Do not test the LORD as you did at Massah.
G. Campbell Morgan said, "The best commentary on the Bible on the Bible is the Bible." Look at Exodus 17.1-17. Here we see what they did at Massah.
Difficulties which challenge our faith are tests. Are we going to walk by faith or by sight?
Testing the LORD is trying to force Him to prove Himself by imposing conditions on Him. This was the 2nd Temptation of Jesus by Satan in Matthew 4.5-7. For us this could be praying before we leave on a trip for safety versus driving recklessly and dangerous and expecting God to protect us.
1. Do Not Test the LORD Your God. -v.16
Jesus' words in Matthew 5.7
Testing the LORD means to insist that He prove Himself trustworthy. It comes from presumption and unbelief- seeking to put God to the test versus trusting Him as we walk with Him.
Now God does test us. Deuteronomy 8.2-3
Testing Him is not believing even after we have seen Him work wonders Psalm 95.6-9
He tests us to show us what is in our hearts.- 8.2
In His tests are:
1- Lessons to be learned. (for life)
2- Grace to be received. He gives grace to the humble. -8.2,3
3. Growth to take place. - 8.3 to teach you Always around God's Word. We are in an ongoing work of being made more like Jesus.
2. The Incident at Massah Exodus 17.1-7
Massah= testing or proving
They forgot what God had done. This fits into the warnings about forgetting God throughout Deuteronomy once they got into the Promised Land. A key word and theme we see over and over again in this book is "remember".
God does all He can to foster faith in His people. He gives us the ability to believe and the choice. We must choose. He had Moses use the same rod that he struck the Nile with. He ties in object lessons along with His Word.
This incident at Massah shows how they provoked the LORD by doubting His mercy, goodness, Providence and His Word.
This culminated with the terrible question:
Is the LORD among us or not?
There was a mountain of evidence of the LORD taking care of them in the past. There was no reason to doubt. They were without excuse.
God works in our lives to show us His love and care and to give us reference points for the future. Each of our lives have been a journey which could be written in a journal.
3. Love, Honor and Respect the LORD. Deuteronomy 6.4-5
Love is not manipulative. It does not demand its own way.
As we mature in our walk with the LORD we learn to trust His Providence.
William Cowper's lines:
Judge not the LORD by feeble sense,
But trust Him for His Grace.
Behind a frowning Providence,
He hides a smiling face.
Ye fearful saints fresh courage take,
The clouds you so much dread,
Are big with mercy and shall break,
With blessings on your head.
Walking with the LORD we discover quickly that we can trust Him. The peace of God at the moment we believe at salvation is foundational.
We discover as Spurgeon said, "When we cannot trace His Hand, we can trust His heart." We may not understand. That is precisely when we need to trust Him for His grace. It is at the times when the LORD is testing us, when we are going through the fire or deep waters and spend time alone with Him that the greatest growth takes place and of our love, honor and respect for Him become more precious. I Peter 1.3-9
Do not put the LORD Your God to the test. Trust Him in every test.
Walk with Him right into heaven. Psalm 23.6
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