Mark 16.1-7
John 20.1-29
To call what the followers of Jesus went through in between Palm Sunday and the Resurrection an emotional roller coaster would be an understatement. There were layers of emotions.
These men had literally left everything to follow the LORD: families, homes, jobs, businesses, friends. On Palm Sunday, just days before the Passover Feast, Jesus rode into Jerusalem, allowing for the first time in public the crowds to proclaim Him King, Israel's Messiah.
The Passover Feasts in that first century were fraught with emotion. To celebrate it in Israel, especially in Jerusalem dealt various emotions to the Jewish worshipper. Roman soldiers were everywhere. Its forces were beefed up for these feasts. They celebrated a feast that focused on their Exodus from Egypt while under Roman occupation. It was bittersweet. They celebrated freedom from one country while under the thumb of another.
For the disciples Palm Sunday changed much of that; at least that is what the followers of Jesus were thinking. Any day they expected Jesus of Nazareth to stand up to Roman Forces and with the help of the Zealots push them out of the land given to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It was a weekend of shock.
1. Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane. Mark 14.32-50
In the minds of the disciples this was the last thing they expected. They were delirious with joy from Palm Sunday. They had watched Jesus take authority over the temple on Monday and win debate after debate on Tuesday. Over the previous three and half years they had watched Him walk away from the opposition (because His hour had not yet come). They saw His power to command the wind and the waves but now He was seized and they all fled. In their minds Jesus should have overpowered them and that was not happening. They were in shock.
As we follow the LORD some things cross our paths that shock us. When we see someone who we thought was a solid believer fall into deep sin or depart from the faith, or become lukewarm it is shocking. When someone lies to us we are shocked. We are shocked when someone we thought had integrity steals. We need to guard our own hearts, keep our eyes fixed upon Jesus and pray that we do not fall into temptation.
Peter followed at a distance, after Jesus was arrested, to see what would happen. Perhaps He would overpower them after all. But He didn't.
2. Jesus was Crucified. Mark 15.25
They crucified Him.
This was so shocking to hear speak of this beforehand. We are told in Matthew 16.22-23 Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him. "Never, LORD!" he said. "This will never happen to You!" Jesus turned to Peter and said, "Get behind Me, Satan!" Rebuking the LORD- imagine that?!Then it happened Jesus was crucified. How could this be? They were all in shock.
The LORD does whatever He pleases. There are times when His actions catch us by surprise. I was speaking to Dr. Mucci a few weeks ago about Divine Healing. I said, "I am surprised sometime when God heals someone." He responded, "I am surprised every time!" He wasn't speaking about the lack of faith but the wonder of God's work.
We are told how to live but He is Sovereign. He is not obligated to do what we think He will do or what we think he should do. He does what He says He will do, but His thought are not our thoughts and His ways not our ways. They are beyond our finding out. Listen to what He says in His Word.
After He died...
3. Jesus was buried. I Corinthians 15.3-4
Burial in Israel in the First Century was for the rich in tombs hewn out of solid rock. Isaiah 53.9 He was assigned a grave with the wicked and with the rich in His death. Joseph of Arimethea loaned the LORD his tomb. Cemeteries are difficult places to go to. Funerals often have an element of shock, even when a person has lived a long life. We were talking recently about how we miss Katharina who went to be with the LORD at Christmas and we still expect to see her. come into the church.
There was no funeral for Jesus. He died and He was placed in the tomb. The emotions of the disciples are captured on the Road to Emmaus: Luke 24.21 "...we had hoped that He was going to be the One Who was going to redeem Israel..." The loss of hope is often found at a funeral or cemetery insomuch as the person has died and we are without them but for the followers of Jesus Christ, because of the Resurrection of our LORD, while there is grief, we do not grieve like the rest of men who have no hope because...
4. Jesus Rose From The Dead! John 20.18-20
This was the ultimate shock for those on that first Easter Sunday. They had forgotten His Word. Luke 24.1-8 v.8 then they remembered His Words of v.7 We get into all kinds of trouble when we forget His Word. By that First Day of the week they had lost hope. They were not looking for Jesus to rise. The women went to anoint His body with spices they had prepared. The disciples were hiding away for the fear they still might be arrested. The city that had proclaimed Him, "Messiah" ended up crucifying Him outside its walls. But He rose from the dead!
Don't forget His Word! He does what He says. He restores hope. He restores souls.
A weekend of shock turned into a weekend of joy-v.20
He has Risen!
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