Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Hope of Salvation

I Thessalonians 5.6-11

Hebrews 2.3-4 How shall we escape if we ignore such a great salvation? This salvation which was first announced by the LORD, was confirmed by those who heard Him. God also testified to it by signs, wonders and various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to His will.

What a great salvation! We could not earn it or achieve it. It is a gift offered by God. It is received by faith. It is freedom from the penalty and power of sin dominating us. It is offered to everyone:Uganda, South America, China, the Middle East. To the four corners of the earth. He saves to the uttermost.

It is a great salvation because of Who gave it to us and the price that was paid. Christ gave Himself up and laid down His life for us.

This great salvation, such a great salvation, is both a present possession and a future hops. It will mean the redemption/ freedom from all the effects of sin. It is life eternal in the Kingdom of God.

The Hope of Salvation- joyful and confident expectation of being with the LORD forever; no fear from anger and the wrath of God coming to punish us for our sins. Being safe at home with Jesus one day, soon.

Because of this great salvation...

1. We have Hope in this life. Psalm 27.13-14

I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living... Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.

Of course not all is bliss. We face tests, trials, difficulties. We have things come into our lives that at the time make no sense. We face pain. Tears come and try to dim our eyes.

But over all these things and through all these things there is such good that comes from the LORD. My Nana used to write in her letters, "He daily loadeth us with His blessings." Psalm 16.6

I believe the ability to see them comes with salvation and increases with our maturing in the LORD and that is a wonderful gift from God.

With all that is wrong in this world...

2. We have Hope because of the LORD. v.8

Both here and in Ephesians 6 we are told that in our armor, salvation is the helmet. Here is it called the Hope of Salvation. It is in our minds, our thinking that the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy as we mature.

We ought to think about our salvation often- one way we ensure will not ignore or neglect it. Build yourself up in the faith so when the enemy works you can go on the offensive with the sword of the Spirit.

As your mind is filled with Hope (with Christ) and your hope is firmed up, your faith is strengthened. The sanctified mind filled with the knowledge of the LORD results in Hope in the LORD. There are seemingly hopeless situations like in Ezekiel 37. verse 3 "Son of man, can these bones live?" "O Sovereign LORD, You alone know."

Much of what we hope to accomplish in the Grief Group will be to give hope. Christ is our Hope. Pray that it will be so!

The Hope of Salvation...

3. Our Ultimate Hope

This culminates at our death and at fully His Return.

It is our Blessed Hope- Titus 2.11-14

Wait= expect the fulfillment of His Promises

Hope= joyful and confident expectation of eternal salvation centered in Christ Our LORD.

He is the God of Hope.

Romans 15.1-3

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Being Ready For Christ's Return

I Thessalonians 4.1-18

Jesus said, "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." (Mark 13.32) One things that all date setters have in common- they have all been wrong. The fact that they set a date shows their Biblical ignorance.

There is much written in the Word of God concerning Christ's Return. The resounding message is Be Ready! You don't know when that time will come (Mark 13.33) therefore Be on guard! Be alert! (Mark 13.33) Therefore keep watch because you do not know when... (Mark 13.35)

The main subject of Paul's letters to the church at Thessalonica was the Return of Jesus Christ. Being ready is paramount. We are told how here in this morning's scripture.

1. Keep Obeying Christ's Teachings vs.1-2
Jude 3 Contend for the faith that was once entrusted to the saints

We must never feel we are beyond Christ's teachings. Like Being part of the church is optional, like we have heard enough and we don't need to hear the old stories again and again. Like we are all set and ready for heaven. On the contrary we are in a spiritual battle. The enemy knows his time is short. The words here in verse one are "more and more". The Christian Life is an ever growing dynamic of obedience coming from our lives. There are going to be people who thought they were going to heaven in the end that the LORD is going to tell, "Depart from Me I never knew you."

More and more...
Where there is reluctance or hesitation there is to be immediate obedience.
Where there is a feeling of obligation there is to be a motive of love.

Christ is the Supreme Authority in our lives. He is the LORD and Master..
One of the benefits of reading God's Word continually is that it ensures we will (John 15.4) abide in Him. His commands us to love Him supremely and to love our neighbor as our self.
John 15.10 If you obey My commands, you remain in My love.
Obedience to Christ ensures that I will not fear that day of His Return but rather welcome it.

2. Keep yourself from becoming polluted by the world. vs.3-8
James 1.27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

Thessalonica, like many other cities in the Roman Empire, were very wicked. Main Streets were full of temples built to the Greek gods. Much of the ritual in these temples involved sinful practices and loose morals.
God calls His people to sexual purity. Paul writes to the Church at Ephesus (Ephesians 5.3) But among you there must not even be a hint of sexual immorality. I cannot describe to you the damage this sin does. The ramifications are extensive. I have seen it destroy marriages, families and people. Most who fall into it do not realize the fire they are playing with.
Proverbs 6.26b-32 The adulteress preys upon your very life. Can a man scoop fire into his lap without his clothes being burned?... so is he who sleeps with another man's wife... a man who commits adultery lacks judgment, whoever does so destroys himself."

There are other things you can be polluted by the with:
1. Greed
2. Idolatry
3. Hatred
4. Jealousy-envy
5. Selfish ambition
6. drunkenness
7. Any breakdown in human relationships
Flee all of this!

How can I be ready for Christ's Return?

3. Keep loving each other deeply. vs.9-12
It is an example to the other churches -v.10
It is a witness to outsiders- v.12
It covers a multitude of sins I Peter 4.7-8 ex/gossip
It is the greatest. It is the sign of being filled with the Spirit of God and being a follower of Jesus Christ.

4. Here's how Christ's Return Will Happen vs.13-18
v.17 Then Jesus' prayer will be answered in John 17.24 Father, I want those You have given Me to be with Me where I am...
v.18 Comfort for our departed loved ones, the living believers- the place of our reunion will be in the sky and on into heaven forever!

Be Ready! He is Coming Soon!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Power of God's Work

I Thessalonians 2.1-6

in spite of strong opposition

God's Work goes on today. It is unstoppable. God keeps on working even in spite of strong opposition. Those 160 plus Chinese brothers and sisters of ours who were arrested in Beijing last month for worshiping like we are this morning paved the way for the gospel to forth. Persecute the church and you'll ensure the strengthening of it.

The church at Thessalonica was known for standing firm in the face of opposition and persecution. The power of God's Spirit gave them strength to stand. God does keep on working in spite of all kinds of strong opposition.

1. In Spite of Human Resistance
Whether it is the Sanhedrin in Acts 4, the Chinese Police in 2011 or the efforts the enemy today here the power of God's Spirit works to ensure that His people are strengthened and His work continues.
The cross of Christ and the cause of Christ have always had its enemies. Paul the apostle wrote to the Philippians For as I have often told you before and now again say even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Philippians 3.18
Jesus and Paul both referred to play actors or hypocrites- false faces. They will be among the church until Jesus comes again and some of them are very good. In spite of them the work of God continues.

We live in times of great social shifts. Stan Toler is in the process of writing a book to step fathers entitled You Don't Have To Call Me Dad, because of all the blended families today.

2. In Spite of Changing Times
With all the changes we are facing technology is at the center. Dr. Richard Swenson's book Margin talks about the need for boundaries in this 21st century America we live in. He is a medical doctor and tells how so many in his profession go to Third World Countries with Doctors With Borders or their church's mission groups and then do not want to return to the United States where the vast array of problems from malpractice insurance to all kinds of regulations are placed upon them. He speaks of the pain of progress. With all the technology that was supposed to make our life simpler it has extended our boundaries thus creating needs for margins.

The clock itself has become bigger- or has it? We go 24-7 in one form or another. We can set the DVR to record programs while we sleep. E-mail and text messages come to us when we are doing something else. Our voice mail answers for us when we are not there. The libraries of the world are now at our finger tips and just a click of the mouse away. However there is only so much time in a day so people today are exhausted and drained. Words like meltdown and crashing and breakdown and stressing out have become a part of vocabulary, and can happen to us if we do not make some margins. Who do you think was the most sought after person that ever lived? The Beatles? Einstein? Perhaps Albert Schweitzer? No it was Jesus (and still is). Look at him when He was here on earth. We see Him in they mountains to pray, on the Sea of Galilee with the 12, and pulling them away from the multitudes. We see Jesus getting up early but it is to pray.

God does not change. He is timeless! Psalm 90.4 For a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night.

Culture changes. We can hardly keep up with it today. The rules keep on changing yet God's law is written on stone. The Ten Commandments stand. The Word of God stands. Psalm 145.13 The LORD is faithful to all His Promises.

In a time of shifting values where there is great confusion, in spite of its strong opposition to it , God's Word stands firm and His Work, the work of His Spirit continues.

With all this change has come greater choices. His work powerfully continues.

3. In Spite of the Vast Array of Choices We Face.
In 1960 there were 5,000 items in the average grocery store in our country. By 1990 that number had climbed to 15,000 and today there is much more.

This Day, the LORD's Day used to be called the Christian Sabbath, then it was the LORD's Day, then it became Sunday and then the weekend and now it is the busiest shopping day by far. Activities in neighborhoods ceased out of respect for God. We need this time here this morning but that is just the beginning. We need a day, one out of seven where we rest our bodies and minds.

The technology today can steal time away from the LORD. The rapid fire pace and availability of entertainment can replace Him. If you are just reading this blog and are not going to church please read Hebrews 10.25.
Be an overcomer.

4. In Spite of Ourselves God Keeps on Working
I've been reminded this week that sometimes when I don't see something my faith is not operating 100%. God works in spite of of me sometimes. But I want that to be the exception not the rule! I want Him to work through me! I want to partner with the Holy Spirit. Our aim should be to be people of faith and to cooperate with Him.

5. In Spite of the Arch Enemy of the Church the Power of God's Work is Greater.
We are told I Peter 5.8-9 Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist Him Standing firm in the faith.
I think Satan gets far more credit today by people attributing things to him. Resist him!

In spite of what ever strong opposition comes the power of God's Work goes forward!

Lead On O King Eternal

Sunday, May 8, 2011

An Unusual Prayer of Thanksgiving

I Thessalonians 1.2-3

Every church has its faults. There is no perfect church (on earth). The church is made up of imperfect people like you and me!

I love what E. Stanely Jones said, "The church with all its faults is still the best serving organization on earth, so get into it and serve!"

We tend to gravitate to faults. One day Jesus will present the church to Himself faultless! Ephesians 5.27 That He might present it to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. I am looking forward to that day!

Now however we do have our faults. Our faults always look worse on someone else. When there is a spot on someone's clothes- say a shirt- we tend to go right to that spot! I guess that is human nature.- some times we can't listen because we are thinking about the spot and that is they would let us we would remove for them!

Too often it is like that in the church. We see the spots!... the faults. There is a remedy for that! Paul gave thanks for the blessings- the spiritual blessings of the this church. In fact he and Timothy and Silas had made it a practice to give thanks to the LORD for the spiritual blessings the LORD has blessed this church with.

What an example they set! Instead of being drawn to the faults they thanked God for the blessings which were by far greater than any faults or some little spot!

We always thank God for all of you.

I'm thankful for the church today. It is a blessing to my soul! The church has been very good to me. I read a quote from a Japanese person following the earthquake in some of Samaritan's Purse's material, "The reason we have been able to survive the last few weeks is because of Christians." Immediately the church went into the south to help following these devastating tornadoes. I know of one small church here on Long Island who is continuing to help in the aftermath of Katrina. They take a team to Louisiana each summer. It is the church who visits the sick, brings meal to those in need and comforts those in pain.

Look at what Paul, Silas and Timothy gave thanks for.

1. Their work produced by faith.
Faith without works is dead but works produced by faith is electric! Dynamic!
*Their hands-I am thankful for the hands around this church. The church yard is beautiful this morning because the Hand of God along with the hands of Bob Pawson.
*Art- our Sunday School has a personal touch. The material is made by loving hands. The bulletin, the clean building we have.
*This building was produced by faith.
The spiritual building is as well.

2. Their labor prompted by love.
What a difference between forced labor and a labor of love.
Today is Mother's Day. Our mothers labored in love from our birth and all the way.
When something is done out of love it has a fragrance and a beauty.

3. Their endurance inspired by hope in Our LORD Jesus Christ.
Flash in the pans catch the eye but they don't last long. Thank God for those who endure to the end. Thank God for those who finish the race and keep the faith.

Give thanks for the church, His church today and every day!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The LORD's Supper

I Corinthians 11.23-26

This is the most sacred act of worship in the church.

We know that Jesus took the Passover Meal, less than 24 hours before He died, and out of it put forth this sacrament to remember Him and His death by. This rite, now almost 2,000 years old, began with Jesus and the apostles in an upper room in Jerusalem and it is celebrated around the world today by all believers.

Israel had completed the tabernacle. (Exodus 40.1-2) and set it up in the first month, the same month they celebrated the Passover. Now Jesus celebrates the Passover with His disciples. It has been celebrated for approximately 1,800 years when He eats the Passover with them. The Passover is Israel's birthday as a nation. It is a National Holy Day. But Jesus is not speaking at this meal about the kingdom being restored to Israel (yet). He is speaking of His kingdom which is not of this world. He is pointing to the coming of God's Kingdom and the New Covenant.

Jesus left us with this act of worship to be done often in remembrance of Him. It is good for us to do it and it is also good for us to look closely at the words of our LORD, recorded by Paul, the apostle, in his letter to the Corinthian Church.

1. It speaks of His Body. -v.24
This is My Body
Philippians 2.7 being made in human likeness. As the Christmas Hymn says, "Veiled in flesh the Godhead see. Hail the Incarnate Deity."

Jesus did show us how to live. He taught us God's Word. Yet the primary purpose of His birth and becoming a man was to die on the cross for our sins.

Philippians 2.8-9 The Word become flesh.

2. He Gave Thanks. -v.24
The bread symbolizing the body of our LORD was in His Hands. He was about to break it.
*He was giving thanks that He was doing the will of God.
*He was giving thanks to set an example for us so that when we do this we are thankful.
*He was thanking the Father for the plan of redemption.
We ought to give thanks when we come to the table.

3. He Broke the Bread. -v.24
He did it.
Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her. - Ephesians 5.25
Speaking about His life- No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of My own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. John 10.18
This is My Body which is broken for you.
Greater love has no one than this, that He lay down His life for His friends.
He laid down His life for you because of His great love for you.

4. He took the Cup. -v.25
The Blood of the New Covenant- His Blood.
His blood was poured out.
We proclaim the LORD's death until He comes.
Luke 22.18 For I tell you I will drink again of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes.

5. In Remembrance of Me. vs.25-26
When we take the LORD's Supper it is to be in Remembrance of Him. Can we actually forget what Christ has done for us?! Probably not as a fact of History but very possibly without the gratitude and love we should have for it.
We remember what He did for us.
Salvation- our salvation comes out of this act of Jesus on the cross.

Yet we live in the world- work, business, going about the necessary things, if we are not careful, they can steal our focus away from Christ. The LORD's Supper helps us focus. We hold the bread and wine in our hands- we must set Him apart as LORD in our hearts and be reminded by His Spirit.

This feast is for His disciples. It is to be done in memory of Him and with strong hope in His coming again.

The amount of readership of this blog is very humbling. Each month now over 400 people read the messages here. You are one of them. If you are a believer and this message is your main way of getting the Word I would love for you to continue joining with us. However to really experience the joy of this morning's message you need to be in a fellowship. No church is perfect but we all need to be a part of one. The LORD's Supper was designed by our LORD to be taken in a group of people. Find a church and get into it if you are not presently a part of one. You need it! We all need it! God bless you this day!