Sunday, April 3, 2011

Heaven- The Place Jesus Is Preparing For Us

John 14.1-3

"I am going there to prepare a place for you."

- Jesus Christ

A cure for a troubled heart, when bad and upsetting news is received, is to focus on Jesus and His Promises about Heaven, the place He is preparing for us. The Blessed Hope of every believer is not problem free living here on earth. Jesus told us that in this world we are going to have trouble. The Blessed Hope of every believer is the Return of Jesus Christ and our being gathered to Him.

Many need to have the promise of heaven stirred with their souls again! If you are overwhelmed with sorrow, if trouble is your hearts today, if you have lost your peace then these words of Jesus are what you need to dwell on, feed on and hide within your heart.

We can get so practical and have everything in our spiritual lives so explained with pat answers that we no longer feel the need for heaven. The truth is there needs to be some mystery and intrigue and unexplainables in our faith to keep it fired. We ought to be excited about finishing well here, hitting that finish line and getting to go to be with the LORD!

The scripture tells us that after Jesus revealed that one of them would be tray Him- one of the Twelve and that Peter would deny knowing Him three times before the rooster crowed and later all would fall away (Mark 14.27) He gave them these words about heaven.

1. Jesus is preparing a place for His followers.

I am going there to prepare a place for you.

He is making that city, the New Jerusalem, ready for His Bride.

Revelation 21.1-5, 22-27

He is with us through His Spirit now. He is seeing that the road is passable. The enemy is seeking to throw rood blocks up as we journey to heaven.

Pot holes which are pits: Despair, Doubt, Depression, Difficulty, Disobedience.

The LORD wants us to keep our eyes on Him and our hearts set on heaven.

He clears the way. He has blazed the trail. He has given us safe passage and is with us as we journey.

Over and over again in His Word He speaks to us about this place- the City of God.

2. He is Already There.

I am going there to prepare a place for you.

Acts 1.4-11 He ascended- went back into heaven.

Those believers who depart from this life go to be with the LORD, which is better by far. (Philippians 1.23)

Jesus was taken back to heaven. His journey on earth ended. He is with the Father.

This was in His Heart while He was here on earth:

Luke 12.50 I have a baptism to undergo, and how distressed I am until it is completed.

Hebrews 5.7 During the days of Jesus' life here in earth, He offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the One Who could save Him from death, and He was heard because of His reverent submission.

When we get to heaven there will be no more death, sorrow, pain or tears.

3. Soon and Very Soon We are Going to See the KING!

I will come again

Revelation 22.7 I am coming soon

He is coming from heaven to earth to catch His Bride away. He is coming to gather His children back home to bring His family together.

Every eye will see Him Revelation 1.7

He will appear publicly Titus 2.12-14

This will be the renewal of all things. Matthew 19.28

When We All Get to Heaven

We Will be like Him I John 2.1-2

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