-20
Jesus took His disciples way up north in Israel. They were in the region of Caesarea Philippi. He asked them who men were saying He was. Then He asked them the greatest question anyone could ever be asked and one everyone will have to give an answer to one day: Who do you say I am?
With the blessing on Peter came a statement by the Master about the church. It is a unique promise.
1. There is no condition to this promise.
Many promises have conditions and we have to meet those conditions to receive the benefits. For instance "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." I John 1.9 We must confess to receive the forgiveness God offers. It is an act of humility and contrition. But this promise of Jesus has no "if" attached. He is going to build His Church no matter what. I like that! As we will see in a moment that doesn’t mean that we sit around and do nothing, quite the contrary. The LORD works through people to build His Church.
This creates problems. If a church in the nation or a denomination loses its way and stops following its LORD we see strong words from Jesus in Revelation about the need for that church to repent. If it does not the LORD will build His church but He will do it with another group of people. That is precisely what has happened throughout the church’s history and what is happening today.
For a long time the church in the United States was the missionary sender and we still are sending missionaries Jon and Margaret Scott were sent) but at the same time missionaries are coming here and we need them!
The church must rely on the LORD. If it refuses He raises up a group that will- we see Him doing so in this very chapter!
No "if"
2. The power of the love Jesus has for the church is here.
The Pharisees asked for some miraculous sign. Can you imagine what Jesus could have done? He never used His power (still doesn’t) to entertain or please sinful requests. They were testing Him- much in the same way Satan had done in the beginning of this gospel when he tempted the Master.
They didn’t know the power of God. The power of God often shows up like it did with Jesus on the cross in the power of love and forgiveness. We see Him speaking of that at the end of this chapter.
Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her culminated on the cross.
How is love demonstrated? You lay down your life for the person you love. You sacrifice for those you love. Show me where you are spending extra time and putting forth extra effort and spending money and I will show you your love. It isn’t right to say you love the LORD if you are more passionate about other things and He gets leftovers.
The power of love is a wonderful and great power.
No other force is so great as love.
It is a sustaining force.
Love can keep a person going long after their natural strength is gone. I have watched this in hospitals when someone is sick and their loved ones are with them.
It is a conquering force.
We have seen how it can overcome bitterness and hatred and unforgiveness.
It is an immutable force.
Love doesn’t change. Shakespere said, "It does not alter when it alterations doth find."
Love doesn’t change. Shakespere said, "It does not alter when it alterations doth find."
3. Jesus is the builder
If man starts doing the building of the church apart from the LORD it is wood, hay and straw.
If man starts doing the building of the church apart from the LORD it is wood, hay and straw.
I Corinthians 3.11For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 12 If any man builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, 13 his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man's work.
What happens when fire hits wood, hay or straw? It is consumed. What happens when it hits gold, silver or diamonds? It is purified and made better.
God’s Work is to be done in God’s Way. It is actually He Who does the work Jesus is the only One Who can say "I will build My Church," for a number of reasons.
Ephesians 2.10 For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Ruth grew up there as her dad worked in a hospital. As I a reading the book it is very evident that like those before him such as Hudson Taylor, also a medical doctor, his primary work was that of sharing the good news. I also get the sense that this was all prepared by the LORD, which it was.
4. The church is built with the souls that confess that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God.
Peter made the great confession. He was the first to confess Who Jesus was. Jesus tells us it was God the Father Who actually revealed it to Peter.
God the Father through His Spirit calls people to believe on Jesus. The church is being built as people respond and believe. The body of Christ is built up.
It is also built up spiritually as its members grow and become strong in the Savior’s love and in His Word.
Ephesians 4.11-16
5. The Gates of Hell will not prevail against the church.
Grk Word for gates is pulay. It is the entrance place of the city. It was also the place where the elders of city would come to meet and make plans for the city.
We see it in:
Proverbs 31. 23 Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.
prevail= to be strong to another’s detriment
to be superior in strength
The Gates of Hell will not prevail against the church because Jesus said so!
Jesus said so because He is the Master of Love and He knows the power of love. People keep serving Him, even more when it is difficult to!
Jesus said so because He is he builder and He knows everything.
Jesus said so because He is LORD of everything. All authority has been given to Him in heaven and on earth.
I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it!
"Onward Christian Soldiers"
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