Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Power of God's Work

I Thessalonians 2.1-6

in spite of strong opposition

God's Work goes on today. It is unstoppable. God keeps on working even in spite of strong opposition. Those 160 plus Chinese brothers and sisters of ours who were arrested in Beijing last month for worshiping like we are this morning paved the way for the gospel to forth. Persecute the church and you'll ensure the strengthening of it.

The church at Thessalonica was known for standing firm in the face of opposition and persecution. The power of God's Spirit gave them strength to stand. God does keep on working in spite of all kinds of strong opposition.

1. In Spite of Human Resistance
Whether it is the Sanhedrin in Acts 4, the Chinese Police in 2011 or the efforts the enemy today here the power of God's Spirit works to ensure that His people are strengthened and His work continues.
The cross of Christ and the cause of Christ have always had its enemies. Paul the apostle wrote to the Philippians For as I have often told you before and now again say even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Philippians 3.18
Jesus and Paul both referred to play actors or hypocrites- false faces. They will be among the church until Jesus comes again and some of them are very good. In spite of them the work of God continues.

We live in times of great social shifts. Stan Toler is in the process of writing a book to step fathers entitled You Don't Have To Call Me Dad, because of all the blended families today.

2. In Spite of Changing Times
With all the changes we are facing technology is at the center. Dr. Richard Swenson's book Margin talks about the need for boundaries in this 21st century America we live in. He is a medical doctor and tells how so many in his profession go to Third World Countries with Doctors With Borders or their church's mission groups and then do not want to return to the United States where the vast array of problems from malpractice insurance to all kinds of regulations are placed upon them. He speaks of the pain of progress. With all the technology that was supposed to make our life simpler it has extended our boundaries thus creating needs for margins.

The clock itself has become bigger- or has it? We go 24-7 in one form or another. We can set the DVR to record programs while we sleep. E-mail and text messages come to us when we are doing something else. Our voice mail answers for us when we are not there. The libraries of the world are now at our finger tips and just a click of the mouse away. However there is only so much time in a day so people today are exhausted and drained. Words like meltdown and crashing and breakdown and stressing out have become a part of vocabulary, and can happen to us if we do not make some margins. Who do you think was the most sought after person that ever lived? The Beatles? Einstein? Perhaps Albert Schweitzer? No it was Jesus (and still is). Look at him when He was here on earth. We see Him in they mountains to pray, on the Sea of Galilee with the 12, and pulling them away from the multitudes. We see Jesus getting up early but it is to pray.

God does not change. He is timeless! Psalm 90.4 For a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night.

Culture changes. We can hardly keep up with it today. The rules keep on changing yet God's law is written on stone. The Ten Commandments stand. The Word of God stands. Psalm 145.13 The LORD is faithful to all His Promises.

In a time of shifting values where there is great confusion, in spite of its strong opposition to it , God's Word stands firm and His Work, the work of His Spirit continues.

With all this change has come greater choices. His work powerfully continues.

3. In Spite of the Vast Array of Choices We Face.
In 1960 there were 5,000 items in the average grocery store in our country. By 1990 that number had climbed to 15,000 and today there is much more.

This Day, the LORD's Day used to be called the Christian Sabbath, then it was the LORD's Day, then it became Sunday and then the weekend and now it is the busiest shopping day by far. Activities in neighborhoods ceased out of respect for God. We need this time here this morning but that is just the beginning. We need a day, one out of seven where we rest our bodies and minds.

The technology today can steal time away from the LORD. The rapid fire pace and availability of entertainment can replace Him. If you are just reading this blog and are not going to church please read Hebrews 10.25.
Be an overcomer.

4. In Spite of Ourselves God Keeps on Working
I've been reminded this week that sometimes when I don't see something my faith is not operating 100%. God works in spite of of me sometimes. But I want that to be the exception not the rule! I want Him to work through me! I want to partner with the Holy Spirit. Our aim should be to be people of faith and to cooperate with Him.

5. In Spite of the Arch Enemy of the Church the Power of God's Work is Greater.
We are told I Peter 5.8-9 Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist Him Standing firm in the faith.
I think Satan gets far more credit today by people attributing things to him. Resist him!

In spite of what ever strong opposition comes the power of God's Work goes forward!

Lead On O King Eternal

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