God , My Shepherd
Genesis 48.10-16
God Who has been my Shepherd all my life to this day. (v.15)
Jacob is giving personal testimony to Joseph and his sons about his relationship with the LORD.
From this point in Genesis and throughout the whole Bible (all the way into Revelation), the LORD reveals Himself as a Shepherd. The Shepherd of Israel, The Great Shepherd of the Sheep, His Church.
David declared, "The LORD is my Shepherd." God' men and women have found great comfort and strength in these words. They speak of that personal one on one relationship we have with the LORD.
The work of a shepherd is vastly different from a rancher. Cattle and sheep are different animals. Cattle are driven. Sheep are led.
When God is the Shepherd of your life you discover things about Him along the journey to heaven. These things are in His Word.
1. He Carries Us. Psalm 28.9
He lifts us up. My parents used to love to tell me about a time when I was 2 years old. We lived in Queens and walked every where. I'd get tired and say to my Dad, "Carry me up, Daddy." He's put me on his shoulders. The LORD does that for us. There are times when He lifts us up... think about things you've gone through. Your thoughts: "I don't think I am going to make it." Yet somehow the strength was there.
He bears our burdens.
He takes our cares- we must cast them upon Him.
Forever- we'll see our Shepherd in Revelation.
As our Shepherd...
2. He Is Our Security. Micah 5.4
The presence of the Shepherd give the sheep peace. He is their peace. A sense of security comes from the shepherd. He watches over the flock. He watches out for danger. He stands. The sheep know they are safe.
God has been my shepherd, all my life, to this day.
Another shepherd quality...
3. He Is Full Of Compassion. Matthew 9.36
I need to become more like Jesus. The lost annoy us. We need to see them as Jesus did. He had compassion on them. He loved them and longed to see them come to Him. As we shared a few weeks ago He Never Changes. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He desires to see the lost come to Him today!
Psalm 103.13-14 As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him, for He knows how we are formed, He remembers that we are dust. He understands our weaknesses, our frailties.
4. He Is The Good Shepherd. John 10.11,16
v.11 the Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep
Jesus is the Shepherd and the Lamb of God. He died. He sacrificed Himself for us. Our response ought to be our all- All for Jesus!
He gave His all- can we respond with less?
v.16 I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them in also. They too will listen to My Voice and there will be one flock with one Shepherd.
Again He is seeking to save the lost wandering sheep.
5. He Is The Great Shepherd Of The Sheep. Hebrews 13.20
He died on the cross in Jerusalem. He established the Eternal Covenant. The Father brought Jesus back from the dead. He stands and Shepherds His Flock today!
6. Jesus The Great Shepherd Of The Sheep Will Separate The Sheep From The Goats In The Day Of Judgement. Matthew 25.32
The wicked will go to eternal punishment, the righteous to eternal life.
7. The Lamb Of God Is The Shepherd Forever. Revelation 7.17
He will lead us to springs of living water.
God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. He knows our inmost thoughts, heartaches and pain. What a Friend We Have in Jesus! Keep going to Him with the deep things of your heart. Full of compassion, He will hold you close and one day tears and the things that cause them will be a thing of the past! Hallelujah!
Savior, Like A Shepherd Lead Us!
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