Every church has its faults. There is no perfect church (on earth). The church is made up of imperfect people like you and me!
I love what E. Stanely Jones said, "The church with all its faults is still the best serving organization on earth, so get into it and serve!"
We tend to gravitate to faults. One day Jesus will present the church to Himself faultless! Ephesians 5.27 That He might present it to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. I am looking forward to that day!
Now however we do have our faults. Our faults always look worse on someone else. When there is a spot on someone's clothes- say a shirt- we tend to go right to that spot! I guess that is human nature.- some times we can't listen because we are thinking about the spot and that is they would let us we would remove for them!
Too often it is like that in the church. We see the spots!... the faults. There is a remedy for that! Paul gave thanks for the blessings- the spiritual blessings of the this church. In fact he and Timothy and Silas had made it a practice to give thanks to the LORD for the spiritual blessings the LORD has blessed this church with.
What an example they set! Instead of being drawn to the faults they thanked God for the blessings which were by far greater than any faults or some little spot!
We always thank God for all of you.
I'm thankful for the church today. It is a blessing to my soul! The church has been very good to me. I read a quote from a Japanese person following the earthquake in some of Samaritan's Purse's material, "The reason we have been able to survive the last few weeks is because of Christians." Immediately the church went into the south to help following these devastating tornadoes. I know of one small church here on Long Island who is continuing to help in the aftermath of Katrina. They take a team to Louisiana each summer. It is the church who visits the sick, brings meal to those in need and comforts those in pain.
Look at what Paul, Silas and Timothy gave thanks for.
1. Their work produced by faith.
Faith without works is dead but works produced by faith is electric! Dynamic!
*Their hands-I am thankful for the hands around this church. The church yard is beautiful this morning because the Hand of God along with the hands of Bob Pawson.
*Art- our Sunday School has a personal touch. The material is made by loving hands. The bulletin, the clean building we have.
*This building was produced by faith.
The spiritual building is as well.
2. Their labor prompted by love.
What a difference between forced labor and a labor of love.
Today is Mother's Day. Our mothers labored in love from our birth and all the way.
When something is done out of love it has a fragrance and a beauty.
3. Their endurance inspired by hope in Our LORD Jesus Christ.
Flash in the pans catch the eye but they don't last long. Thank God for those who endure to the end. Thank God for those who finish the race and keep the faith.
Give thanks for the church, His church today and every day!
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