Sunday, May 2, 2010

The LORD's Day, May 2, 2010

Come To The Wedding!
John 2.1-11

I love weddings! For over 30 years now I have officiated at them for people of the church and for family members.

Last Saturday Night, while you were all sound asleep, it was Sunday in China and we were attending the wedding celebration of our niece. She and her husband had actually been married by me at the parsonage 4 years ago. Helen's family is almost all in China so away we went to celebrate it there. It was wonderfully sublime.

Weddings are close to the heart of God. He performed the first one in the Garden of Eden when He took the rib from Adam and with it formed Eve. Some of the words we use in the marriage ritual are from that day. From Genesis to Revelation when we celebrate the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, there are analogies of this wonderful relationship.

Jesus did His first miracle at a wedding in Cana of Galilee. I've been to that town a few times. The only thing that gives it notoriety is the miracle the Master did there. You would have never heard of it were it not for this first miraculous sign Jesus did in it.

The situation was pretty simple. They had run out of wine. v.3 I am not sure Mary had the slightest idea what Jesus would do but she knew He would help. v.5 Simple faith.
Do you believe that?

1. Whatever He Tells You To Do- Do It. -v.5

What great counsel- what wonderful advice.
When there is a great need the first step to a solution is obedience to Christ.

Sometimes it doesn't make any sense! v.6-7
Tithe when I am struggling to make ends meet?
*Share Jesus with that soul that seems so far from Him?
*Encourage that soul who is always so upbeat?

These servants didn't ask, "Jesus, why are filling stone water pots while the wine is gone? Shouldn't we be doing something about the wine?" They weren't asking questions. They were obeying.

v.8-9 the servants knew John knew too- He is the only one of the Gospel writers to record this miracle. His Gospel has been called the Gospel from the Eagle's Eye's view. He was very close to Jesus. In the next few chapters John mentions things, interviews if you will, that Jesus had with Nicodemus in Jerusalem (c.3) and with the woman at the well in Samaria (c.4) that the other Gospel writers omit. John was there on the spot with Jesus. At night when Nicodemus came and in the middle of the heat of the day when the Samaritan woman came to Jacob's well in Sychar.
The fact is...

2. The closer to the LORD you get, the more you see the wonders He performs. v.8-9

When I meet my friend Kim Richardson for a Day of Prayer every three months in Connecticut there is always something that comes from the LORD... 20 years now

When my friend Rudy and I pray together at a lunchtime each week, the LORD comes after we have brought what he likes to call "our list". We are in our tenth year of doing this.

Bob Pawson and I meet each Monday for prayer. We pray over the needs in the church. Men this is for you. Half hour of prayer to begin the week.

St.John Students interviewed me as a community caregiver years ago and when asked I told them the most
fulfilling part of my work was seeing the LORD work.

My son-in-law's aunt taught Sunday School for 50 years and had at least a dozen of her Sunday School students go into the Christian ministry.

We all have our stories of God working.

3.This miracle, as with all the ones Jesus performs, are unexplainable and leaves people with a sense of awe. v.10

I have a young theologian I've been working with recently. Her name is Emma. My 6 year old granddaughter watched a movie about Jesus based on the Gospel of Luke. It did not contain this miracle of course. She wanted to see this miracle I a movie and so I put one with it in it. We walked home that evening and she asked me, "Poppa, how did Jesus turn that water into wine?" I answered, "I don't know Emma. That's part of it being a miracle." And we both wondered about the one Isaiah said would be called Wonderful.

Finally a little math...

4.When Jesus works He does the immeasurable or close to it. v.10-11

6 stone water pots/jars Let's say 3 were 20 gallons and 3 were 30. That would have been 150 gallons of wine or 600 bottles! There probably weren't that many people in Cana at the time!
This was the first! The worldwould not have room for the books that would have to be written.

Acts 1.1-2 All that Jesus began to do

He is at work today.

The kingdom of God is like a wedding banquet! Abundance, joy, adventure

Come to the Wedding! Today!

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