Reading the Gospels you find a major portion of each one devoted to Jesus' final week in Jerusalem. Reading through the Gospels you see Jesus' Words concerning what we call Holy Week, Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday. He spoke about His Passion to His disciples about His sufferings, death and Resurrection. In fact He always tied in His death on the cross to the His Resurrection.
We read in Luke 9.51 As the time approached for Him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem. This was long before the final week. He had Jerusalem and His death there in view when He created the heavens and the earth. We are to told in Revelation 13.8 that He was the Lamb that was slain from the creation of the world. God sent His Son to die on the cross for the sins of the whole world. This is part of the account with Nicodemus in John 3. Jesus told him (vs.14-15) Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert. so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in Him may have eternal life.
With full knowledge of this Jesus rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday nearly 2,000 years ago. He rode in knowing it was His final days on the earth. He knew the cheers of the crowd shouting, "Hosanna" would be "crucify Him" of another crowd on before the week ended. He knew this Passover would be transformed into the LORD's Supper, which we take, proclaiming the LORD's death until He comes.
Notice some things about Jesus as He came into Jerusalem on this day.
1. Jesus answered to the Title, LORD, Son of David". 20.29-34
*That is Who He Is.
Matthew 1.1 A record of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David.
Mark 12.35-37
*His Hour had come John 2.4, 12.20-28
He repeatedly told people whom He had healed not to tell anyone Who had done this. He knew that this would bring about conflict too early. Now the gathering storm was about to burst. He had spoken of His hour not yet coming previously. This is why He came John 12.27
So Jesus answered the call of Blind Bartimaeus while still in Jericho but
*He was headed to Jerusalem for the Passover Feast v.29
Coming to Jerusalem...
2. He Wept Over the City. Luke 19.37-44
He is weeping over cities in America today which are destroying themselves.
He is weeping over cities around the world where people are in darkness. Jonah 4.11
Bob Pierce's prayer, "Let my heart be broken with the things that break the heart of God."
the center of worship, where Solomon built the temple.
the capital of Israel.
the place where the nations could come to worship (Court of the Gentiles)
the place where the Nation of Israel in its infancy was saved- Abraham and Isaac on Moriah
*They missed their day, their opportunity
Don't miss it- follow the LORD this day! Obey Him fully.
*It would have brought them peace.
Jerusalem destroyed 17 times, conquered 40.
Peace was within their grasp and they missed it.
Christ welcomed into a heart, a broken home, even His Church where He knocks to re-enter would bring peace within. If He is rejected hope is lost. Peace is eluded.
Jerusalem is now doomed to destruction, the consequence of shutting Christ out.
Finally as He comes into Jerusalem...
3. The Crowds Shouted "Hosanna" As He Rode in on a Donkey. 21.1-11
Psalm 118
Jerusalem asked. The Galileans answered.
The whole city was affected, shaken, quaking, trembling agitated.
The disciples did what He said. His disciples do. -v.6
Many looked at Him as a temporary deliverer, one who would overthrow the Roman occupation and restore the kingdom to Israel. But His kingdom is not of this world. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and deliver people from the kingdom of darkness into His glorious light.
Now He makes intercession for the transgressors and His Church Isaiah 53.12
This is why He came into Jerusalem in Palm Sunday.
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