I am continually amazed by computers and the things they can do. In 1990 I went back to college and took a course called Intro to Computers.
The things we dreamed of a few years ago are now reality today. Video clips sent over the phone lines. The things we can see on a computer screen are amazing. Yet what goes on behind the screen in the hardware of that machine is so much more amazing.
What we see in the Nativity is Divine Simplicity. Luke probably interviewed Mary for inclusion of the details of Jesus' Birth in his gospel.
John's first view of his gospel are very deep. While Luke gives us the physical description of Nativity, the John describes for us the spiritual terms of Christ Coming into the world.
What were are told about the Son of God here makes have awe and wonder.
1. Christ Jesus And The Father. v.1-2
They along with the Holy Spirit have always been.
Micah 5.2 But you Bethlehem, Ephratah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come One for Me who will be Ruler over Israel Whose Origins are from of old, from days of Eternity.
v.1 The Word is God
v.2 The Word was with God in the beginning
Jesus said (John 14)
v.9 Anyone who has seen Me has the Father
v.10 I am in the Father and the Father is in Me.
Isaiah said one of the names of Jesus would be Everlasting Father. You cannot have eternal Fatherhood without Eternal Sonship. If we don't grasp this we don't got a correct view of the Father.
His Hand on our shoulder.
The Son of God appearing shows us the Father and that He and His Son Jesus Christ are one, it also shows us...
2. Christ Jesus is the True Light of the World. vs.3-9
Spiritual and Intelligent illumination come from Him. He is the Truth.
Christ makes clear the Meaning and Destiny of Life. Life's end is right when He is in our hearts.
While He has all the answers He dies give all the answers. That is good.
He made all things-v.3
He is the Life-v.4
Out of that life come Light. He is both. He is the Answer and He satisfies. He does not let us down.
The Son of God Appearing...
3. The Word Became Flesh vs.10-18
You must have faith. -v.12
v.14 His Glory- 2.11 Christ reveals His glory in miracles in every day life. Cana much smaller than Bethlehem!
His Grace
His Giving- one blessing after another.
Jesus, the Word became flesh, the only begotten of the Father
Not a Theophany or a Christophany (like with Abraham, Jacob and Daniel) but God in man residing! I Peter 1.10-12
The Parable of the Birds
Joy To The World The LORD Is Come!
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