Sunday, January 30, 2011

Giving To The LORD

Exodus 25.1-9

This was the first instance, the beginning, of organized giving to the LORD. From this point on as worship- prescribed worship was established. Included in it was the giving of the best to Him on the part of His worshippers.

The first recorded act of giving was Abel Genesis 4.3-4
The LORD looked with favor on Abel and his offering.

Even before giving was commanded by the LORD, He placed in the hearts of people to tithe- giving 10% of their income to Him. Genesis 14. 17-24
How did Abraham know to do this? Obviously it was in his heart, out of love for the LORD, for all God had done for him. He was a friend of God's. The man of faith honors the LORD with a portion of what God has blessed him with.

In Israel's time of the prophets a number of call went out to the people about their lack of giving to God. The strongest rebuke and yet one with correction and a promise was given to the people by Malachi (3.8-12).

By the time we get to the new Testament more light is shed on this grace of giving, of seeking first God's kingdom in our finances as well as all of life, of being a joint venture partner with God. Paul write to the Church at Corinth about this II Corinthians 9.1-15

What can we learn from this first instance of organized giving in Exodus?

1.When We Give to the Church We are Giving to God. -v.1
Tell the Israelites to bring Me an offering
This is an act of worship between the worshipper and God.
We may place our check or cash in the offering plate or offering box but it is to Him we are giving.

These gifts the Israelites were offering had been the accumulated from their ancestors which they got from the Egyptians and the Amalekites.
I Corinthians 4.7 What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not?

2. Giving is From the Heart.- v.2
These are loving gifts- Valentine's Day- Love gifts... not done because someone has a gun to your head but rather because of what is in your heart.
lit. "whose heart drives him"

We give because of what God has done for us!
Israel came out of Egypt. God delivered them- He has delivered us from sin- think (briefly) of where we could be today- makes me shudder! We should be forever grateful!
We give because of John 3.16 For God so loved the world that HE GAVE His only begotten Son.
Offering= free will offerings.

3. Giving is for Spiritual Purposes Ultimately- vs.3-9
They were building a place of worship-m a visible sign of His Presence.
Blue- sky, Purple - majesty, Scarlet- man's sin and the Blood of Christ

God loves us- He carries us vs.6-7 onyx stone and other gems- High Priest carried the people of Israel on his shoulders and his heart.

The tabernacle (Exodus 25-30) was a physical structure with spiritual purposes. They gave to build the building but really to carry out the work of God. It was not a monument it was a sanctuary- active ministry was going on 24-7.

The church is a spiritual house being built in part by giving of our means with God and people's souls in view.

The result of this call is in Exodus 36.2-7

Make giving to God something you do from the heart (good time to reflect and give thanks is when you are writing the check or getting cash together).

Remember you are storing up treasure in heaven as you give. Jesus did not give us details on this. He just told us it was so. We'll have to wait to see. what it is. We cannot imagine how wonderful it will be! We are having a direct effect on eternity! Give to the LORD with Gladness!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am so glad to have reaquainted myself with all of you after 43 years God Bless all Of you .Is there anyone still there from 1968 like Mrs. Gordon or anyone I am sadden by the passing of Sister Utrter she was a blessing to all of us. and loved all of us.