Understanding Grace... As Much as is Possible
Matthew 20.1-16
Grace is marvelous. Grace is Wonderful. Grace is Amazing!
It is impossible to fully describe it, understand it and even when we think we have experienced the fullness of it more comes our way!
He Giveth More Grace.
We cannot possibly fully comprehend grace. I have to admit I am really just learning about it now. When I was a kid growing up we didn’t have much teaching on it. We were given a definition: God’s unmerited favor. That is true but that is not all! There are great implications of grace in the Word of God even when the actual word, "grace", is not used. Grace has been explained by the acrostic:
"God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. I don’t mean to sound negative, while these do give us some understanding about God’s Grace, they do not fully describe it. Sometimes it is better shown by an example.
Jesus told this parable and the purposely had the guys hired last paid first to demonstrate grace.
It is important as we will see this morning that we have a understanding about it so we will not behave or think incorrectly towards others who have received God’s Grace. That really is the purpose of the parable.
1. The Kingdom of Heaven is Different From the Kingdoms on Earth. v.1
There are some similarities, some points of comparison.
In God’s Kingdom His Grace is the operative.
We think too often about God’s Kingdom from a worldly view. You cannot earn grace- it is a free gift from heaven!
As you look at the outcome of this parable you have to admit that it is unusual. Try this on earth and everyone would wait until the last hour to work. It wouldn’t work. But this is the way the kingdom of heaven operates. God is a God of Grace, all Grace.
Jesus came from the Father, full of grace and truth (John 1.14)
Grace= God not treating me as my sins deserve... But with joy, pleasure, delight, loveliness, charm, sweetness, good will, kindness, favor, benefit...
God in His mercy offering us eternal life and spiritual riches in spite of our sins because of what Jesus did on the cross for you and me.
The timing of this parable is interesting.
They are on their way to Jerusalem where Jesus is going to die for the sins of the world. There are three groups this concerns: the 12, who had been with Jesus since the beginning; the Pharisees and teachers of the law who felt they had a special standing; and those who had not come in yet. Every move of God since Pentecost has had as part of its opposition the status quo in the church. This parable was given to shown that.
It is given when people were going to start coming into the kingdom, at the time of Jesus’s death. I love the first two who came in- a repentant thief and a Roman Centurion- a Gentile! We see God’s grace here so wonderfully demonstrated. The thief is like those in the parable who came in for the 11th hour.
2. People come into the kingdom all through our days. vs.2-7
Some with us. Some after us. Some as we are finishing our work.
Vineyards then were not huge. Flocks and farms were manageable. They had to be as they were watched over at night against thieves and predators. A shrewd thief could clean it out and fox could destroy it. (Song of Solomon 2.15)
There was a watch tower in which a watchman did his work from at night. How far can you see at night? Everyone would see who was there working for the most part. The men who came in at the beginning started work about 6-7am. They worked hard under difficult situations- mainly the heat of the day. Then there were those who came around 5-6pm and worked an hour.
This is what the kingdom of heaven is like. People coming in. The LORD adding daily to the church those who are being saved. It is happening around the world today.
Grace not works! Grace is not based on performance. The longer we serve the LORD the more in danger we are of becoming like these who were hired first! They thought they had more coming than those who came in last.
These guys were working a lot longer and harder.
3. It is important for us to have a handle on what grace is.
So we will not grumble against God when He splashes it all over.
Grumble= say something against someone else in a low tone... to secretly confer together, to discontentedly complain.
We can become envious because God is so generous. It is being annoyed.
Envy does not let us enjoy the blessings we have.
We focus in on others’ fortunes and we forget how rich we are. We are blessed in many ways. We have riches eternal. We have the LORD with us.
We have much in every way. We have been entrusted with the very words of God!
But even with a Bible in our hands, we can miss enjoying the blessings of God because we are too concerned about His dealings with another.
Envy robs us of our peace.
The world cannot take it away but we sure can forfeit it if we are not careful and do not keep watch over our own souls. Let a root of bitterness take hold and spring up and you will find your peace with others gone. Catch it where it starts- in the heart. See if there be some wicked way in me... envy is wicked.
The world cannot take it away but we sure can forfeit it if we are not careful and do not keep watch over our own souls. Let a root of bitterness take hold and spring up and you will find your peace with others gone. Catch it where it starts- in the heart. See if there be some wicked way in me... envy is wicked.
Envy sets our hearts against others.
We cannot pray for those we envy. We cannot rejoice over good things that happen to them.
Envy is a monster that must be slain or it will rule our lives. Kill that green monster. Kill it with kindness. Kill it with grace. Annihilate it with mercy towards those who trouble your soul.
Finally this parable warns us about dead ends.
Don’t look for seniority or position in the kingdom- just thank God you are among the few whose name is written down in heaven.
We cannot pray for those we envy. We cannot rejoice over good things that happen to them.
Envy is a monster that must be slain or it will rule our lives. Kill that green monster. Kill it with kindness. Kill it with grace. Annihilate it with mercy towards those who trouble your soul.
Finally this parable warns us about dead ends.
Don’t look for seniority or position in the kingdom- just thank God you are among the few whose name is written down in heaven.
Grace is a free gift
It is not the merit system. Grace is unmerited.
It is not the merit system. Grace is unmerited.
These men who got exactly what the landowner promised them for their work ended up murmuring and griping under their breath over others. Instead of being thankful they were ingrates. They are those who are angry with God which is not right and always messes people up. Like Elisabeth Elliot said, "Angry with God? Who do we think we are?"
Be thankful for the grace you have received.
Be generous with grace towards others.
If you are going to err, err on the side of grace!
Remember Jesus told us His kingdom was not of this world. Don’t forget that. Be reminded today. The last person you think should receive mercy may just be the one who will be shown it! If that happens don’t be grumbling- rather rejoice!
Freely you have received, freely give!
Freely you have received, freely give!