The LORD desires to be at the center of our lives. This truth reverberates in God's Word from Genesis to Revelation, We see it this morning in Numbers.
*The day (Daily morning and Evening Sacrifices)
*The Week (With its Sabbath Days- the only time measurement not tied to astronomy)
*The Monthly Offerings
*The Feasts of Spring and Fall (During the Growing Season)
This system put together perfectly by a perfect God assured that the whole year and every day of it was filled with the worship of the LORD and a recognition of the deep need of Him in the life of every Israelite.
Christ is the fulfillment of the feasts. In Matthew 5.17 Jesus said that He had come to fulfill the law. This word "fulfill" has several meanings. It meant to cause to abound, to complete, to carry it out to its end, fill up to the brim. Each feast and offering had a common thread: Lambs, males a year old without any defect were offered to God in them.
When Jesus came to place at the Jordan River where John, the Baptist was ministering, John said, "Look the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world!" (John 1.29)
When the Apostle John received the Revelation of Jesus Christ, one of the elders in heaven said to him, "See, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Root of David has triumphed (5.5) John wrote, "Then I saw a Lamb, looking as if it had been slain, standing in the center of the throne." (5.6)
We read this morning about the Passover Feast and the Day of Atonement. In Christ's death both of the Old Testament rites were fulfilled. The feasts and holy days were like buds on a flower that blossomed as Christ fulfilled them. Wrapped around their growing season from beginning to end and involving their livestock, these special commemorative times in Israel had great meaning. The Israelites were shepherds and farmers. The sacrifices and offerings came from their work, a portion given to God. In Christ we understand Who/What they pointed to.
1. The LORD's Passover vs.16-25
This was the first of the feasts. It began the agricultural year.
This feast commemorated the LORD's passing over the houses of the Israelites when He struck down the first born of the Egyptians as recorded in Exodus.
This feast reminds us how Israel walked out of slavery by the Egyptians. God did the work. They were redeemed by placing the blood of the lamb on the door posts, after slaughtering it for the Passover meal.
I Corinthians 5.7 Christ, Our Passover Lamb has been sacrificed.
He died to take away the sin of the world. Deliverance from the bondage of it.
We ought to be giving thanks to Him continually for our salvation which was made possible through Jesus' death on the cross during the Passover which we now call Holy Week.
Genesis 22.8 God Himself will provide the lamb/ God will provide Himself the Lamb.
The Lamb of God, our Passover Lamb, died so our sins could be forgiven and rose again so we could live with Him eternally.
2. Christ's Atoning Sacrifice 29.7-11
Passover took place in the spring, The Day of Atonement in the fall.
The Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, is about reconciliation between God and human beings. On this day only the High Priest officiated. It was a solemn, sad day. A day of fasting and being sorry for sins.
I John 2.1b-2 Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but the sins of the whole world.
Colossians 1.21-22
Hebrews 9.1-14
The Day of Atonement
A renewal, a restoration- bringing back into harmony God and man.
Then every 50th year there was the year of Jubilee. Each Israelite would get to live through at least one of these. It was on the Day of Atonement that the trumpet would sound proclaiming liberty to all Israelites who were in bondage to slavery and a return of property belonging to their ancestors. The Day of Atonement was a day of return and recommitment.
Christ's sacrifice of Himself brought deliverance from the devil's dominion, sets us free and takes back ground Satan stole. Satan is the prince of this world, who stands condemned. Jesus Christ is the King of kings and the LORD of lords Who will reign forever.
What a debt of love I owe. Here LORD I give myself away, tis all that I can do.
3. Our Response Romans 12.1-2
In view of God's mercies, offer your bodies as living sacrifices
Christ offered Himself up as the Lamb of God. He fulfilled the law, the Old Covenant.
Isaiah 53.6 The LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all. He redeemed us by his own body.
Acts 20.28 the church of God which He bought with His own blood.
Ephesians 5.25 Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her.
We are to offer ourselves up for Him, fully and completely. His blood purifies us from all sin. His Spirit gives us power to live for Him and to be His witnesses.
Share the Lamb! (Exodus 12.4)
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