Sunday, August 30, 2009

The LORD's Day

Understanding Grace... As Much as is Possible

Matthew 20.1-16
Grace is marvelous. Grace is Wonderful. Grace is Amazing!
It is impossible to fully describe it, understand it and even when we think we have experienced the fullness of it more comes our way!
He Giveth More Grace.

We cannot possibly fully comprehend grace. I have to admit I am really just learning about it now. When I was a kid growing up we didn’t have much teaching on it. We were given a definition: God’s unmerited favor. That is true but that is not all! There are great implications of grace in the Word of God even when the actual word, "grace", is not used. Grace has been explained by the acrostic:
"God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. I don’t mean to sound negative, while these do give us some understanding about God’s Grace, they do not fully describe it. Sometimes it is better shown by an example.

Jesus told this parable and the purposely had the guys hired last paid first to demonstrate grace.
It is important as we will see this morning that we have a understanding about it so we will not behave or think incorrectly towards others who have received God’s Grace. That really is the purpose of the parable.

1. The Kingdom of Heaven is Different From the Kingdoms on Earth.
There are some similarities, some points of comparison.
In God’s Kingdom His Grace is the operative.

We think too often about God’s Kingdom from a worldly view. You cannot earn grace- it is a free gift from heaven!

As you look at the outcome of this parable you have to admit that it is unusual. Try this on earth and everyone would wait until the last hour to work. It wouldn’t work. But this is the way the kingdom of heaven operates. God is a God of Grace, all Grace.

Jesus came from the Father, full of grace and truth (John 1.14)

Grace= God not treating me as my sins deserve... But with joy, pleasure, delight, loveliness, charm, sweetness, good will, kindness, favor, benefit...
God in His mercy offering us eternal life and spiritual riches in spite of our sins because of what Jesus did on the cross for you and me.

The timing of this parable is interesting.

They are on their way to Jerusalem where Jesus is going to die for the sins of the world. There are three groups this concerns: the 12, who had been with Jesus since the beginning; the Pharisees and teachers of the law who felt they had a special standing; and those who had not come in yet. Every move of God since Pentecost has had as part of its opposition the status quo in the church. This parable was given to shown that.
It is given when people were going to start coming into the kingdom, at the time of Jesus’s death. I love the first two who came in- a repentant thief and a Roman Centurion- a Gentile! We see God’s grace here so wonderfully demonstrated. The thief is like those in the parable who came in for the 11th hour.

2. People come into the kingdom all through our days. vs.2-7
Some with us. Some after us. Some as we are finishing our work.
Vineyards then were not huge. Flocks and farms were manageable. They had to be as they were watched over at night against thieves and predators. A shrewd thief could clean it out and fox could destroy it. (Song of Solomon 2.15)

There was a watch tower in which a watchman did his work from at night. How far can you see at night? Everyone would see who was there working for the most part. The men who came in at the beginning started work about 6-7am. They worked hard under difficult situations- mainly the heat of the day. Then there were those who came around 5-6pm and worked an hour.
This is what the kingdom of heaven is like. People coming in. The LORD adding daily to the church those who are being saved. It is happening around the world today.
Grace not works! Grace is not based on performance. The longer we serve the LORD the more in danger we are of becoming like these who were hired first! They thought they had more coming than those who came in last.

These guys were working a lot longer and harder.

3. It is important for us to have a handle on what grace is.

So we will not grumble against God when He splashes it all over.
Grumble= say something against someone else in a low tone... to secretly confer together, to discontentedly complain.

We can become envious because God is so generous. It is being annoyed.

Envy does not let us enjoy the blessings we have.
We focus in on others’ fortunes and we forget how rich we are. We are blessed in many ways. We have riches eternal. We have the LORD with us.
We have much in every way. We have been entrusted with the very words of God!
But even with a Bible in our hands, we can miss enjoying the blessings of God because we are too concerned about His dealings with another.
Envy robs us of our peace.
The world cannot take it away but we sure can forfeit it if we are not careful and do not keep watch over our own souls. Let a root of bitterness take hold and spring up and you will find your peace with others gone. Catch it where it starts- in the heart. See if there be some wicked way in me... envy is wicked.
Envy sets our hearts against others.
We cannot pray for those we envy. We cannot rejoice over good things that happen to them.
Envy is a monster that must be slain or it will rule our lives. Kill that green monster. Kill it with kindness. Kill it with grace. Annihilate it with mercy towards those who trouble your soul.
Finally this parable warns us about dead ends.
Don’t look for seniority or position in the kingdom- just thank God you are among the few whose name is written down in heaven.
Grace is a free gift
It is not the merit system. Grace is unmerited.

These men who got exactly what the landowner promised them for their work ended up murmuring and griping under their breath over others. Instead of being thankful they were ingrates. They are those who are angry with God which is not right and always messes people up. Like Elisabeth Elliot said, "Angry with God? Who do we think we are?"
Be thankful for the grace you have received.
Be generous with grace towards others.
If you are going to err, err on the side of grace!
Remember Jesus told us His kingdom was not of this world. Don’t forget that. Be reminded today. The last person you think should receive mercy may just be the one who will be shown it! If that happens don’t be grumbling- rather rejoice!

Freely you have received, freely give!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The LORD's Day, August 23, 2009

Completing Your Life’s Mission
Matthew 19.1-2

This word "finished" shows up several times in Jesus’ last days on earth. The Galiliean Ministry was completed at this time. Jesus is heading to Jerusalem for the final time before His death.
We see this concept in the Garden in His Great High Priestly Prayer in John 17.1 as He turns from earth to heaven. We see it from the cross in reference to His life but specifically to His sacrificial death for the sins of the world.(John 19.30)

The word finished was something that was indicative of Jesus’ life. As followers of His it is important that we have it in our vocabulary. I like the phrase I heard at a pastor’s conference a number of years ago. In fact it was the theme of the conference: Finishing Well. Those of us who are close to the borders of eternity ought to be thinking about that a lot these days. All of us, young and old alike, ought to be thinking like Jesus did in completing His Life’s Mission.

1. Jesus had a work to do and He did it.

He knew His mission.

He stated it clearly in chapter 15 verse 24, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel." His work was foretold by Isaiah. Isaiah 9.1-2 Jesus spent almost all His ministry in the Galilee. He knew what He was supposed to do and He did it. His primary work was among His own people with Gentiles beginning to come. The disciples, then Paul to the Gentiles. The foundation of the Old Testament and then the apostles were always a part of His plan.

We have roles which we are to fulfill:
Child- we finish that role or at least we should by the time we get into our teens.
Parent/ Uncle/ Aunt /Grandparent- guidance of a soul is so important.
Life’s Work

We have works that the LORD prepared in advance for us to do which may be part of our life’s work or may not. Paul worked as a tentmaker and preached the gospel freely. My grandmother was a homemaker but had a letter writing ministry whereby she encouraged people. Many give themselves fully to the work of the LORD while supporting themselves in other ways.
I believe we will find pleasure in serving the LORD and it is in those things that we connect with the works He has prepared for us to do! (Ephesians 2.10) KJV- "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." The Psalmist wrote, "All the days ordained for me were written in Your Book before one of them came to be." (Psalm 139.16) Find those things that God has ordained for your life. Walk in them.

Don’t take these verses lightly! Before we were born God had written down what we were to do. God divinely fashioned our days! He has a life’s work for you and its not to just sit on a pew!
He was steadfast.
Luke 9.51 As the time approached for Him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem. Some have called this the bravest verse in the Bible. Jesus knew all things. He knew what was waiting for Him in Jerusalem and yet He went. He knew Jerusalem would not be the end, but the beginning. He knew He would rise again. He knew He was going to be taken back up to heaven.

He was tempted in all points as we are and did not waver one iota from His Life’s mission. He continued to do God’s will.
He did in the face of opposition.
He did it in the face of ridicule.
He did it when His enemies were attempting to kill him.
He did it when the whole world save a few turned against Him. I Corinthians 15.58
He finished the works.
He did everything He was given to do.

Let’s follow that example of our LORD. There are so many good things to do that we need to ask the LORD to give us discernment between the good and the excellent.
Sometimes serving can be painful. Jesus is an example of this too.
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith, Who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12.2

Pain does not necessarily mean the absence of joy. Luke 10.21 At that time, Jesus full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, "I praise You, Father, LORD of heaven and the earth, because You have hidden these things from the wise and the learned and have revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was Your good pleasure."

Suffering and pain does not necessarily preclude joy. Go to any maternity ward in any hospital. You will find this pain and joy together. Go home with a newborn and have some sleepless nights and you’ll see struggles and joy in the same person.

I love that verse in Psalm 15 where it is talking about those who can fellowship with the LORD, verse 4 who keeps his oath, even when it hurts. Circumstances of pain does not release the good man from his promises. He keeps His word and his LORD keeps him!

Jesus spoke of the completion of His mission to the Father: John17.4 I have brought You Glory on the earth by completing the work You gave Me to do. We bring glory to God by following Jesus in this way.

We have works to do and we cannot let anyone or anything stop us from doing the will of the Father in Heaven!

2. When He was done He left.

Jesus was human. He wanted at times to head back to heaven right away.
Luke 12.50 I have a baptism to undergo, and how distressed I am until it is completed.

Just a few weeks ago ...
Matthew 17.17 "O unbelieving and perverse generation," Jesus replied, "how long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you?"

Galilee We just read where He finished His Work there.
Jerusalem He was on His way to complete His Life’s Work on earth.
For the joy set before Him...
This world

3. Because He completed His Mission His Work Goes On.

I am not being morbid this morning but if Jesus doesn’t come back soon, in your lifetime, what are you now doing that will live on after you are gone?
What are you doing that will go on forever? This has to do
with things eternal.... giving to the LORD’s work is one of those things... Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven... Every fraction of a penny (the Widow’s Mite) given to God is noticed by Him.

Every time you share God’s Word and the seed takes root in a person’s heart you are doing something that is eternal.

Every time you pray you are placing something in the incense bowls in heaven. You are connecting with God’s throne there!

Give, Share, Pray, Serve with all your heart!
Things done for Him are eternal.

Be able to say with Paul, the apostle,
For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time has come for my departure. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing. II Timothy 4.6-8

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The LORD's Day, August 16, 2009

Forgive As The LORD Forgave You
Matthew 18.21-35

Forgiveness- something that we are eager to receive and at times reluctant to give. That can be an understatement. Sometimes we are begging God for it and we receive it only to hold a grudge with a brother or sister. Don’t let this happen to you!
It is not an easy matter to live out but it is simple to understand.

1. Questions About Forgiveness Everyone Has. vs.21-22
How many times? Peter thought he was ahead. He was behind... way behind!
It is a lot easier to talk about forgiveness and much more difficult to put those words into practice. People preach forgiveness. Few practice it. As we practice it we may be asking the LORD that question- how many times?
Forgiveness is a lot bigger than we realize. Peter thought 7 times was noble. Jesus spoke in exponential terms. 7 squared and then ten times the sum! I imagined that overwhelmed Peter. To those who say, "God will never give you more than you can handle, " here is yet another example that He indeed does! I wonder went through Peter’s mind when he heard these words from the Master. If he had a question to begin with he certainly had many questions afterwards. We do too!
*Is there a difference from forgiving and forgetting?
Yes there is.
God forgives and forgets.
We forgive but do not have the capacity to forget like Him.
However we are to seek to be like Him in this area- supernaturally through the power of His Spirit. The more we allow His Spirit to take control the less these offenses will be in our hearts. As we yield to His Spirit He fills us with love. After all this is the fruit of the Spirit.
*How come some things seem to be more difficult to forgive than others?
We are made up differently in personality.
It could be this difference.
Some offenses/ sins are harder to overcome than others. For instance stealing versus assault can be different in time in coming to a point of peace.
*What if I am having a hard time forgiving someone?
The LORD’s Prayer is a daily prayer. Keep praying!
Forgiveness is in there as a prayer and a P.S. Warning. (Matthew 6.14-15)

2. Mercy and Forgiveness Go Hand in Hand. vs.23-34
The lack of mercy in this servant’s life led to his unforgiving attitude toward some one who owed him very little. He was shown mercy by the Master but when it came time for him to pass that gift on he withheld it and acted horribly.

Jesus told us this is what the kingdom of heaven is like. People fall on their knees before the LORD and are forgiven and then go out and are not forgiving to people with far greater offenses towards them, demanding they pay back in full for what they owe.
The point here that Jesus is making to Peter is this: You have been forgiven. You need to be forgiving towards others, even if 500 times or more, infinitely more.
The Middle East had a culture of revenge. There has not been a settled peace there since Cain and Abel. It is a place of bloodshed. Forgiveness is not something that was part of the culture of Galilee in the first century. There was rather great anger and indignation towards the dilemma of occupation by Rome. Rome dominated Israel then. There was tension in the air with hope and expectation that God would send the Messiah and free His people from Rome’s tyranny.
One of the reasons I am convinced that the gospel spread was because of the love and forgiveness that was offered to Roman Soldiers by those early Christians. If someone compels you to go a mile (this was a direct reference to Roman Soldiers!) Go with him two. (Matthew 5.41)
3. God Will Give Mercy To Us as We Have Given To Others. v.35

LORD have mercy on me! His response earlier on: have mercy on others!
Matthew 5.7 Blessed are the merciful for they will obtain mercy.
There is a blessedness in being merciful. The grace of God coming through us to others results in mercy.

There is a strong warning here. We are going to be treated severely in the judgement if we do not forgive. If we fail to show mercy we are told here what will happen to us.
Jesus is drawing a picture of hell, I believe. The guy is thrown into prison and won’t get out until he pays the debt. But how can he pay it if he is locked up? He can’t. We can’t pay the debt of our sins and that is one of the points here. If we don’t show mercy to others who are indebted to us then the LORD will not show mercy to us!

This is true of forgiveness too and is really part of the larger picture of our need to let go of offenses done to us. Jesus never spoke of the injustices of the phony trials He went o after He rose. He spoke of the kingdom of God and the need to for the Gospel to spread.
How come He didn’t speak of it? He was forgiving them as they killed Him, "Father, forgive them. They do not know what they are doing." What an example! Hallelujah! What a Savior!

4. Forgive As the LORD Forgave You! Colossians 3.13
Freely- He paid the price for our salvation. This is why we take the LORD’s Supper often. It is to bring this price of the free gift of salvation to us continually. We take in those symbols- not just look at them but they become part of us.
Extravagant! God’s grace is amazing! Many songs have been written about it: Wonderful Grace of Jesus, Grace Greater Than All Our Sin
Forgive as the LORD forgave you.

*Never brings up past sins.
Sometimes we have to ask forgiveness for not forgiving as the LORD forgave.
Never brings up past failures. God wipes the record clean. Oh to Be Like Thee!!!

*Always is willing to forgive- in fact calls us to it! We sin and the LORD, through His Spirit, calls us to come to Him for forgiveness. When someone sins against me I would rather not be around them for a while. Let them suffer a little! Or at beat let me get away from them while I cool off. But not Jesus. He invites back into unbroken fellowship with Himself.

*He doesn’t hesitate to forgive. He doesn’t make us wait. The moment we ask with repentance and sincerity He forgives us and His blood cleanses us from all unrighteousness. Don’t hold people’s sins over them- forgive them!

*Continue to forgive. The LORD continues to forgive sins. It is an ongoing thing. So it must be with us. While we are on this earth we will need to pray the way Jesus taught us to: Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Continuous activity. Live a life of love and forgiveness.

God calls us to share in His Holiness. He calls us to be like Him. He calls us to a life of forgiveness. This is such a high calling. It is also impossible without Him empowering us through His Holy Spirit.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

The LORD's Day, August 9, 2009

So That We May Not Offend Them
Matthew 17.24-27
Our culture has become so individualistic. We are into all kinds of personal preferences these days. We have nearly lost the concern for other’s feelings around us. If we are not careful we can be influenced by the world’s thinking in this area.

The Philip’s translation of Romans 12.2 Do not let the world around you squeeze you into its own mold is a favorite of mine. We must not let the spirit of the age take precedence over the work of God’s Spirit in our lives and in the lives of others within the Body of Christ. The Spirit must reign.
I shared in the Bible Study that I have never heard a message on this. Many of the preachers of the past seemed to have ignored this portion of scripture. The LORD put it in His Word and therefore it must have significance for us and it does. The words of Jesus are for us today... "so that we may not offend them..."

Every Jew of age was required to pay this tribute tax to the temple each year. Obviously the collectors came all the way up to Galilee to collect it. This was done a month before Passover. This temple tax purchased the sacrifices for the temple. Repairs and salaries were also covered by this money that was collected.

Jesus and Peter were doing something that they didn’t have to do so not to offend others. Sometimes it is not doing something as well. We should avoid offending other for Jesus.

Jesus is showing us here that sometimes we need to avoid claiming our rights for the benefits of others. In this instance it is to make people more receptive to the Gospel. As ambassadors of Christ, we should be more concerned with advancing God’s kingdom than exercising our individual rights.

In the letters to the churces it is to not offend another believer.

Romans 14
I Corinthians 8

Basically the same truth applies to both. Why take liberties if it is going to offend someone in their personal pursuit of God? As we mature in Christ we learn the true value of things. Another person’s spiritual journey is infinitely more important than our preferences, liberties or rights.

1. We are responsible for our brothers and sisters.

Cain’s question was wrong. We are our brother’s keeper. (Genesis 4.9) We are one body. The body takes care of itself.

Things that offend might seem small potatoes to us but they can trip up another.
In fact that is precisely what the word offend means: to put a stumbling block in the way upon which a person may trip or fall. It can even mean to entice to sin.

Man wearing wedding band who worked with Billy Graham asking me what our church believed about it. He was ready to take his off when he was here so as not to offend.

Jesus’s words to Peter: "We are exempt but so that we may not offend them..."

Jesus was concerned that they would view Him as a lawbreaker and that they would not be open to His message. We need to be concerned with the same thing. We should be seeking to obey the LORD so there will be no offense with others who have not arrived to faith yet.
On disputable matters, go the second mile with people. Be like Jesus!

2. We have freedom but it has boundaries. Romans 14.13-18

With freedom comes responsibility. For instance here in the US as citizens we ought to vote. We ought to vote intelligently. We are free but with that freedom comes responsibilities.
When it comes to our freedoms we always should take into account another’s soul if is involves an area where they could be offended.

This is a little complicated. Because of the way God made us, we are individuals. Because of our varied experiences and upbringing we have a different view on certain things. We live on the coast. I grew up going to the beach. We think nothing of going into the water and swimming and having fun. There are places in the country where Christians do not believe it is proper for men and women to swim together. When we are there it best to respect their feelings. When they come here be like Christ and respect their views.

Another boundary of freedom is implied in this passage and that is self control. That is a fruit of the Spirit that is developed over time. We ought to be growing in that area. It is for our own good and the good of others as well. God has given us the power to say no to things that would hurt us and offend others.

3. Lets be careful not to offend others. Romans 14.19-23

Look at the context here. Two times in this chapter Jesus speaks about his own death. He would be tried in Jerusalem and the temple would be a major issue in His trial. Its leaders would be the ones who condemned Him to death. He prayed for their forgiveness and did not put any stumbling block in the way of their coming to Him. Jesus calls on us to do the same.
So this matter of not offending others is not just for brothers and sisters it is even for potential ones who are currently enemies.

Paul was once an enemy of the Church. I Timothy 1.13-14.

This has huge implications beyond just disputable matters of conscience. The larger umbrella is this: Ephesians 4.3 Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
This involves forgiving and taking care of offenses. If we know we have sinned against someone and they are offended go to them. If someone has sinned against us we need to confront them in love. We are going to look at that this next week in Matthew 18.

God wants us to keep peace in the body and with
people outside the faith as much as within us lies.
Lets do it for His Glory!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The LORD's Day August 2, 2009

Jacob’s Vow
Genesis 25.19-34
Genesis 26.34-28.22

Jacob was a heel grasper, a supplanter, the Hebrew= Jacov. He began life this way fighting with his brother in his mother, Rebekah’s womb, and even in birth and onto adulthood. God began to really work with him after he had gotten his brother so mad his life was in danger.

Jacov was reaping what he sowed. The interesting thing about Jacob is that he was wanting what was good but he was trying by his own power and cunning to bring it about. That is always a dangerous and often time destructive thing to do.

I love the fact the LORD loved this guy. In fact, as we know, his name was changed to Israel and the nation that bears his name today are actually his descendants, the children of Israel. The LORD sees people not only for what they are but for what they are to become through His grace.

He got himself in a situation where he needed help and God began to seek him out. When He got his attention He laid out some key promises and Jacob responded.

He got to Bethel and had that famous dream of the ladder, that stairway if you will, that went from earth to heaven with angels going up and down it. It wasn’t just a dream but we don’t have time to get into that this morning.

What I want to call your attention to is the vow Jacob made to the LORD. This vow applies to us. Jacob was reciting back to the LORD with "ifs" which the LORD actually promises to all who follow Him.

Many go through similar experiences that Jacob did. Living life by our own wits, trying to manipulate things, wrestling with God. God is faithful in these times. They were still up ahead for Jacob. Look at the promises He made to God which are really the promises God makes to us!

1. God will be with you. v.20a
The promise of God’s Presence is permeated throughout the Bible.
He will be with you. He is with you!

There is a difference between being conscious of His Presence and being confident of His Presence.

He will reveal Himself to you as you obey Him. John 14.21
God comes to us today through His Holy Spirit.
Angels are messengers and they are descending even now.

The LORD makes each new day. He is with us moment by moment.
I pray that you will experience more and more of an awareness of His Presence in these last days.

2. God will watch over you. v.20b
This word watch (shamar) means: to keep, to guard, to pay attention to.
He keeps us from many things. We had a near accident the other day.
He guards us. He limits the enemy in what he can do. His Word guards us from false teaching. His peace guards our hear hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus.
He pays attention to us. Emma was over the other day as well as Rudy. When I was talking to Rudy I wasn’t paying as careful attention to her as and she knew it. We never have this problem with the LORD. He listens closely all the time. That is why we can pray without ceasing and He hears us!

It also means to treasure up memories (Poppa’s Journal).
The LORD is treasuring up memories of us. I was telling Jon and Margaret, the missionaries, about painting a fence this week with 2 of my grandchildren. What would have been a one hour job took the whole morning. It is easier without them but I love the fellowship- I believe it is that with the LORD.

It can be translated watchman and it means to protect. Jacob was going into unchartered territory.

We all have stories about how the LORD has done these things. The longer we live the more we have. Our journey to heaven is the fufillment of these things.

3. God will take care of you. v.20c
Food, Clothing

All your needs Philippians 4.19
Material /Physical Matthew 6.33
Emotional Philippians 4.6-7
Spiritual II Peter 1.3

4. You will return to your Father’s House in heaven. v.21a

I know we haven’t been to heaven but in a way it is a return but even better!
Life and time began in the Garden of Eden. It will end up in the City of God.
The Garden had one entrance. The city has twelve and its gates ate never shut.
The Garden had the sun and moon for light. The city has no need of them for the Lamb of God will light the city with His Glory.

Every human being this morning is headed in one of two directions: heaven or hell. These are places of eternity. Time will be swallowed up and what everyone will be in one of these two places.

5. Give God a tenth. v.22

It is right. The LORD commanded us to.

He will bless you. We end up being blessed. We give a tenth. God opens the windows of heaven. Malachi 3.10

Begin today! It is a wonderful acknowledgment that Jesus is LORD!

Don’t make promises.
Just love the LORD, your God, with all you heart, soul, mind and strength. Love your neighbor as yourself.
No vows needed- just walk with God!