Through God's grace and strength, Joseph became fruitful in a time of great adversity. He even named a son about this time Genesis 41.52 Ephraim-because God has made me fruitful in the land of my suffering. His first son Manasseh 41.51 because God has made me forget all my trouble and all my father's household.
By God's power Joseph was able to ignore this secondary cause and see the greater purpose and plan of God. This is a mark of great character, a sign of maturity- something that is worthy for all of us to seek after.
Daniel, Esther, Mary and Paul all had this quality. It comes through in difficulties. It is a richness of soul that is not easily produced.
To forget and forgive you must abide in Christ.
How can we ignore secondary causes?
1. See the purpose of God in your suffering. v.5
it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you.
We have pain. God has purposes- greater purposes. He is working in us and working out His Sovereign will.
We may not know the specific reasons. We usually do not know. We may not understand what the LORD is doing.
Joseph submitted to slavery, being lied about and then being imprisoned for a crime he did not commit.
The less we struggle the more apt we are to hear God's voice, grow into maturity and learn valuable life long lessons. These are the purposes of God. Let Him do His work. Let Him do it in His time.
2. Seeing Our Part in the Great Plan Of God v.7
to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance.
There are times when we can only be still and wait. Joseph learned that. He left his family and past in God's Hands.
Seeing our part means walking by faith, trusting in all the promises of God. leaving the unfulfilled dreams in His hands as well.
Believing, working, waiting... How to ignore secondary causes...
3. Embrace God's Sovereignty -v.8
it was not you who sent me here but God.
Joseph saw things clearly, but before he did he embraced God's choices - slavery, prison.
He used his gifts given by God in some difficult situations.
Embracing God's Sovereignty is the way to peace and blessing.
William Cowper's Light Shining Out of Darkness
* God knows exactly what He is doing.
He knows the beginning from the end.
He is able to override injustice and even ride His purposes out on it.
He knows the hearts of everyone.
* God is good. He does not let us suffer needlessly.
He calls us close- the closer we get to Him the more the peace.
* God has our best interests at heart.
We think it is to be comfortable.
He desires us to share in His Holiness!
We desire to receive. It is more blessed to give than to receive.
This is not easy. Becoming a person who is able to ignore secondary causes takes a lot. It is surrender to God- His purposes, His Plans, His Sovereignty. It is the best. It is the way of the cross. It is a wonderful way to live. It brings us good and also to others.
May His will be done on earth as it is in heaven!
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