Exodus 25.1-9
This was the first instance, the beginning, of organized giving to the LORD. From this point on as worship- prescribed worship was established. Included in it was the giving of the best to Him on the part of His worshippers.
The first recorded act of giving was Abel Genesis 4.3-4
The LORD looked with favor on Abel and his offering.
Even before giving was commanded by the LORD, He placed in the hearts of people to tithe- giving 10% of their income to Him. Genesis 14. 17-24
How did Abraham know to do this? Obviously it was in his heart, out of love for the LORD, for all God had done for him. He was a friend of God's. The man of faith honors the LORD with a portion of what God has blessed him with.
In Israel's time of the prophets a number of call went out to the people about their lack of giving to God. The strongest rebuke and yet one with correction and a promise was given to the people by Malachi (3.8-12).
By the time we get to the new Testament more light is shed on this grace of giving, of seeking first God's kingdom in our finances as well as all of life, of being a joint venture partner with God. Paul write to the Church at Corinth about this II Corinthians 9.1-15
What can we learn from this first instance of organized giving in Exodus?
1.When We Give to the Church We are Giving to God. -v.1
Tell the Israelites to bring Me an offering
This is an act of worship between the worshipper and God.
We may place our check or cash in the offering plate or offering box but it is to Him we are giving.
These gifts the Israelites were offering had been the accumulated from their ancestors which they got from the Egyptians and the Amalekites.
I Corinthians 4.7 What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not?
2. Giving is From the Heart.- v.2
These are loving gifts- Valentine's Day- Love gifts... not done because someone has a gun to your head but rather because of what is in your heart.
lit. "whose heart drives him"
We give because of what God has done for us!
Israel came out of Egypt. God delivered them- He has delivered us from sin- think (briefly) of where we could be today- makes me shudder! We should be forever grateful!
We give because of John 3.16 For God so loved the world that HE GAVE His only begotten Son.
Offering= free will offerings.
3. Giving is for Spiritual Purposes Ultimately- vs.3-9
They were building a place of worship-m a visible sign of His Presence.
Blue- sky, Purple - majesty, Scarlet- man's sin and the Blood of Christ
God loves us- He carries us vs.6-7 onyx stone and other gems- High Priest carried the people of Israel on his shoulders and his heart.
The tabernacle (Exodus 25-30) was a physical structure with spiritual purposes. They gave to build the building but really to carry out the work of God. It was not a monument it was a sanctuary- active ministry was going on 24-7.
The church is a spiritual house being built in part by giving of our means with God and people's souls in view.
The result of this call is in Exodus 36.2-7
Make giving to God something you do from the heart (good time to reflect and give thanks is when you are writing the check or getting cash together).
Remember you are storing up treasure in heaven as you give. Jesus did not give us details on this. He just told us it was so. We'll have to wait to see. what it is. We cannot imagine how wonderful it will be! We are having a direct effect on eternity! Give to the LORD with Gladness!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
How To Treat Your Enemies
Exodus 23.4-5
By the very fact that you follow Jesus you have enemies. Jesus had them. They saw to His Crucifixion. He told His disciple the night before He died, in John 15.18, "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated Me first." Our lives are salt and light. Salt and light are among other things, irritants. Living the right way irritates people who aren't living right.
Enemies can come about because of jealousy, envy, and bitterness on their part.
Milo Arnold said there is only one way to get rid of an enemy.
If you ignore them, they remain an enemy.
If you destroy them they die an enemy.
If you love them they will no longer be your enemy, on your end and your part.
This passage forms a thread throughout the scriptures. It is the Law of Love.
Matthew 5.43-48
Luke 10.27 Love your neighbor as yourself.
Romans 13.8,10 Let no debt remain outstanding except the continuing debt to love one another. Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.
Some people think hate is the most powerful force in the world. They see the devastation and destruction it brings. Not true. Love is the most powerful force in the world and the universe. Look at the hospitals, relief organizations love has produces. Look at mission trips- people going to help others not for pay but because of love. Some look at love as weakness- but God so loves the world that He (Almighty God) sent His only begotten Son to die in our place.
Christians are to express neighborly kindness to those who are not good neighbors. This take the power of Christ working in you. His Spirit coming forth.
How To Treat Your Enemies...
1. Never Say, "They Had It Coming To Them." v.4
The temptation certainly will be there to think "serves them right!" They deserved it.
Personal Revenge is not appropriate for Christians.
Do the opposite of revenge or rejoicing (even if it is within your own heart) over an enemy's misfortune: Get in there and help!
Proverbs 25.21-22 If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.
Romans 12.17-21
I Thessalonians 5.15 Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else.
Let hatred cease with us! Speak the Truth in Love. Jesus answered strongly but always with love and concern for each soul
2. Don't Ignore a Situation when it is in Your Power To Act. -vs.4-5
Proverbs 3.27 Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it is in your power to act.
Be ready to do good to everyone.
Kindness to animals is addressed here. They are God's creatures- Be merciful to the animals, regardless of how his master treats you. In helping an enemy get his donkey back on his feet it could soften the ill feelings he has towards you. We need to be sensitive to those "opportunities".
God is working in the world for reconciliation.
3. Go To the Limits of and Beyond. I Corinthians 13.4-13
Love knows no limits. When dealing with an addict or a busy body or a divisive person you better have boundaries or they will destroy you. But love has no limits.
Pastor John White donated a kidney to a fellow pastor. We need to give of ourselves completely.
Yet there is no heaven on earth... yet!
Aim to treat your enemies as you do your best friends. You say that is impossible! You are right. With man this is impossible but with God all things are possible!
When Judas approached Jesus with the mob Jesus called him, "Friend".
When Jesus was on the cross hours later, He prayed for His enemies, "Father, forgive them."
By the very fact that you follow Jesus you have enemies. Jesus had them. They saw to His Crucifixion. He told His disciple the night before He died, in John 15.18, "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated Me first." Our lives are salt and light. Salt and light are among other things, irritants. Living the right way irritates people who aren't living right.
Enemies can come about because of jealousy, envy, and bitterness on their part.
Milo Arnold said there is only one way to get rid of an enemy.
If you ignore them, they remain an enemy.
If you destroy them they die an enemy.
If you love them they will no longer be your enemy, on your end and your part.
This passage forms a thread throughout the scriptures. It is the Law of Love.
Matthew 5.43-48
Luke 10.27 Love your neighbor as yourself.
Romans 13.8,10 Let no debt remain outstanding except the continuing debt to love one another. Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.
Some people think hate is the most powerful force in the world. They see the devastation and destruction it brings. Not true. Love is the most powerful force in the world and the universe. Look at the hospitals, relief organizations love has produces. Look at mission trips- people going to help others not for pay but because of love. Some look at love as weakness- but God so loves the world that He (Almighty God) sent His only begotten Son to die in our place.
Christians are to express neighborly kindness to those who are not good neighbors. This take the power of Christ working in you. His Spirit coming forth.
How To Treat Your Enemies...
1. Never Say, "They Had It Coming To Them." v.4
The temptation certainly will be there to think "serves them right!" They deserved it.
Personal Revenge is not appropriate for Christians.
Do the opposite of revenge or rejoicing (even if it is within your own heart) over an enemy's misfortune: Get in there and help!
Proverbs 25.21-22 If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.
Romans 12.17-21
I Thessalonians 5.15 Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else.
Let hatred cease with us! Speak the Truth in Love. Jesus answered strongly but always with love and concern for each soul
2. Don't Ignore a Situation when it is in Your Power To Act. -vs.4-5
Proverbs 3.27 Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it is in your power to act.
Be ready to do good to everyone.
Kindness to animals is addressed here. They are God's creatures- Be merciful to the animals, regardless of how his master treats you. In helping an enemy get his donkey back on his feet it could soften the ill feelings he has towards you. We need to be sensitive to those "opportunities".
God is working in the world for reconciliation.
3. Go To the Limits of and Beyond. I Corinthians 13.4-13
Love knows no limits. When dealing with an addict or a busy body or a divisive person you better have boundaries or they will destroy you. But love has no limits.
Pastor John White donated a kidney to a fellow pastor. We need to give of ourselves completely.
Yet there is no heaven on earth... yet!
Aim to treat your enemies as you do your best friends. You say that is impossible! You are right. With man this is impossible but with God all things are possible!
When Judas approached Jesus with the mob Jesus called him, "Friend".
When Jesus was on the cross hours later, He prayed for His enemies, "Father, forgive them."
Oh To Be Like Thee!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
The Return of Jesus Christ
Matthew 24
Paul, the apostle, wrote to Titus (2.11-13)
For the grace of God had appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say, "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for
I Thessalonians 4.13-18
Jesus' Words John 14.1-3
It is a shame that there has been so much foolishness and idiocy among men concerning this wonderful truth and Blessed Event!
In the past 23 years, men have made headlines (and sold a load of books!) predicting the years 1988, 1994 and now 2011 as the year when Christ would return. Let's push that off the table this morning and catch the Good News of the Greatest Event still to occur in God's Word and Time line
Creation-Israel-Old Covenant and Testament-Jesus' Birth-Life-Death-Resurrection&Ascension New Testament Church
Next Our Blessed Hope - Jesus' Return!
Since we cannot know the day or the hour what can we know?
1. Watch Out That No One Deceives You! -v.4
These Last Days are times to stay in the Word of God- John 8.31, 15.7
Let nothing move you - I Corinthians 15.58
v.36 No one knows the day or the hour
Reiterated by Jesus in Acts 1.1-8
It is not for us to know the times or the dates the Father has set by His own authority.
I do not recall a time in my 47 years of following Jesus where I have so much deception among people who say they are followers of Jesus Christ in the United States than today.
We are to keep watch because we do not know on what day (y)our LORD will come.
Mark 13.35-37
I believe we need to listen to v.35 Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will never pass away. Let the Word of God dwell in you!
Give your time to the study of the Word of God above all other reading. Saturate yourself in God's Word. Study it. Memorize it. Learn from it. If at anytime another book becomes more important than it, Repent! His Word is a lamp for your feet and a light for your path.
The second thing about Christ's coming is that...
2. The Gospel Being Preached to the Whole World Just Prior To It. -v.14
Faith Missions- Acts -today- mid 1800's great rise in this activity until today with mass communications and over 6.5 billion people in the world the gospel is going out. Bible Translation is happening at a more rapid rate than ever before.
God is using the Internet. Our little church here has preached the gospel through this blog to India, China, the Netherlands, the Philippines, Russia. Latvia and Italy!
Next to our Bible We should have the world atlas or a map of the world so we can pray.
Pray over the countries, the 10/40 window and the continents.
3. We Are Told What His Coming Will Be Like. -v.27
No doubt- no question about it when HE comes!
What it will bring: Revelation 21-22
Revelation 21.1-2 New Heaven, New Earth and a New Jerusalem
Revelation 21.3 No more tears,death mourning, crying or pain.
Revelation 22.1-5 No more curse
Jesus is coming soon!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
The Protection of God For His People
Psalm 91
Jesus prayed in John 17.11 "Holy Father, protect them by the power of Your Name- the Name You gave Me- so that they may be one as We are One."
This is the same protection that Psalm 91 is speaking about- primarily spiritual protection from the evil one and his influence. This is all important. What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?
Interestingly we will pray for "traveling mercies" for a journey here on earth from one place to another and God does answers those prayers. But we ought to be praying for traveling mercies and protection from here to heaven as well. This trip is for eternity. May our prayers be filled with eternity in view.
Psalm 91 contains promises of protection for that eternal trek, the journey of a lifetime, the spiritual journey we are making to heaven. It tells us Who God is and what He does. It is a song of spiritual safety for those who put their trust in the LORD.
In Proverbs 3.21-26 we are told about the right way to live, the spiritual benefits that come to a man who walks with God. Psalm 91 is in part the poetic form of Proverbs 3.
We don't have time this morning or the space on this blog to come close to going through this whole Psalm and doing it any justice so we will pull out some key words which speak of God's Protection for you and I, His people.
1. The LORD is Our Shelter. v.1
The shelter of the Most High dwelling there means staying close to the LORD. It is a place of covering and rest.
rest= lodge or pass the night. This psalm is speaking of the spiritual battle we are in. (vs.3, 5-8)
We are praying that for All those involved in that horrific shooting yesterday in Tuscon, Arizona. We pray for those injured and those families who lost loved ones.
We are praying that for All those involved in that horrific shooting yesterday in Tuscon, Arizona. We pray for those injured and those families who lost loved ones.
The safest place spiritually is near the LORD Psalm 27.4-5
2. The LORD is our Refuge. -v.2
He is our shelter from the storm. There are battles raging today- battles in our mind, battle for truth. As we take in His Word, as we pray, as we realize not only is He in our hearts but He is surrounding us with His Presence, we are given His peace. Philippians 4.6-7. This does not mean we will not be emotional- what it means is that we are holding into our faith in our hearts and
our minds. Riding on a roller coaster can bring out incredible emotions but we know we will get off it eventually. Deuteronomy 33.27
3. The LORD is our Fortress. v.2
He is our stronghold. David had a stronghold in En Gedi. Out in the desert, across from the Dead Sea is En Gedi. Back up in the mountains a ravine is hidden and a waterfall fed with hot springs. Palm tress grow, subtropical vegetation, animals come and feed there. It is a secure dwelling, caves to hide in, safe from harm with all you need. (I Samuel 24).
4. The LORD is Our Covering. -v.4
Matthew 23.37 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings but you were not willing. This cover you with His feathers and under His wings you will find Refuge is referring to what a hen does with her chicks when they are danger or distress. They are hidden under their mother's wings. They are kept warm and safe. We need to huddle together as a church like this today- under the covering of the LORD. Like a hen, like a warrior and like an eagle (Exodus 19.4) the LORD covers us.
5. The LORD is our Rampart. -v.4
He lifts us safely above the battle as we pray and flee to Him. The battle of bitterness and resentment, of jealousy and envy, the battle of wanting to give someone a piece of our mind. Don't stay in the low spots! Let the LORD lift you to a place of forgiveness above the battle.
6. The LORD is Our Guard. v.11
The idea here of guard is to watch and wait- to be alert. He watches over us while we sleep! Personal promise for us individually.
7. The LORD will lift you to protect you from stumbling. -v.12
He will bear you up, carry you and sustain you!The LORD's protection for His people on their way to heaven is all we need!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Here We Go Into 2011
Joshua 1
Philippians 3
It was the passing of an era. Things moved a lot slower on earth in Moses and Joshua's day. Take travel and communication for example. Yet there are timeless truths in this passage which can teach us a lot about transition in life. A New Year is a transition.
Moses, My servant is dead. Moses led the people for 40 years out of Egypt and across the wilderness. I should have taken a fraction of that time. These people were not the easiest group to lead. Moses brought them right to the brink of the Promised Land. Because he had struck the Rock twice to get water for the people when God told him the second time to speak to it, he was kept from entering in. We are told in I Corinthians 10 that that Rock was Christ. God was using that Rock as an example of His Son and the fact that He would give life to the world after offering Himself once for all. The striking of the Rock the second time was a misrepresentation of God to the people and Moses had done this in anger. So He was punished.
But we see God's grace in His discipline. Yes he was kept from going in but Moses died before he went in. It would have been torture for him to watch the nation go in under Joshua after the struggles of those 40 years so God took him and buried him there on Mount Nebo. God's grace is given even when we are being disciplined. I am thankful for all the blessings in my life but I am also thankful for the things the LORD has kept me from.
The word, "Now" in verse 2, is power packed. It is part of this transition of leadership but also giving instructions and promises for the immediate future and the distant future. You see how the LORD transcends time? This was a culmination of years of Israel's history-v.6 Promises made to Abraham, Issac and Jacob were about to be fulfilled. Let's look at the truths for us here as we have begun this New Year.
1. Discouragement was and is a struggle in transitions. v.9
Maybe you are asking yourself today, "How are we going to make it this year?" The world is rotten. I wonder if I will make it.
The remedy is found in v.9b "... for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." There is a Hymn that says "If Jesus goes with me I'll go anywhere"
Key words in this verse are "The LORD" and "wherever".
Things may not go as you had planned. It may be different but many times it ends up being better! The struggles we experience can strengthen us in ways we never dreamed of. We come through suffering with assets that we could not gain any other way.
2. On the Journey to become like Jesus (Hopefully we are gaining more each year), Paul gives us a secret to successfully accomplishing it.
Philippians 3.13-14
Forgetting what is behind
The sins Jesus forgives and forgets. He gives them over to oblivion. We need to do the same with our sins we have asked forgiveness for and the sins of others which they haven't asked forgiveness for!
The failures- Do not dwell on them! Isaiah 43.18-19
The way the LORD has used you, what you have done, what you have given- God has a record book and that's all we need! He has done great things!
Straining toward what is ahead
Spiritual growth- prayer, God's Word, Fruit of the Spirit, Wisdom, Maturity
New ventures of faith/ Sacrificial giving out of deep love for Jesus.
Stretch yourself!
Press on
Running as to catch something or someone- Christ likeness/ Holiness- becoming like Jesus
3. Don't forget where we are going! v.14b
The goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus Have this end in view- sometimes difficult to keep before us. Sunken Meadow and Cardiac Hill.
The crown of life The award to the winner in the games
Heaven We have been invited to a feast! It will be the feast of all feasts!!!
Seeing Jesus Face to Face When we all see Jesus!
Philippians 3
It was the passing of an era. Things moved a lot slower on earth in Moses and Joshua's day. Take travel and communication for example. Yet there are timeless truths in this passage which can teach us a lot about transition in life. A New Year is a transition.
Moses, My servant is dead. Moses led the people for 40 years out of Egypt and across the wilderness. I should have taken a fraction of that time. These people were not the easiest group to lead. Moses brought them right to the brink of the Promised Land. Because he had struck the Rock twice to get water for the people when God told him the second time to speak to it, he was kept from entering in. We are told in I Corinthians 10 that that Rock was Christ. God was using that Rock as an example of His Son and the fact that He would give life to the world after offering Himself once for all. The striking of the Rock the second time was a misrepresentation of God to the people and Moses had done this in anger. So He was punished.
But we see God's grace in His discipline. Yes he was kept from going in but Moses died before he went in. It would have been torture for him to watch the nation go in under Joshua after the struggles of those 40 years so God took him and buried him there on Mount Nebo. God's grace is given even when we are being disciplined. I am thankful for all the blessings in my life but I am also thankful for the things the LORD has kept me from.
The word, "Now" in verse 2, is power packed. It is part of this transition of leadership but also giving instructions and promises for the immediate future and the distant future. You see how the LORD transcends time? This was a culmination of years of Israel's history-v.6 Promises made to Abraham, Issac and Jacob were about to be fulfilled. Let's look at the truths for us here as we have begun this New Year.
1. Discouragement was and is a struggle in transitions. v.9
Maybe you are asking yourself today, "How are we going to make it this year?" The world is rotten. I wonder if I will make it.
The remedy is found in v.9b "... for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." There is a Hymn that says "If Jesus goes with me I'll go anywhere"
Key words in this verse are "The LORD" and "wherever".
Things may not go as you had planned. It may be different but many times it ends up being better! The struggles we experience can strengthen us in ways we never dreamed of. We come through suffering with assets that we could not gain any other way.
2. On the Journey to become like Jesus (Hopefully we are gaining more each year), Paul gives us a secret to successfully accomplishing it.
Philippians 3.13-14
Forgetting what is behind
The sins Jesus forgives and forgets. He gives them over to oblivion. We need to do the same with our sins we have asked forgiveness for and the sins of others which they haven't asked forgiveness for!
The failures- Do not dwell on them! Isaiah 43.18-19
The way the LORD has used you, what you have done, what you have given- God has a record book and that's all we need! He has done great things!
Straining toward what is ahead
Spiritual growth- prayer, God's Word, Fruit of the Spirit, Wisdom, Maturity
New ventures of faith/ Sacrificial giving out of deep love for Jesus.
Stretch yourself!
Press on
Running as to catch something or someone- Christ likeness/ Holiness- becoming like Jesus
3. Don't forget where we are going! v.14b
The goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus Have this end in view- sometimes difficult to keep before us. Sunken Meadow and Cardiac Hill.
The crown of life The award to the winner in the games
Heaven We have been invited to a feast! It will be the feast of all feasts!!!
Seeing Jesus Face to Face When we all see Jesus!
Here we go into 2011. 2010 is in the history books. 2012 is written in God's Book! Let's be encouraged for not only are we heading in a new year but in this marathon we are in called life we are becoming more like Christ and heading to spend eternity with Him in heaven! Let's go!
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