James 4.8 Come near to God and He will come near to you.
Because of what Jesus did by dying on the cross, by offering Himself in Jerusalem we are called to draw near to Him.
In Jerusalem just down the hill from Golgotha stood the Temple. In the Temple was the Holy Place separated by the veil where the Holy of Holies stood. Only once a year and then only the High Priest could enter that Most Holy Place. It was a place of fear and dread (Exodus 28.35)
Christ Jesus opened up the way for us- the new and living way. At the moment He died the curtain was torn in two from top to bottom. (Matthew 27.50-51)
This portion of Hebrews that we have read this morning is full of exhortations. Based upon the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross we are called to draw near to the LORD God. In these verses we are told how to do it.
1. Hold unswervingly to the Hope we profess. -v.23
Our Hope is Christ coming for us soon.
We will be with the LORD forever.
Our Only Hope is Jesus! Because of what Jesus did it is built on nothing less than Jesus' Blood and Righteousness.
Keep this Hope secure, make it firm, make it your possession. He will come.
Life can pull us in a different direction: its worries, riches and pleasures.
We are told that the LORD is faithful to what He has promised, indeed faithful to all His Promises. Therefore read God's Word to get those promises in your heart and mind. Meditate upon them This will tighten your grip on Hope.
Keep yourself from becoming polluted by the world. James 1.27
2. Consider how we may spur one another on to Love and Good Deeds. -v.24
Give each other a "jab".
This is not (to use a term of the 70's and 80's) to put someone on a guilt trip or shame them or embarrass them into serving. It is rather a loving incite to do good and love deeply.
These good deeds expressed through love bring glory to God. Its not about getting credit or applause but to be like Jesus. It is doing it out of a heart of love.
Paul writes to the church at Philippi "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others." (Philippians 2.3-4) He writes to the Ephesians about this also in 4.29 of that letter.
3. Keep on meeting together and encourage each other as the Day of Christ's Appearing approaches. -v.24
Some have fallen away from the fellowship. Don't let that happen to you!
They are in the habit of doing something else when the church gathers. As we meet this morning they are doing something else. Even if you are reading this and you are in the habit of not meeting with the church, go find a good church (no church is perfect on earth) and get back to fellowship- you need it! The church needs you! Decide now that enough of this habit! Get back to it!
* Let's keep on meeting together- go after those who are on the edge
Jude 23- snatch others from the fire and save them.
*Let's keep on encouraging one another
parakleo- Paraklete- the Holy Spirit's work. Let the Spirit work through you to call, comfort, exhort, beg, strengthen.
*Let's look to the skies for He's Coming Again!
Draw Near to God
*Hold firmly to the Hope we profess.
*Think about ways to lovingly irritate others to love and good works.
*Keep on meeting together, encourage each other as our redemption draws near!
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