Sunday, July 24, 2011

CHRIST, The Faithful Son

Hebrews 3.1-6

Hebrews shows how the New and Everlasting Covenant is far superior to the Old.

Moses was a faithful servant in God's House He built the tabernacle according to the specifications the LORD gave him on Mount Sinai. He built it for Abraham's physical descendants that they could become a nation with priests whereby all people on the earth could have access to through the written code to God. Moses, the faithful servant. He stands as an example for all who lead in God's House. He wasn't perfect but he was faithful.

Christ is a faithful Son in the House of God His Father. This is vastly from the Old Covenant. Jesus said, "I will build My Church" Matthew 16.18 The word build refers to a family. Christ is building His church through people coming into God's family by being born again.

Moses used material (and we know the details of it) to build the tabernacle and the things necessary for the priests to carry out worship. Under the New Covenant we are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. I Peter 2.5 He is the Living Stone, the Rock upon which we are being built.

For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
The law showed us our sin; Christ forgives our sins and shows us the Father.

1. He is the Son Of God. -v.6
His Only Son. - John 3.16
His Kingdom is an everlasting kingdom- different in all the kingdoms on earth.
For example: Psalm 116.15 Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints.
Not totally in our sight because we don't have clear vision. We see a poor reflection, through a glass dimly. What a glad welcome those who held firmly to their faith receive- wonderful!
He is in very nature God. Philippians 2.6, John 1.1
Christ became a man- Jesus Christ the LORD. He was born to Mary but when He was just 12 He made a clear distinction of where He had to be.

2. He is in His Father's House.
Luke 2.41-50 Didn't you know I had to be in My Father's House?
John 14.1-3 He is Home With His Father now that His Work on Earth is done.

3. He cleansed His Father's House on Earth. John 2.13-17
He cares for it.
We are His Body. We are His house on earth.
Before the New Covenant He cleansed the house Moses built-Solomon
John 2.16 He has zeal for it.
His House, we His church, a place of prayer for all nations Matthew 21.13

4. He is going to bring all who believe and v.14 hold firmly till the end the confidence we had at first to His Father's House in Heaven.
*Rejoice in that Blessed Hope today!
*Keep yourselves in the love of God.
*Be merciful to those who doubt.
*Snatch others from the fire.
*Build yourselves up in the faith (God's Word) Pray in the Spirit!

You are in Christ, God's Faithful Son. Remain in His Love!

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