Forgive As The LORD Forgave You
Matthew 18.21-35
Forgiveness- something that we are eager to receive and at times reluctant to give. That can be an understatement. Sometimes we are begging God for it and we receive it only to hold a grudge with a brother or sister. Don’t let this happen to you!
It is not an easy matter to live out but it is simple to understand.
1. Questions About Forgiveness Everyone Has. vs.21-22
How many times? Peter thought he was ahead. He was behind... way behind!
It is a lot easier to talk about forgiveness and much more difficult to put those words into practice. People preach forgiveness. Few practice it. As we practice it we may be asking the LORD that question- how many times?
Forgiveness is a lot bigger than we realize. Peter thought 7 times was noble. Jesus spoke in exponential terms. 7 squared and then ten times the sum! I imagined that overwhelmed Peter. To those who say, "God will never give you more than you can handle, " here is yet another example that He indeed does! I wonder went through Peter’s mind when he heard these words from the Master. If he had a question to begin with he certainly had many questions afterwards. We do too!
*Is there a difference from forgiving and forgetting?
Yes there is.
God forgives and forgets.
We forgive but do not have the capacity to forget like Him.
However we are to seek to be like Him in this area- supernaturally through the power of His Spirit. The more we allow His Spirit to take control the less these offenses will be in our hearts. As we yield to His Spirit He fills us with love. After all this is the fruit of the Spirit.
Yes there is.
God forgives and forgets.
We forgive but do not have the capacity to forget like Him.
However we are to seek to be like Him in this area- supernaturally through the power of His Spirit. The more we allow His Spirit to take control the less these offenses will be in our hearts. As we yield to His Spirit He fills us with love. After all this is the fruit of the Spirit.
*How come some things seem to be more difficult to forgive than others?
We are made up differently in personality.
It could be this difference.
Some offenses/ sins are harder to overcome than others. For instance stealing versus assault can be different in time in coming to a point of peace.
We are made up differently in personality.
It could be this difference.
Some offenses/ sins are harder to overcome than others. For instance stealing versus assault can be different in time in coming to a point of peace.
*What if I am having a hard time forgiving someone?
The LORD’s Prayer is a daily prayer. Keep praying!
Forgiveness is in there as a prayer and a P.S. Warning. (Matthew 6.14-15)
2. Mercy and Forgiveness Go Hand in Hand. vs.23-34
The lack of mercy in this servant’s life led to his unforgiving attitude toward some one who owed him very little. He was shown mercy by the Master but when it came time for him to pass that gift on he withheld it and acted horribly.
The LORD’s Prayer is a daily prayer. Keep praying!
Forgiveness is in there as a prayer and a P.S. Warning. (Matthew 6.14-15)
2. Mercy and Forgiveness Go Hand in Hand. vs.23-34
The lack of mercy in this servant’s life led to his unforgiving attitude toward some one who owed him very little. He was shown mercy by the Master but when it came time for him to pass that gift on he withheld it and acted horribly.
Jesus told us this is what the kingdom of heaven is like. People fall on their knees before the LORD and are forgiven and then go out and are not forgiving to people with far greater offenses towards them, demanding they pay back in full for what they owe.
The point here that Jesus is making to Peter is this: You have been forgiven. You need to be forgiving towards others, even if 500 times or more, infinitely more.
The Middle East had a culture of revenge. There has not been a settled peace there since Cain and Abel. It is a place of bloodshed. Forgiveness is not something that was part of the culture of Galilee in the first century. There was rather great anger and indignation towards the dilemma of occupation by Rome. Rome dominated Israel then. There was tension in the air with hope and expectation that God would send the Messiah and free His people from Rome’s tyranny.
One of the reasons I am convinced that the gospel spread was because of the love and forgiveness that was offered to Roman Soldiers by those early Christians. If someone compels you to go a mile (this was a direct reference to Roman Soldiers!) Go with him two. (Matthew 5.41)
One of the reasons I am convinced that the gospel spread was because of the love and forgiveness that was offered to Roman Soldiers by those early Christians. If someone compels you to go a mile (this was a direct reference to Roman Soldiers!) Go with him two. (Matthew 5.41)
3. God Will Give Mercy To Us as We Have Given To Others. v.35
LORD have mercy on me! His response earlier on: have mercy on others!
Matthew 5.7 Blessed are the merciful for they will obtain mercy.
There is a blessedness in being merciful. The grace of God coming through us to others results in mercy.
There is a strong warning here. We are going to be treated severely in the judgement if we do not forgive. If we fail to show mercy we are told here what will happen to us.
Jesus is drawing a picture of hell, I believe. The guy is thrown into prison and won’t get out until he pays the debt. But how can he pay it if he is locked up? He can’t. We can’t pay the debt of our sins and that is one of the points here. If we don’t show mercy to others who are indebted to us then the LORD will not show mercy to us!
This is true of forgiveness too and is really part of the larger picture of our need to let go of offenses done to us. Jesus never spoke of the injustices of the phony trials He went o after He rose. He spoke of the kingdom of God and the need to for the Gospel to spread.
How come He didn’t speak of it? He was forgiving them as they killed Him, "Father, forgive them. They do not know what they are doing." What an example! Hallelujah! What a Savior!
4. Forgive As the LORD Forgave You! Colossians 3.13
Freely- He paid the price for our salvation. This is why we take the LORD’s Supper often. It is to bring this price of the free gift of salvation to us continually. We take in those symbols- not just look at them but they become part of us.
Extravagant! God’s grace is amazing! Many songs have been written about it: Wonderful Grace of Jesus, Grace Greater Than All Our Sin
Forgive as the LORD forgave you.
*Never brings up past sins.
Sometimes we have to ask forgiveness for not forgiving as the LORD forgave.
Never brings up past failures. God wipes the record clean. Oh to Be Like Thee!!!
*Always is willing to forgive- in fact calls us to it! We sin and the LORD, through His Spirit, calls us to come to Him for forgiveness. When someone sins against me I would rather not be around them for a while. Let them suffer a little! Or at beat let me get away from them while I cool off. But not Jesus. He invites back into unbroken fellowship with Himself.
*He doesn’t hesitate to forgive. He doesn’t make us wait. The moment we ask with repentance and sincerity He forgives us and His blood cleanses us from all unrighteousness. Don’t hold people’s sins over them- forgive them!
*Continue to forgive. The LORD continues to forgive sins. It is an ongoing thing. So it must be with us. While we are on this earth we will need to pray the way Jesus taught us to: Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Continuous activity. Live a life of love and forgiveness.
God calls us to share in His Holiness. He calls us to be like Him. He calls us to a life of forgiveness. This is such a high calling. It is also impossible without Him empowering us through His Holy Spirit.
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