We are told in John 20.1 that the event of Jesus' Resurrection took place on the first day of the week. Let's read that stirring account John 20.1-20.
John had received The Revelation of Jesus Christ (v.1) on the LORD's Day (v.10)
He is describing Jesus in these verses in His Resurrected Glorified Body/ Christ words to John (vs.17-18) are full of assurance and blessing. Each time Jesus spoke of Life and Death and Life about Himself or His followers He spoke with grace, blessing. peace, hope and heaven. He spoke of eternity.
In His Own words, "Don't be afraid. I am the first and the last. I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive forever and ever!"
1. Jesus said, "I am the Resurrection and the Life." John 11.25
He spoke these words at at the home of Mary and Martha while their brother Lazarus lay in the tomb. He speak these words to us today, we who have laid loved ones who were His friends in the grave. He speaks these words to us about our own death if He does not come back before our days are over.
Christ brings hope to His followers when they are in the lowest places in their lives. In Grief, heartache, sorrow and even depression Christ is there! C.S. Lewis wrote, "God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks to us in our consciences but shouts in our pain."
Jesus raised the dead while He was here on earth so that those who followed Him would believe. Lazarus was one of those He raised. One day God will bring with Jesus all those who have died in Him. This promise is for His disciples today and through the ages: I Thessalonians 4.14 We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Him.
There are a lot of people I am looking forward to seeing when Jesus comes again. What a Blessed Hope we have because Jesus rose from the grave!
He is the Life. Eternal Life is both quantitative (everlasting/no end) and qualitative Revelation 21.4 No more death, mourning, crying or pain
I am alive forever and ever.
2. Jesus said that On the third day He would be raised to Life. Matthew 20.19
He always spoke of His Resurrection when He spoke about His death. The cross was always tied in to eternal life and defeating death.
We should always speak of life when we speak of the death of someone who loved the LORD.
I love D.L. Moody's words, "One day you are going to read in the paper that Dwight L. Moody had died. Don't you believe it! For on that day I shall be more alive than I have ever been!"
Alive= Life
Forever= without end
Here on earth we expect to experience death, mourning, crying and pain
When we are on the other side these things will be done away with.
The New Jerusalem is a city without a cemetery- the only one!
Jonah - Matthew 12.39-40
I am alive forever and ever
3. The reactions to this news among His followers all ended in joy.
We already spoke of Peter and John and Mary Magdalene John 20.8-9, 10-18
There were the two on the Road to Emmaus Luke 24.13-35
There was the other Mary Matthew 28.1-10
There was Thomas John 20.19-29
There is you and I today v.29
I am alive forever and ever
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