We are at the end of the wanderings of Israel in the Desert for 40 years. The parents of this entire generation are all gone. The new generation is now ready to go and possess the land. However there is a problem.
The problem is was not an economic or social one. It was not a governmental one. It was, at its root, a deeply spiritual problem. Many problems are. our nation faces a myriad of problems today but at the root of many of these is spiritual failure. The breaking of God's law, rebellion against His authority, ignoring what His Word says brings consequences to every strata of life.
1. Selfishness, Greed and Worldly Wisdom Must Be Put To Death If We Are Going To Follow Jesus. - v.1
Colossians 3.5 Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature.
Those who are rich have a special set of problems and temptations.
On the way to Jerusalem, Jesus met Bartimaeus in Jericho. He was a blind beggar. He cried out to Jesus and Jesus healed him and immediately Bartimaeus became part of the Palm Sunday Processional.
A little while prior to this a rich, young ruler came to Jesus seeking eternal life. After a brief conversation with the LORD he went away sorrowful because he had great riches. Jesus said to the disciples, "I tell you the truth; it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 19.23 A blind beggar receives his sight and he leaves Jericho and follows Jesus. A rich, young ruler receives direction he asked for and he walks away because of his great wealth. Bartimaeus has his name written down in heaven and we know him and the unnamed young rich ruler has his name known on earth but not in heaven. Who is richer?
The Reubenites and the Gadites were allowing their very large herds and flocks to prevent them from entering the land God promised them.
There was and is a subtle danger after a great victory vs.4; 31.48-49
Pride came in and they began to lean on their own understanding. One of the things you see in Proverbs is this humility for the hearer/reader to submit to God's way against all reasoning and temptation, to look deeper into decisions and think about their consequences. Wealth can be so deceiving.
That is what happened to these tribes- They let down their guard and they had a lapse in judgment.
The Reubenites and the Gadites
were looking out for themselves, initially unconcerned about their fellow countrymen which were also family.
They completely disobeyed the LORD by not going into Canaan.
Israel's place was inside the Promised Land, not on its borders outside.
2. As We Follow Jesus We Need To Continue All The Way. -v.5
Do not make us cross the Jordan.
This was synonymous with (14.3) "Wouldn't it be better for us to go back to Egypt?"They came to the edge of God's Will but failed to enter. They were just outside.
They gave arguments to excuse their compromise. Such arguments can sound very convincing. (vs.16-19)
I have been a pastor for more than 32 years now. I have heard people come up with some pretty convincing arguments when compromising. It is convincing until you read God's Word. Then those arguments are foolish. I suppose I have had heard nearly an argument for each one of the ten commandments. It is so sad.
The tribes of Reuben and Gad and now the half tribe of Mannesah were making a decision based on material gain rather than on God's will. The China Inland Mission and many of the faith mission movements would never have been launched if the decision was based in finances or resources at hand. How many visions have been swallowed up by worldly wisdom.
We find the long term consequence of their choice and compromise.
I Chronicles 5.18-26 War
II Kings 15.29 Capture
Mark 5.1-17 Gadarenes
Unbelief, complacency, indifference to God's Word are things we must not allow to come and find a place in our hearts.
3. In Response To What Christ Did And Said, Follow Him. Matthew 16.24-27
Romans 12.1-2
Be devoted to the whole Kingdom of God.
Have a character expressing itself in obedience to God's Will.
Do not settle for anything less than being in the center of God's perfect will.
Honor Him by giving yourself (past, present and future) to Him.
Hebrews 10.35-36 So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.
You need to persevere
so that when you have done the will of God you will receive what He has promised.