Sunday, May 16, 2010

The LORD's Day, May 16, 2010

Christ's Sacrifice For Us
Genesis 22.1-19
This account took place 2,000 years before Jesus came and died on the cross (the same amount of time when He rose again from that time until now). This event is a foreshadow of Christ's sacrifice for us. We see in this passage of scripture, Abraham giving up Isaac- the Father giving up His Son.
1. Our Father in Heaven Gave Us His Son. Genesis 22.1-8
John 3.16 For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Isaac was Abraham's "only" son. God the Father sent His One and Only.
Abraham did this out of love for God- God sent Jesus because He so loved the world.
This was an act of supreme sacrifice-
*on Abraham's part- He didn't have full understanding Hebrews 11.17-19 but he had faith. Faith in the LORD will help you. If your faith fails Jesus will pick you up- Peter walking on water.
v.4 on the third day- for three days Isaac was "dead" in the mind of Abraham/ Jesus rose on the third day. He was in the tomb up to that point- dead in the mind of the disciples and His followers.
Abraham had left his nation, people and all that was familiar to him to follow the LORD based on a promise He was going to make Abraham into a great nation. Now He is asking for the promised son.
*On God's part- He knows all things. He sent us His Son with perfect knowledge of how we would treat Him.
He knew He would die- there would not be a rescue like there was with Abraham (vs.10-12)
There were differences...
2. The Son of God offered Himself Genesis 22.9-10
Ephesians 5.25 Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her...
Isaac could have resisted and overpowered Abraham and run away. Abraham was around 130 years old now... perhaps 133! When we sacrifice to the LORD there can be no resistance. Sacrifice by its very nature is surrender... full surrender.
Again Isaac found out that he was the sacrifice at the last few minutes. Jesus was the Lamb of God slain from the creation of the world. Revelation 13.8
Jesus was creating the world with the cross before Him. He was born knowing He would die. He rode into Jerusalem knowing death awaited Him, in spite of the crowds shouting out Messiah.
Isaac didn't know until they got to Moriah, the place Christ was crucified. Abraham "only" had to carry this information in his own heart for three days. The Father and the Son knew always.
3. God, the Father, By His Spirit Raised Jesus Up. Genesis 22.13-19
Romans 8.11 And if the Spirit of Him Who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He Who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies, through His Spirit, Who lives in you.
God raised Jesus up. He will raise us up. He abides in us now if we have been born again, born from above.
*We are part of God's family
*Citizens of heaven
*Partakers in the nature of God.
Christ gave Himself up for us.
So we could be delivered from sin and death
So we could live for Him- serve Him- Is He asking for something from you today?
So we could live with Him In His Father's House Forever
Have you received Him by believing?
Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed?

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