We pick names to honor a loved one. For instance my grandson's middle name is Mark, in memory of my brother. Sometimes we honor the living with a namesake. My dad and I share the same name except that I am a junior.
In Ancient Israel names were chosen for different reasons. Their choice of a name for a baby had to do with what they believe that baby was to become or to describe a characteristic at birth.
David= beloved. He became Israel's most beloved king
Jacob= heal grasper or supplanter. He came out of his mother's Rebekah's womb grasping onto the heel of his brother Esau.
The father was responsible for naming the son at the time of circumcision on the 8th day. Mary (Luke 1.31) and Joseph were told what Jesus was to be named. Joseph carried out the directions of Our Father in heaven, Jesus' Father when he gave Him the Name Jesus.
Jesus= Greek form of Joshua, which means The LORD saves/Jehovah is salvation.
His name described and describes His Life and Ministry. His Name is above all names.
There are many other names the Son Of God, Jesus Christ, is called One is here in our scripture reading this morning:
1. IMMANUEL -v.23
God with us- With us is God
John 3.2 Nicodemus said, "Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous signs you are doing if God were not with him." He is with us today. None of us would be here today if God were not with us! We would not have hope if it were not for Immanuel!
Isaiah 9.6-7 Isaiah tells us what Jesus will be called. Again the Names reflect the Person. They describes Who He is and What He does.
Wonderful= marvel, extraordinary, hard to understand
Counselor= advisor, consultant, conspire*
Isaiah 8.12-13 Do not call conspiracy everything this people calls conspiracy; do not fear, and do not dread it. The LORD Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy, He is the One you are to fear. He is the One you are to dread.
*Visit to Pastor Joshua- Anka was the person they had to see first. They said it was like an angel.
The only true God strong and brave.
He can do anything. This Christmas 8 million children are going to receive Christmas Shoe boxes this year telling them that Baby born in the manger 2,000 years ago loves them.
Might God- He can calm the storm when His children are in them or He can calm His children when they go through the storm.
He has kept His people strong in times of great pain, sorrow, loss and sickness.
Luke 1 Zechariah and Mary- The priest lacks faith and questions God's Word while the maiden in Nazareth believes it.
Perpetual, Forever, continual existence
Head or Founder of family or household. Protector
Last Sunday my niece and nephews were here- their dad is in heaven. I have seen that verse in Psalm 68.5 work out in their lives. "A father to the fatherless, a defender f widows, is God in His Holy Dwelling."
He is Our Father in Heaven.
Day By Day by Carolina Sandell-Berg contains lines like "Trusting in my Father;s wise bestowment... the protection of His child and treasure... Help me LORD when toil and trouble meeting, E'er to take as from a Father's Hand, one by one, the days the moments fleeting, till I reach the Promised Land."
Prince=leader, overseer, Captain/Commander
Peace= Shalom= completeness, soundness, safety, health, prosperity, tranquillity
Now in our hearts and minds- John 16.33, Philippians 4.6-7
One day in heaven forever.
All these and many more are the names of Jesus!
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