I Thessalonians 5.6-11
Hebrews 2.3-4 How shall we escape if we ignore such a great salvation? This salvation which was first announced by the LORD, was confirmed by those who heard Him. God also testified to it by signs, wonders and various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to His will.
What a great salvation! We could not earn it or achieve it. It is a gift offered by God. It is received by faith. It is freedom from the penalty and power of sin dominating us. It is offered to everyone:Uganda, South America, China, the Middle East. To the four corners of the earth. He saves to the uttermost.
It is a great salvation because of Who gave it to us and the price that was paid. Christ gave Himself up and laid down His life for us.
This great salvation, such a great salvation, is both a present possession and a future hops. It will mean the redemption/ freedom from all the effects of sin. It is life eternal in the Kingdom of God.
The Hope of Salvation- joyful and confident expectation of being with the LORD forever; no fear from anger and the wrath of God coming to punish us for our sins. Being safe at home with Jesus one day, soon.
Because of this great salvation...
1. We have Hope in this life. Psalm 27.13-14
I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living... Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.
Of course not all is bliss. We face tests, trials, difficulties. We have things come into our lives that at the time make no sense. We face pain. Tears come and try to dim our eyes.
But over all these things and through all these things there is such good that comes from the LORD. My Nana used to write in her letters, "He daily loadeth us with His blessings." Psalm 16.6
I believe the ability to see them comes with salvation and increases with our maturing in the LORD and that is a wonderful gift from God.
With all that is wrong in this world...
2. We have Hope because of the LORD. v.8
Both here and in Ephesians 6 we are told that in our armor, salvation is the helmet. Here is it called the Hope of Salvation. It is in our minds, our thinking that the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy as we mature.
We ought to think about our salvation often- one way we ensure will not ignore or neglect it. Build yourself up in the faith so when the enemy works you can go on the offensive with the sword of the Spirit.
As your mind is filled with Hope (with Christ) and your hope is firmed up, your faith is strengthened. The sanctified mind filled with the knowledge of the LORD results in Hope in the LORD. There are seemingly hopeless situations like in Ezekiel 37. verse 3 "Son of man, can these bones live?" "O Sovereign LORD, You alone know."
Much of what we hope to accomplish in the Grief Group will be to give hope. Christ is our Hope. Pray that it will be so!
The Hope of Salvation...
3. Our Ultimate Hope
This culminates at our death and at fully His Return.
It is our Blessed Hope- Titus 2.11-14
Wait= expect the fulfillment of His Promises
Hope= joyful and confident expectation of eternal salvation centered in Christ Our LORD.
He is the God of Hope.
Romans 15.1-3