Genesis 3.1-7
We hear a lot about original sin, but seldom do we hear about the original temptation. It is important we see temptation so we can overcome it. Too often it is upon us before we are aware what it is. Seeing it first gives us insight and thus an advantage in the battle.
We are told everything we need to know about the tempter in God's Word. I don't believe we should delves into books or studies about Satan beyond God's Word. Paul said, "I want to know Christ..." That should be our highest goal.
Paul did write to the Corinthians about being aware of Satan's work. II Corinthians 2.11 "... in order that Satan might not outwit us for we are not unaware of his schemes."
1. He is a liar and the father of lies. John 8.44
Every time we see him in God's Word speaking he is lying or falsely accusing or seeking to deceive: Here, Job when he was tested, Jesus when he was tempted. He twisted scripture.
2. He is crafty and prowls around like a roaring lion. I Peter 5.8
3. He seeks to steal, kill and destroy. John 10.10
At the end of every temptation there is some sort of destruction and loss.
I John 3.8 The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work.
4. He accuses before God. Revelation 12.10-12
He did this with Job. He accused him of impure motives.
5. The LORD God will soon crush Satan under our feet. Romans 16.20
Look at the scripture of this morning. Genesis 3.1-7
Notice how he tempts so we can recognize it when it happens to us.
1. He deceitfully puts questions about God in the minds of people, twisting the truth and attempting to make God look bad. vs.1-3
Note these tactics. Be aware of his devices. II Corinthians 2.10-11
Resist him. I Peter 5.9 Don't engage him in conversation, even in your mind.
2. He outright lies. v.4
About God's Word- temptation to become discouraged or if you are to quit. Elijah
Look at the essence of this lie.
You will be like God. You will attain His wisdom.
Isaiah 55.8-9
The essence of wisdom is Proverbs 3.5-6 See how these views are diametrically opposed to each other.
He lies about the consequences of sinful behavior.
That no one will know.
That you can get away with it. He tries bring on the pleasure factor while dulling your sensitivity to evil.
3. He makes promises he cannot possibly keep. v.5
The LORD is faithful to all His promises. Satan lies. His "promises" are never kept.
What he was saying was partly true. So deceptive.
What he was implying was a lie.
What he promised and painted never happened.