Psalm 91
Jesus prayed in John 17.11 "Holy Father, protect them by the power of Your Name- the Name You gave Me- so that they may be one as We are One."
This is the same protection that Psalm 91 is speaking about- primarily spiritual protection from the evil one and his influence. This is all important. What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?
Interestingly we will pray for "traveling mercies" for a journey here on earth from one place to another and God does answers those prayers. But we ought to be praying for traveling mercies and protection from here to heaven as well. This trip is for eternity. May our prayers be filled with eternity in view.
Psalm 91 contains promises of protection for that eternal trek, the journey of a lifetime, the spiritual journey we are making to heaven. It tells us Who God is and what He does. It is a song of spiritual safety for those who put their trust in the LORD.
In Proverbs 3.21-26 we are told about the right way to live, the spiritual benefits that come to a man who walks with God. Psalm 91 is in part the poetic form of Proverbs 3.
We don't have time this morning or the space on this blog to come close to going through this whole Psalm and doing it any justice so we will pull out some key words which speak of God's Protection for you and I, His people.
1. The LORD is Our Shelter. v.1
The shelter of the Most High dwelling there means staying close to the LORD. It is a place of covering and rest.
rest= lodge or pass the night. This psalm is speaking of the spiritual battle we are in. (vs.3, 5-8)
We are praying that for All those involved in that horrific shooting yesterday in Tuscon, Arizona. We pray for those injured and those families who lost loved ones.
We are praying that for All those involved in that horrific shooting yesterday in Tuscon, Arizona. We pray for those injured and those families who lost loved ones.
The safest place spiritually is near the LORD Psalm 27.4-5
2. The LORD is our Refuge. -v.2
He is our shelter from the storm. There are battles raging today- battles in our mind, battle for truth. As we take in His Word, as we pray, as we realize not only is He in our hearts but He is surrounding us with His Presence, we are given His peace. Philippians 4.6-7. This does not mean we will not be emotional- what it means is that we are holding into our faith in our hearts and
our minds. Riding on a roller coaster can bring out incredible emotions but we know we will get off it eventually. Deuteronomy 33.27
3. The LORD is our Fortress. v.2
He is our stronghold. David had a stronghold in En Gedi. Out in the desert, across from the Dead Sea is En Gedi. Back up in the mountains a ravine is hidden and a waterfall fed with hot springs. Palm tress grow, subtropical vegetation, animals come and feed there. It is a secure dwelling, caves to hide in, safe from harm with all you need. (I Samuel 24).
4. The LORD is Our Covering. -v.4
Matthew 23.37 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings but you were not willing. This cover you with His feathers and under His wings you will find Refuge is referring to what a hen does with her chicks when they are danger or distress. They are hidden under their mother's wings. They are kept warm and safe. We need to huddle together as a church like this today- under the covering of the LORD. Like a hen, like a warrior and like an eagle (Exodus 19.4) the LORD covers us.
5. The LORD is our Rampart. -v.4
He lifts us safely above the battle as we pray and flee to Him. The battle of bitterness and resentment, of jealousy and envy, the battle of wanting to give someone a piece of our mind. Don't stay in the low spots! Let the LORD lift you to a place of forgiveness above the battle.
6. The LORD is Our Guard. v.11
The idea here of guard is to watch and wait- to be alert. He watches over us while we sleep! Personal promise for us individually.
7. The LORD will lift you to protect you from stumbling. -v.12
He will bear you up, carry you and sustain you!The LORD's protection for His people on their way to heaven is all we need!
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