Sunday, May 30, 2010

Don't Despise God's Blessings/ The LORD's Day, May 30, 2010

Genesis 25.19-34

The handling of spiritual gifts shows a person's character. What people do with the gifts of God, how they treat them shows whether they are people of the Spirit or people of the flesh. Yet even people of the Spirit can have their struggles with the flesh.

As God's chosen people we must be on our guard. We must show reverence and respect for the holy things God has placed in our lives. We ought to honor God by treating the spiritual blessings in our hearts and our lives carefully.

1. Esau Despised His Birthright. -v.34

What a sad commentary on this man. The Birthright was a blessing reserved for the firstborn. It made him an inheritor of blessings from the father, his father Isaac. It gave preeminence over the father's other sons, in this case Jacob. Although determined by birth order, the father would impart this blessing to the oldest son, just before he died.

Hebrews 12.16-17 See that no one is sexually immoral, or is godless like Esau, who for a single meal sold his inheritance rights as the oldest son. Afterward as you know, when he wanted to inherit the blessing, he was rejected. He could bring no change of mind, though he sought the blessing with tears.

Spiritual blessing which come from parents or position, blessings which come from being part of God's Forever Family, the Church, are not to be cast aside for anything. I fear many believers in the United States are coming ever so close to putting themselves in Esau's position. We honor our fallen soldiers this weekend. They preserved the right and freedom for us to do what we are doing this morning- worshipping God. Too many take this so lightly today. There are countries today which prohibit this or at best monitor all who attempt to do this.

I Corinthians 6.19-20 Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, Who is in you Whom you received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.

Don't despise the things which are precious and so priceless. Watch out for temptation. Flee to the LORD. Get out of there like Joseph.

In Zechariah 4 we are warned about:

2. Despising the Day of Small Things. Zechariah 4.6-10

This could be a message all by itself! Again it is the Word of the LORD to Zerubbabel from Zechariah which he received from the LORD. Zerubbabel was the governor of Jerusalem.

The temple mount was a heap of rubbish and ruin. The temple was about to rebuilt. First the mountain needed to be cleared of the remains of Solomon's temple and the refuse the people carried out there. Most onlookers thought it was impossible. People look at the work of the church today like that. "Who despises the day of small things?" Those who lack faith, those who have no spiritual vision, those who forget the mighty things God has done in His Word and in their lives.

In a time when bigger is better, in a time of superstores and mega churches...
Do not despise those seemingly young, insignificant, unimportant people and things. God uses these to feed the multitudes. Remember the boy's lunch?

If you looked in my garden this Memorial Day Weekend, where Lucy and I have planted vegetables,
you would say, "Not too impressive." There are sprouts there. The red lettuce (seeds Margot gave me) was so small and undetectable it almost got turned into another try of some vegetables Lucy was going to plant. But alas yesterday I saw something and there was a whole row all coming up- it blended in with the dirt almost. I could have lost something that will be wonderful in a month.


3. Do Not Treat the Prophesies With Contempt. - I Thessalonians 5.20
Despise not the prophesies. These are utterances of God through man.

*The Word of God, the Bible. II Peter 1.20-21
Jesus Christ is the Word of God. The Bible is the written word, He is the Word become flesh.
*Words of exhortation and warning and help for the future.
God prepares us for what is ahead by speaking through others at times, not all the time, some of the time.
Mainly it is done through His written Word but sometimes, at times when we need it, we received a word from the LORD through someone.
Do not despise the blessings of God, the day of small things or the Word of God.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The LORD's Day, May 23, 2010- Pentecost Sunday

The Bride of Christ
Genesis 24.1-21,57-67
This is a literal account of how Rebekah became Isaac's wife.
Marriages in that culture were prearranged. Because of Abraham's age, his contemporaries' children were all married and by this time had children of their own and in some instances great grandchildren.
It is obvious that Isaac and Rebekah fell in love the moment they saw each other. I was in Lowes this week and one of the workers was talking to a coworker about her husband, She said to her , "You have to work at relationships." I interrupted, "Ah but blessed are the ones where you do not have to work at them." She listened and then she said to me, "I don't want to preach at her." I responded, "Well I can't help it. That's part of my job." She looked puzzled. I went to say, "I'm a pastor." She thanked me as I left.
There was no work in the spark between Isaac and Rebekah. It was love at first sight.
Marriage is the foundation of social order throughout the world. Governments have fallen for not recognizing this.
This marriage was a very special one. It symbolized the redemptive work of Christ Jesus, the Father's gift and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit today.
1. Our Father in Heaven is getting a Bride for His Son, Christ Jesus. vs.1-9
This is Pentecost Sunday. 50 days after Easter, this is the day spoken of in
Acts 1-2. This is the birthday of the church. God began, after Jesus returned to heaven, assembling a bride for the Bridegroom, His Son. The church is the Bride of Christ. There is going to be a wedding when eternity begins. More about that in a moment.
He began to call (Acts 2.39) Sometimes we are surprised at some of the ones God calls (John 4.27) Woman at the well at midday. (John 4.4-6), not the time Eleazar met Rebekah (Genesis 24.11).
God cares about the lost. He is not wanting anyone to perish but for all to come to repentance. Punishment is His last resort. The soul that ends up in hell has to fight against the LORD all the way. The Son of Man came to seek and to save that which was lost (Luke 19.10)
He calls, He saves and He works His Will out in us. I used to think that was just in terms of the place and position He wants us in. It is also the spiritual place inwardly He desires to bring us to. Through experiences and some of them suffering ones He makes us like Him.
2. The Bride of Christ, the Church, is being made Holy. Ephesians 5.22-32
This is done through (v.26) the washing of water through the word.
As we read God's Word, we are corrected through His Holy Spirit. He points things out where we need to change... things that need to be added- things that need to be taken away.
It also takes place through living. The Spirit, the Holy spirit, points out places where we need to grow in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.
Rebekah was beautiful and kind. (Genesis 24.17-25) Unkindness is so inappropriate for the Bride of Christ, the Church, God's people.
Colossians 3.16 Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly...
Let His Spirit do that deep work in your heart of changing you to be like Him.
Finally a Bridegroom and a Bride...
3. The Wedding Feast is being prepared! Revelation 19.6-9
The Wedding of the Lamb
Jesus told us in the gospels that the Kingdom of God is like a wedding feast. As we shared a few weeks ago he did His first miracle at a wedding... On the day of Pentecost they said the disciples were drunk on new wine... there was a wedding atmosphere there!
I've been a part of some wonderful wedding celebrations, from the sublime and simple to the extravagant and excessive (Remember how many gallons of wine Jesus made!) My most recent one was just a few weeks ago in China. I remember my sister's wedding 26 years ago next month. I have vivid memories of that day not only it because it was my sister, and I officiated at it but because it was large and family and friends came from all over to attend. It was a bit of reunion.
The longer I live the more difficult it is for me to comprehend what the Marriage Supper of the Lamb will be like- Jesus - face to face with Him. We His Bride with the Bridegroom forever. Dad and Mom will celebrate 56 years next month... a long time here on earth but when we all get to heaven- forever and ever! Then all who have died in the LORD I Thessalonians 4.13-18 - family. the church throughout the ages, old acquaintances. Heaven... from Genesis to Revelation- that day is almost here!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The LORD's Day, May 16, 2010

Christ's Sacrifice For Us
Genesis 22.1-19
This account took place 2,000 years before Jesus came and died on the cross (the same amount of time when He rose again from that time until now). This event is a foreshadow of Christ's sacrifice for us. We see in this passage of scripture, Abraham giving up Isaac- the Father giving up His Son.
1. Our Father in Heaven Gave Us His Son. Genesis 22.1-8
John 3.16 For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Isaac was Abraham's "only" son. God the Father sent His One and Only.
Abraham did this out of love for God- God sent Jesus because He so loved the world.
This was an act of supreme sacrifice-
*on Abraham's part- He didn't have full understanding Hebrews 11.17-19 but he had faith. Faith in the LORD will help you. If your faith fails Jesus will pick you up- Peter walking on water.
v.4 on the third day- for three days Isaac was "dead" in the mind of Abraham/ Jesus rose on the third day. He was in the tomb up to that point- dead in the mind of the disciples and His followers.
Abraham had left his nation, people and all that was familiar to him to follow the LORD based on a promise He was going to make Abraham into a great nation. Now He is asking for the promised son.
*On God's part- He knows all things. He sent us His Son with perfect knowledge of how we would treat Him.
He knew He would die- there would not be a rescue like there was with Abraham (vs.10-12)
There were differences...
2. The Son of God offered Himself Genesis 22.9-10
Ephesians 5.25 Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her...
Isaac could have resisted and overpowered Abraham and run away. Abraham was around 130 years old now... perhaps 133! When we sacrifice to the LORD there can be no resistance. Sacrifice by its very nature is surrender... full surrender.
Again Isaac found out that he was the sacrifice at the last few minutes. Jesus was the Lamb of God slain from the creation of the world. Revelation 13.8
Jesus was creating the world with the cross before Him. He was born knowing He would die. He rode into Jerusalem knowing death awaited Him, in spite of the crowds shouting out Messiah.
Isaac didn't know until they got to Moriah, the place Christ was crucified. Abraham "only" had to carry this information in his own heart for three days. The Father and the Son knew always.
3. God, the Father, By His Spirit Raised Jesus Up. Genesis 22.13-19
Romans 8.11 And if the Spirit of Him Who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He Who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies, through His Spirit, Who lives in you.
God raised Jesus up. He will raise us up. He abides in us now if we have been born again, born from above.
*We are part of God's family
*Citizens of heaven
*Partakers in the nature of God.
Christ gave Himself up for us.
So we could be delivered from sin and death
So we could live for Him- serve Him- Is He asking for something from you today?
So we could live with Him In His Father's House Forever
Have you received Him by believing?
Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The LORD's Day, May 9, 2010 Happy Mother's Day

This morning's message is found under April 11th's entry

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The LORD's Day, May 2, 2010

Come To The Wedding!
John 2.1-11

I love weddings! For over 30 years now I have officiated at them for people of the church and for family members.

Last Saturday Night, while you were all sound asleep, it was Sunday in China and we were attending the wedding celebration of our niece. She and her husband had actually been married by me at the parsonage 4 years ago. Helen's family is almost all in China so away we went to celebrate it there. It was wonderfully sublime.

Weddings are close to the heart of God. He performed the first one in the Garden of Eden when He took the rib from Adam and with it formed Eve. Some of the words we use in the marriage ritual are from that day. From Genesis to Revelation when we celebrate the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, there are analogies of this wonderful relationship.

Jesus did His first miracle at a wedding in Cana of Galilee. I've been to that town a few times. The only thing that gives it notoriety is the miracle the Master did there. You would have never heard of it were it not for this first miraculous sign Jesus did in it.

The situation was pretty simple. They had run out of wine. v.3 I am not sure Mary had the slightest idea what Jesus would do but she knew He would help. v.5 Simple faith.
Do you believe that?

1. Whatever He Tells You To Do- Do It. -v.5

What great counsel- what wonderful advice.
When there is a great need the first step to a solution is obedience to Christ.

Sometimes it doesn't make any sense! v.6-7
Tithe when I am struggling to make ends meet?
*Share Jesus with that soul that seems so far from Him?
*Encourage that soul who is always so upbeat?

These servants didn't ask, "Jesus, why are filling stone water pots while the wine is gone? Shouldn't we be doing something about the wine?" They weren't asking questions. They were obeying.

v.8-9 the servants knew John knew too- He is the only one of the Gospel writers to record this miracle. His Gospel has been called the Gospel from the Eagle's Eye's view. He was very close to Jesus. In the next few chapters John mentions things, interviews if you will, that Jesus had with Nicodemus in Jerusalem (c.3) and with the woman at the well in Samaria (c.4) that the other Gospel writers omit. John was there on the spot with Jesus. At night when Nicodemus came and in the middle of the heat of the day when the Samaritan woman came to Jacob's well in Sychar.
The fact is...

2. The closer to the LORD you get, the more you see the wonders He performs. v.8-9

When I meet my friend Kim Richardson for a Day of Prayer every three months in Connecticut there is always something that comes from the LORD... 20 years now

When my friend Rudy and I pray together at a lunchtime each week, the LORD comes after we have brought what he likes to call "our list". We are in our tenth year of doing this.

Bob Pawson and I meet each Monday for prayer. We pray over the needs in the church. Men this is for you. Half hour of prayer to begin the week.

St.John Students interviewed me as a community caregiver years ago and when asked I told them the most
fulfilling part of my work was seeing the LORD work.

My son-in-law's aunt taught Sunday School for 50 years and had at least a dozen of her Sunday School students go into the Christian ministry.

We all have our stories of God working.

3.This miracle, as with all the ones Jesus performs, are unexplainable and leaves people with a sense of awe. v.10

I have a young theologian I've been working with recently. Her name is Emma. My 6 year old granddaughter watched a movie about Jesus based on the Gospel of Luke. It did not contain this miracle of course. She wanted to see this miracle I a movie and so I put one with it in it. We walked home that evening and she asked me, "Poppa, how did Jesus turn that water into wine?" I answered, "I don't know Emma. That's part of it being a miracle." And we both wondered about the one Isaiah said would be called Wonderful.

Finally a little math...

4.When Jesus works He does the immeasurable or close to it. v.10-11

6 stone water pots/jars Let's say 3 were 20 gallons and 3 were 30. That would have been 150 gallons of wine or 600 bottles! There probably weren't that many people in Cana at the time!
This was the first! The worldwould not have room for the books that would have to be written.

Acts 1.1-2 All that Jesus began to do

He is at work today.

The kingdom of God is like a wedding banquet! Abundance, joy, adventure

Come to the Wedding! Today!