Jacob’s Vow
Genesis 25.19-34
Genesis 26.34-28.22
Genesis 26.34-28.22
Jacob was a heel grasper, a supplanter, the Hebrew= Jacov. He began life this way fighting with his brother in his mother, Rebekah’s womb, and even in birth and onto adulthood. God began to really work with him after he had gotten his brother so mad his life was in danger.
Jacov was reaping what he sowed. The interesting thing about Jacob is that he was wanting what was good but he was trying by his own power and cunning to bring it about. That is always a dangerous and often time destructive thing to do.
I love the fact the LORD loved this guy. In fact, as we know, his name was changed to Israel and the nation that bears his name today are actually his descendants, the children of Israel. The LORD sees people not only for what they are but for what they are to become through His grace.
He got himself in a situation where he needed help and God began to seek him out. When He got his attention He laid out some key promises and Jacob responded.
He got to Bethel and had that famous dream of the ladder, that stairway if you will, that went from earth to heaven with angels going up and down it. It wasn’t just a dream but we don’t have time to get into that this morning.
What I want to call your attention to is the vow Jacob made to the LORD. This vow applies to us. Jacob was reciting back to the LORD with "ifs" which the LORD actually promises to all who follow Him.
Many go through similar experiences that Jacob did. Living life by our own wits, trying to manipulate things, wrestling with God. God is faithful in these times. They were still up ahead for Jacob. Look at the promises He made to God which are really the promises God makes to us!
1. God will be with you. v.20a
The promise of God’s Presence is permeated throughout the Bible.
He will be with you. He is with you!
There is a difference between being conscious of His Presence and being confident of His Presence.
He will reveal Himself to you as you obey Him. John 14.21
God comes to us today through His Holy Spirit.
Angels are messengers and they are descending even now.
The LORD makes each new day. He is with us moment by moment.
I pray that you will experience more and more of an awareness of His Presence in these last days.
2. God will watch over you. v.20b
This word watch (shamar) means: to keep, to guard, to pay attention to.
He keeps us from many things. We had a near accident the other day.
He guards us. He limits the enemy in what he can do. His Word guards us from false teaching. His peace guards our hear hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus.
He pays attention to us. Emma was over the other day as well as Rudy. When I was talking to Rudy I wasn’t paying as careful attention to her as and she knew it. We never have this problem with the LORD. He listens closely all the time. That is why we can pray without ceasing and He hears us!
It also means to treasure up memories (Poppa’s Journal).
The LORD is treasuring up memories of us. I was telling Jon and Margaret, the missionaries, about painting a fence this week with 2 of my grandchildren. What would have been a one hour job took the whole morning. It is easier without them but I love the fellowship- I believe it is that with the LORD.
It can be translated watchman and it means to protect. Jacob was going into unchartered territory.
We all have stories about how the LORD has done these things. The longer we live the more we have. Our journey to heaven is the fufillment of these things.
3. God will take care of you. v.20c
Food, Clothing
All your needs Philippians 4.19
Material /Physical Matthew 6.33
Emotional Philippians 4.6-7
Spiritual II Peter 1.3
Emotional Philippians 4.6-7
Spiritual II Peter 1.3
4. You will return to your Father’s House in heaven. v.21a
I know we haven’t been to heaven but in a way it is a return but even better!
Life and time began in the Garden of Eden. It will end up in the City of God.
The Garden had one entrance. The city has twelve and its gates ate never shut.
The Garden had the sun and moon for light. The city has no need of them for the Lamb of God will light the city with His Glory.
Every human being this morning is headed in one of two directions: heaven or hell. These are places of eternity. Time will be swallowed up and what everyone will be in one of these two places.
5. Give God a tenth. v.22
It is right. The LORD commanded us to.
He will bless you. We end up being blessed. We give a tenth. God opens the windows of heaven. Malachi 3.10
Begin today! It is a wonderful acknowledgment that Jesus is LORD!
Don’t make promises.
Just love the LORD, your God, with all you heart, soul, mind and strength. Love your neighbor as yourself.
No vows needed- just walk with God!
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