Freedom In Christ
Genesis 2.4-17
Here in the beginning of the creation and the human race as we know it there was harmony and tranquility in the creation itself. It wasn't until after sin came into the world that there were hurricanes and earthquakes and even rainstorms.
Since sin came, we are told in Romans 8.19-22
The whole creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God.
We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.
1. What Adam Lost vs.16-17
v.16 you are free
Adam did not know how precious his freedom was until he lost it.
He lost the freedom to enjoy life to the fullest. Work was going to be harder. He was going to have contend with sin and its consequences and death itself.
He lost the freedom to experience innocency. He and Eve did not even have a knowledge of good and evil. What a treasure this was! Freedom from seeing anything bad. Freedom from having to know about the things we all know too much about. No death, devastation or destruction due to sin.
to eat from any tree in the garden
The Garden had wonderful vegetation. There were a number of fruit bearing trees. The description of this Garden is sublime- irrigated by rivers and streams.
v.17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil Within this basic and easy to understand guideline, God established, Adam had a wonderful life- beyond our ability to really comprehend.
for when you eat of it you will surely die. A consequence of disobeying God.
Romans 5.12-17
2. What Jesus Gives
He delivers us from evil- The LORD's Prayer. We live in an evil fallen wicked world but Christ has overcome the world and we can be free in it.
Deliver us from evil- from the things which destroy body and soul.
We are not talking about absolute freedom here. That is utter nonsense. True Christlike freedom is concerned about God and others and self. When my freedom takes away another's -trespass- then it is sin.
Boundaries are necessary. Clear lines are given in the Ten Commandments. Every individual, family and nation which live outside its boundaries ends up destroying itself. Look at the Middle East/ Look at America. Last Friday in Washington- the March for Life. We are in a battle today.
Freedom In Christ is Wonderful!
Freedom to live a life of eternal fulfillment.
Freedom from worry Matthew 6.25-33
Freedom from resentment due to forgiveness.
Freedom from revenge- lots of work!
Freedom from hatred, jealousy, envy- all the works of the flesh
Freedom to love (fruit of the Spirit), forgive, give generously- which has its own reward.
Freedom to serve God and enjoy Him forever!
Glorious Freedom!
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