Sunday, March 4, 2012

Just As Moses Lifted Up The Snake In The Desert

Numbers 21.4-9
John 3.1-18, 12.23-33

Nicodemus came to Jesus at night. He was with a secret disciple, Joseph of Arimethea at Jesus's death. (John 19.38-39). Jesus had a conversation with him about being born again. Nicodemus' lack of understanding led Jesus to share a familiar account with Israel's Teacher from their history, one that he would have taught himself.

Paul told the Corinthian Church in his first letter to them that when he was with them he determined to know nothing except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

There are analogies to be made to this event in the desert and to our LORD's death on the cross. We ought to think about the cross often. We took the LORD's Supper this morning to remind us of His death. We need to do this to keep the cross before us. We proclaim the LORD's death until He comes by doing this.

Notice with me this morning...

1. All Have Been Bitten By the Serpent of Sin. Romans 3.23
Numbers 21.7 We have sinned.

A complaining heart makes life hard. Paul wrote to the Philippians, "Do everything without complaining..." (Philippians 2.14) It can lead you astray. We ought to be saying, "Hasn't the LORD been good to us?" We ought to be the most thankful people on earth. Stay away from complaining.

The LORD had given them victory over the Canaanite King of Arad. -v.1

They grew impatient on the way to the Promised Land.

After victory, after God blesses, after answers to prayer, be careful that you don't grow impatient with the journey when it settles back down.

Ingratitude is a sin that usually leads to other sins- v.5
All sin is against God.- v.5a

Jesus Christ died for the whole world because of the love of the Father and the whole world was guilty before Him.
Galatians 3.22 The Scripture declares that the whole world is a prisoner of sin.
I John 2.2 [Jesus Christ] is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.

2. Jesus Christ Was Lifted Up From The Earth On The Cross. Matthew 27.32-44

The remedy from the snake bites was in looking to the bronze serpent on the pole.
The remedy from the venom of sin is in looking to Jesus Christ, Who died on the cross.

In Silver Springs, Florida, Ross Allen, in the past century, began the Reptile Institute. Among other things it was known for its rattlesnake milking. The venom of the rattlesnake is used to produce antivenin, which is the substance that saves a person from death when they are bitten by one of these deadly serpents.

The remedy is in the poison. Christ is the remedy for sin.
He became a sin offering for us. Romans 8.3 For what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the sinful nature, God did by sending His Own Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering. He condemned sin. He carried our sins, took them upon Himself. The remedy for sin in Numbers and the New Testament is from God.

When He died on the cross, He was lifted up from the earth. It was a conspicuous position. Both the serpent and Christ were outside the tabernacle tent area. The remedy was not found with the priests or regular sacrifices.

Then God exalted Him Philippians 2.8-11
raised Him to the Supreme Majesty, Highest power and rank- beyond measure.

3. Christ Jesus Draws People To Himself. Luke 23.39-43
He began to do this immediately at His Death Matthew 27.54
He has done it for 2,000 years. Acts 1.1 all that Jesus began to do and to teach.
The church amazes me. Henry Ford said it: He took the church's existence as the only proof for the argument that God existed that he needed: "No organization could be run so poorly and yet survive." Wherever I have gone in the world, be it the Middle East, the Far East, Africa or the Caribbean the church stands strong.

He is drawing people today. In our country with the tragedies of the death and destruction the tornadoes brought this week, Samaritan's Purse and our own denomination along with many other groups are there already helping bring healing. In Iran today a pastor of a church in Southern California is making low level contact with the Iranian Government to seek the release of that young pastor condemned to die for simply preaching the gospel.

Let's cooperate with His Spirit. The Father through the Spirit draws people to Himself by His Son.

Isaiah 45.22 Turn to Me and be saved, all you ends of the earth;

for I am God, and there is no other.

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