Matthew 24
Paul, the apostle, wrote to Titus (2.11-13)
For the grace of God had appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say, "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for
I Thessalonians 4.13-18
Jesus' Words John 14.1-3
It is a shame that there has been so much foolishness and idiocy among men concerning this wonderful truth and Blessed Event!
In the past 23 years, men have made headlines (and sold a load of books!) predicting the years 1988, 1994 and now 2011 as the year when Christ would return. Let's push that off the table this morning and catch the Good News of the Greatest Event still to occur in God's Word and Time line
Creation-Israel-Old Covenant and Testament-Jesus' Birth-Life-Death-Resurrection&Ascension New Testament Church
Next Our Blessed Hope - Jesus' Return!
Since we cannot know the day or the hour what can we know?
1. Watch Out That No One Deceives You! -v.4
These Last Days are times to stay in the Word of God- John 8.31, 15.7
Let nothing move you - I Corinthians 15.58
v.36 No one knows the day or the hour
Reiterated by Jesus in Acts 1.1-8
It is not for us to know the times or the dates the Father has set by His own authority.
I do not recall a time in my 47 years of following Jesus where I have so much deception among people who say they are followers of Jesus Christ in the United States than today.
We are to keep watch because we do not know on what day (y)our LORD will come.
Mark 13.35-37
I believe we need to listen to v.35 Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will never pass away. Let the Word of God dwell in you!
Give your time to the study of the Word of God above all other reading. Saturate yourself in God's Word. Study it. Memorize it. Learn from it. If at anytime another book becomes more important than it, Repent! His Word is a lamp for your feet and a light for your path.
The second thing about Christ's coming is that...
2. The Gospel Being Preached to the Whole World Just Prior To It. -v.14
Faith Missions- Acts -today- mid 1800's great rise in this activity until today with mass communications and over 6.5 billion people in the world the gospel is going out. Bible Translation is happening at a more rapid rate than ever before.
God is using the Internet. Our little church here has preached the gospel through this blog to India, China, the Netherlands, the Philippines, Russia. Latvia and Italy!
Next to our Bible We should have the world atlas or a map of the world so we can pray.
Pray over the countries, the 10/40 window and the continents.
3. We Are Told What His Coming Will Be Like. -v.27
No doubt- no question about it when HE comes!
What it will bring: Revelation 21-22
Revelation 21.1-2 New Heaven, New Earth and a New Jerusalem
Revelation 21.3 No more tears,death mourning, crying or pain.
Revelation 22.1-5 No more curse
Jesus is coming soon!
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