Every move of God carries with it an inherent potential problem: God takes people, makes them His people, then blesses them abundantly. Eventually they get to the point of the possibility of forgetting where the blessings came from.
This is an ongoing "tension" in our walk with the LORD-the delicate balance between loving Him without allowing the good things He has given us to come between us and Him by forgetting where the blessings came from.
Ingratitude, self sufficiency, forgetting about God were problems for Israel and the are pits into which any of us can fall if we are not on our guard.
Keep your heart with all diligence for out of it come the issues of life.
The danger of prosperity may produce is pride as God blesses a people/ a nation.
1. In Times of "Not Having" We Sense Our Need of God More. -v.10a
When- go back to the time that precedes the "when".
When they were in the desert/ the wilderness they knew they needed God.
The hungry cry out, "LORD, help me!"
The satisfied ought to say, "Thank You, LORD!" Praise God from Whom All blessings flow!
Prayer often lacks Thanksgiving but is loaded with requests. The Ten Lepers who were all cleansed by Jesus illustrates this.
Those who have received God's blessings ought to be careful lest they say,
"I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing." Revelation 3.17
The suffering of the third world reinforces this truth that when people are in need they sense their need of God and depend on Him.
2. In Times of Wealth We Can Forget The LORD God. vs.10-17
Forget= to cease to care, to ignore, to wither
One of the Easter Lilies we had in the church for Holy Week had drooped last week. I watered it in the morning. After church it had not revived. When Margot and Siggy came last Monday morning to clean the church it was up and vibrant again.
The water of His Word. The Spirit gives life. John 7.37-39; Acts 2.32-33, 3.19
Deuteronomy confirms that we need to go back in our memories from time to time to the root of God's blessings.
Wealth= strength, might, army
It is easy in times of prosperity to forget Him. His blessings must never replace the place Christ is to have in our hearts. In your hearts set apart Christ Jesus as LORD.
The wilderness. desert reinforces that God will provide. Jesus spoke about the deceitfulness of wealth that can actually choke out fruitfulness in the branch (Matthew 13.22).
3. Remember Him- v.18
Remember= to recall to mind, to think of, make a memorial, record, mention- talk about
Who among the rich believes this verse? Not many! Some do like Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimithea but the rest of Sanhedrin didn't.
Avoid self confidence and conceit. Humble yourself- pray. Become like a little child- tender.
When men grow rich their "need" of faith greatly diminishes. Their "dignity" forbids them to bow and worship. The entrance to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem has a low entrance point. Everyone, no matter who they are, must bow before the place where Christ was born.
Let the blessings of God point you to heaven,
Think of all the good things He has given.
Don't let your heart be deceived,
Everything we have we have received.
Everything we have we have received.